FOR ARCHIVING: Registration form for 'grmistr' --- LANGUAGE SUBTAG REGISTRATION FORM 1. Name of requester: Lo Congrès Permanent de la Langue Occitane 2. E-mail of requester: info& 3. Record Requested: Type: variant Subtag: grmistr Description: Mistralian or Mistralian-inspired Occitan orthography Prefix: oc Comments: Written standard developed by Romanilha in 1853 and used by Mistral and the Félibres, including derived standards such as Escolo dóu Po, Escolo Gaston Febus, and others 4. Intended meaning of the subtag: 5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article): * Mistral Frédéric, Lou tresor dóu Felibrige, ou Dictionnaire provençal- français embrassant les divers dialectes de la langue d'oc moderne, Aix- en-Provence: J. Remondet-Aubin ; Avignon: Roumanille ; Paris: H. Champion, [1878-1886].