(registered 2024-05-06, last updated 2024-05-06) Media type name: application Media subtype name: stratum Required parameters: N/A Optional parameters: N/A Encoding considerations: binary The format is just JSON-RPC, but each command is seperated with \n (or \r\n, as long as the line ends with \n). Security considerations: (1) Whether the media type contains active or executable content: The media type itself doesn't contain data that can be executed. It is only a format that contains commands that will be responded to when send over TCP. Downloading and accidently double clicking it will have no effect. (2) Whether the information contained in the media type needs privacy or integrity services: No privacy. The format is mostly used to query public information. If people want more protection, they should use SSL/TLS. (3) If the media type uses an existing format: It is based on JSON, so: See RFC 8259, Section 12. (4) Link(s) that must be referenced in order to properly interpret the type: https://github.com/ben221199/bips/blob/add-bip40/bip-0040.mediawiki Interoperability considerations: Also see RFC 8259. Published specification: https://github.com/ben221199/bips/blob/add-bip40/bip-0040.mediawiki (But will be merged into the main repository.) Applications which use this media: Crypto wallets. Fragment identifier considerations: N/A Restrictions on usage: N/A Additional information: 1. Deprecated alias names for this type: N/A 2. Magic number(s): N/A 3. File extension(s): N/A 4. Macintosh file type code: TEXT 5. Object Identifiers: N/A Person to contact for further information: 1. Name: Ben van Hartingsveldt 2. Email: ben.vanhartingsveldt&yocto.com Intended usage: LIMITED USE Only HTTP (and HTTPS). Author/Change controller: Ben van Hartingsveldt