Name : Arild Fuldseth E-mail : Arild.Fuldseth& MIME media type name : Video MIME subtype name : Vendor Tree - vnd.fvt Required parameters : none Optional parameters : none Encoding considerations : Video/vnd.fvt objects are binary in nature and require encoding for transfer over 7bit or 8bit transports. Security considerations : Video/vnd.fvt objects do not contain executable code and as such their display should not raise any security concerns. Interoperability considerations : none Published specification : none Applications which use this media : Java applet player from FAST Search & Transfer ASA EPOC native code player from FAST Search & Transfer ASA Additional information : 1. Magic number(s) : FVT 2. File extension(s) : .fvt 3. Macintosh file type code : Person to contact for further information : 1. Name : Arild Fuldseth 2. E-mail : Arild.Fuldseth& Intended usage : Common Author/Change controller : Arild Fuldseth