FOR ARCHIVING: Registration form for 'gallo' --- LANGUAGE SUBTAG REGISTRATION FORM 1. Name of requester: Rembert Eufe 2. E-mail address of requester: rembert.eufe at 3. Record Requested: Type: variant Subtag: gallo Description: Gallo Prefix: fr 4. Intended meaning of the subtag: This subtag denotes the Gallo language, a member of the family of langues-d'oïl which also includes Standard French. Gallo is spoken in parts of western France (Haute-Bretagne, Normandie, and Maine), generally east of the region where Breton is widely spoken. Like many minority languages of France, the use of Gallo has been discouraged since the French Revolution in favor of Standard French. 5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article): Smith, John Charles (2016): "French and northern Gallo-Romance", in Ledgeway, Adam / Maiden, Martin (edd.): The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 292-318, DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677108.003.0018. • In this article, Gallo is mentioned several times as one of the Langue-d'Oïl dialects. Cf. also the map on p. 293 which coincides with the maps of Northern Gallo-Romance one may find in introductory works on Romance languages or French. Chauveau, Jean-Paul (1984): Le Gallo: une présentation. Brest: Université de la Bretagne Occidentale. Chauveau, Jean-Paul (1989): Evolutions phonétiques en Gallo. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Angoujard, Jean-Pierre (2008): Autour du gallo. États des lieux, analyses et perspectives. Actes de la 1re Journée d'Études Gallèses, Nantes, 29 juin 2007. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. Auffray, Régis (2007): Le petit Matao. Rennes: Rue des Scribes. Raude, Alan-Joseph. "Écrire le gallo." Rennes: Bertaeyn Galeizz, 1993, pp. 13-20. (a reference to the ELG orthography; see below) Association des Enseignants de Gallo, Academie de Rennes. "L'Ecriture ABCD." Retrieved 2021-08-04. (a reference to the ABCD orthography; see below) (English Wikipedia) (French Wikipedia) (a comment from the Gallo Academy on the state of formal documentation of the ABCD and ELG orthographies; see below) 6. Any other relevant information: There are several competing Gallo orthographies, due partly to regional differences in pronunciation and partly to the suppression of regional languages in France generally, which discouraged the establishment of a single common orthography. These orthographies can be categorized in different ways: some are based on historical spellings of Gallo, while others are attempts to create a new system from scratch; some are influenced by Standard French orthography, while others implement a strictly phonetic system; some admit alternative spellings corresponding to differing regional pronunciation, while others offer a single unified spelling for a given word. The most prevalent Gallo orthographies are ELG ("écrire le gallo," roughly "Gallo writing"), developed in 1978 by Alan-Joseph Raude, and ABCD (named for its inventors), developed in 2009. ELG is based on medieval Gallo texts and employs a single spelling for each word, while ABCD shows more influence from French and allows writers to write the same word differently, depending on regional pronunciation. An example of ELG spelling, given in the French Wikipedia article, is Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Le mondd véenant sur la terr libr trestóz et s’antrvalant an dreits é an dignitaé. Il lór apartéent d’aveir de la raezon é de la conscéencz et il ont de s’antranchevir com feraent dez fraerr an confraeriy." Other orthographies for Gallo are Aneit, MOGA (from which ABCD was derived), Vantyé, and Deriano.