(registered 2019-06-25, last updated 2019-06-25) Media type name: application Media subtype name: vnd.android.ota Required parameters: None Optional parameters: None Encoding considerations: binary Security considerations: The ota file is a zip archive containing a system update for the Android Operating System. This file must be cryptographically signed, using the process set out at https://source.android.com/devices/tech/ota/sign_builds . The signature can be verified via a tool, the latest code of which is located at https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build/+/refs/heads/master/tools/releasetools/check_ota_package_signature.py Since this is a zip file, it has all the same concerns a zip file normally has. Interoperability considerations: There are no special interoperability considerations. ota files are expected to have a specific structure, and the Operating System updater expects and confirms this prior to updating. Published specification: While not an exhaustive specification, there is https://source.android.com/devices/tech/ota/nonab/inside_packages.html Applications which use this media: This is used by the Android Operating System update mechanism. This file can be transferred via arbitrary file transfer applications, and then invoked on an Android device to initialize an operating system update without requiring the device to have any sort of internet connectivity. Fragment identifier considerations: None Restrictions on usage: None Additional information: 1. Deprecated alias names for this type: None 2. Magic number(s): 50 4b 03 04 3. File extension(s): ota 4. Macintosh file type code: None 5. Object Identifiers: None General Comments: The magic number is the ZIP magic number and appears at the beginning of the file. OTA is an acronym for Over The Air, since the file format is identical to what is used for OTA updates. Person to contact for further information: 1. Name: Greg Kaiser 2. Email: android-iana-mime-registration&google.com Intended usage: Common Author/Change controller: Greg Kaiser