(registered 2022-09-19, last updated 2022-09-19) Media type name: model Media subtype name: vnd.usda Required parameters: N/A Optional parameters: N/A Encoding considerations: 8bit usda is a UTF-8 encoded text format. Security considerations: The usda file format is a UTF-8 text encoding of the Universal Scene Description (henceforth referred to as "USD") data model, a namespace hierarchy of containers called "prims" that in addition to other prims, can contain typed attributes (and animated data for those attributes), anchored relationships between prims and attributes, and various metadata, including references to other "assets", which may be filepaths or URI's; the data contained in a usda file *can* be useful to some clients without following or incorporating these links. A usda file contains no executable content; each file must be parsed by a consuming application as USD data, which the application can then use as it sees fit, typically to be processed as part of a USD scene graph. The format provides no privacy or integrity services. Users wishing to provide such services externally can do so using available security protocols such as SSL/TLS. No exhaustive security audit has been performed on the usda format; however, all CVE issues discovered by Talos relating to the canonical implementation of USD hosted by Pixar as noted below have been addressed, current as of 8/2022. Interoperability considerations: A usda document will always contain a format version number, allowing clients to distinguish possible future changes to the syntax/grammar. Additionally, individual "prim schemas" within a document may contain version numbers allowing for fine-grained, robust data versioning management. A usda document is always and only UTF-8, so other text encodings must first be converted to UTF-8 to be safely added to a usda document. The USD software framework is inclusive of many other data formats, and provides tools for converting other formats to usda, which is USD's native text encoding. Published specification: USD documentation: https://graphics.pixar.com/usd USD library code: https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/USD usda flex syntax: https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/USD/blob/release/pxr/usd/sdf/textFileFormat.ll bison grammar: https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/USD/blob/release/pxr/usd/sdf/textFileFormat.yy Applications which use this media: USD, and by extension, its usda format, are used in digital content creation (DCC) tools to describe and interchange primarily 3D data of arbitrary scale and complexity, although the data model is general enough to extend beyond the encoding of 3D scenes. USD is also used by applications presenting 3D data and renderings of 3D data to users for interaction, immersion, or linear storytelling. The usda format, designed to be a more easily human-readable text encoding of USD data than would be possible with XML, is especially useful to DCC's for exchanging data interactively (e.g. in system copy/cut buffers) between workflows or applications. Fragment identifier considerations: N/A Restrictions on usage: N/A Provisional registration? (standards tree only): No Additional information: 1. Deprecated alias names for this type: N/A 2. Magic number(s): "#usda MAJOR.MINOR" at byte zero 3. File extension(s): usda 4. Macintosh file type code: N/A 5. Object Identifiers: N/A MacOS and iOS Universal Type Identifier code: com.pixar.universal-scene-description-utf8 conforms to public.3d-content and to public.utf8-plain-text Windows Clipboard Name: "USDA utf-8 Universal Scene Description" Person to contact for further information: 1. Name: Sebastian Grassia 2. Email: usd-iana&pixar.com Intended usage: COMMON See "Application Usage" above for intended use of he usda format. Author/Change controller: Pixar Animation Studios