RLDNS_Active_IP-UDP-Poisson_RFC8912sec6_Logical_Raw All section numbers below refer to RFC 8912 6.1. Summary    This category includes multiple indexes to the Registry Entries: the     element ID and Metric Name. 6.1.1. ID (Identifier)    5 6.1.2. Name    RLDNS_Active_IP-UDP-Poisson_RFC8912sec6_Logical_Raw 6.1.3. URI    URL: https://www.iana.org/assignments/performance-metrics/RLDNS_Active_IP-UDP-Poisson_RFC8912sec6_Logical_Raw 6.1.4. Description    This is a metric for DNS Response performance from a network user's     perspective, for a specific named resource. The metric can be measured     repeatedly using different resource names.    RLDNS:  This metric indicates that the response was deemed lost. In     other words, the response time exceeded the maximum waiting time. 6.1.5. Change Controller    IETF 6.1.6. Version (of Registry Format)    1.0 6.2. Metric Definition    This category includes columns to prompt the entry of all necessary     details related to the metric definition, including the RFC reference     and values of input factors, called "Fixed Parameters". 6.2.1. Reference Definition    Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and specification",     STD 13, RFC 1035, DOI 10.17487/RFC1035, November 1987,      (and updates). [RFC1035]    Morton, A., "Round-Trip Packet Loss Metrics", RFC 6673,     DOI 10.17487/RFC6673, August 2012,     . [RFC6673]   For DNS Response Loss, the entities in [RFC1035] must be mapped     to [RFC6673]. The Local Host with its User Program and Resolver     take the Role of "Src", and the Foreign Name Server takes the Role     of "Dst".    Both response time and Loss metrics employ a maximum waiting time     for received responses, so the count of lost packets to total packets     sent is the basis for the loss determination as per Section 4.3 of     [RFC6673]. 6.2.2. Fixed Parameters    Type-P as defined in Section 13 of [RFC2330]:    IPv4 header values:       DSCP:  Set to 0       TTL:  Set to 255       Protocol:  Set to 17 (UDP)    IPv6 header values:       DSCP:  Set to 0       Hop Count:  Set to 255       Next Header:  Set to 17 (UDP)       Flow Label:  Set to 0       Extension Headers:  None    UDP header values:       Source port:  53       Destination port:  53       Checksum:  The checksum MUST be calculated and the non-zero        checksum included in the header    Payload:       The payload contains a DNS message as defined in [RFC1035]        with the following values:    The DNS header section contains:       Identification (see the Runtime column)       QR:  Set to 0 (Query)       OPCODE:  Set to 0 (standard query)       AA:  Not set       TC:  Not set       RD:  Set to 1 (recursion desired)       RA:  Not set       RCODE:  Not set       QDCOUNT:  Set to 1 (only one entry)       ANCOUNT:  Not set       NSCOUNT:  Not set       ARCOUNT:  Not set    The Question section contains:       QNAME:  The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided as input        for the test; see the Runtime column       QTYPE:  The query type provided as input for the test; see the        Runtime column       QCLASS:  Set to 1 for IN    The other sections do not contain any Resource Records (RRs). Other measurement Parameters:    Tmax:  A loss threshold waiting time (and to help disambiguate queries).     The value is 5.0, expressed in units of seconds, as a positive value of type     decimal64 with fraction digits = 4 (see Section 9.3 of [RFC6020]) and with     a resolution of 0.0001 seconds (0.1 ms), with lossless conversion to/from     the 32-bit NTP timestamp as per Section 6 of [RFC5905]. Observation:  Reply packets will contain a DNS Response and may contain RRs. 6.3. Method of Measurement    This category includes columns for references to relevant sections of     the RFC(s) and any supplemental information needed to ensure an unambiguous     method for implementations. 6.3.1. Reference Methods    The methodology for this metric (equivalent to     Type-P-Round-trip-Delay-Poisson-Stream) is defined as in Section 2.6     of [RFC2681] (for singletons) and Section 3.6 of [RFC2681] (for samples)     using the Type-P and Timeout defined in the Fixed Parameters column.    The reference method distinguishes between long-delayed packets and     lost packets by implementing a maximum waiting time for packet arrival.     Tmax is the waiting time used as the threshold to declare a response     packet lost. Lost packets SHALL be designated as having undefined delay     and counted for the RLDNS metric.    The calculations on the delay (RTT) SHALL be performed on the conditional     distribution, conditioned on successful packet arrival within Tmax. Also,     when all packet delays are stored, the process that calculates the RTT     value MUST enforce the Tmax threshold on stored values before calculations.     See Section 4.1 of [RFC3393] for details on the conditional distribution     to exclude undefined values of delay, and see Section 5 of [RFC6703] for     background on this analysis choice.    The reference method requires some way to distinguish between different     packets in a stream to establish correspondence between sending times     and receiving times for each successfully arriving reply.    DNS messages bearing queries provide for random ID Numbers in the     Identification header field, so more than one query may be launched     while a previous request is outstanding when the ID Number is used.     Therefore, the ID Number MUST be retained at the Src and included with     each response packet to disambiguate packet reordering if it occurs.    If a DNS Response does not arrive within Tmax, the response time RTDNS     is undefined, and RLDNS = 1. The Message ID SHALL be used to disambiguate     the successive queries that are otherwise identical.    Since the ID Number field is only 16 bits in length, it places a limit on     the number of simultaneous outstanding DNS queries during a stress test     from a single Src address.    Refer to Section 4.4 of [RFC6673] for an expanded discussion of the     instruction to "send a Type-P packet back to the Src as quickly as possible"     in Section 2.6 of [RFC2681]. However, the DNS server is expected to perform     all required functions to prepare and send a response, so the response time     will include processing time and network delay. Section 8 of [RFC6673]     presents additional requirements that SHALL be included in the Method of     Measurement for this metric.    In addition to operations described in [RFC2681], the Src MUST parse the     DNS headers of the reply and prepare the query response information for     subsequent reporting as a measured result, along with the round-trip delay. 6.3.2. Packet Stream Generation    This section provides details regarding packet traffic, which is used as     the basis for measurement. In IPPM Metrics, this is called the "stream"; this     stream can easily be described by providing the list of stream Parameters.    Section 11.1.3 of [RFC2330] provides three methods to generate Poisson     sampling intervals. The reciprocal of lambda is the average packet spacing;     thus, the Runtime Parameter is Reciprocal_lambda = 1⁠/lambda, in seconds.    Method 3 SHALL be used. Where given a start time (Runtime Parameter), the     subsequent send times are all computed prior to measurement by computing     the pseudorandom distribution of inter-packet send times (truncating the     distribution as specified in the Parameter Trunc), and the Src sends each     packet at the computed times.    Note that Trunc is the upper limit on inter-packet times in the Poisson     distribution. A random value greater than Trunc is set equal to Trunc     instead. 6.3.3. Traffic Filtering (Observation) Details    N/A 6.3.4. Sampling Distribution    N/A 6.3.5. Runtime Parameters and Data Format    Runtime Parameters are input factors that must be determined, configured     into the measurement system, and reported with the results for the context     to be complete.    Src:  The IP address of the host in the Src Role (format ipv4‑address-no-zone     value for IPv4 or ipv6-address-no-zone value for IPv6; see Section 4 of     [RFC6991]).    Dst:  The IP address of the host in the Dst Role (format ipv4‑address-no-zone     value for IPv4 or ipv6-address-no-zone value for IPv6; see Section 4 of     [RFC6991]).    T0:  A time, the start of a measurement interval (format "date‑time" as     specified in Section 5.6 of [RFC3339]; see also "date‑and‑time" in Section 3 of    [RFC6991]). The UTC Time Zone is required by Section 6.1 of [RFC2330]. When     T0 is "all-zeros", a start time is unspecified and Tf is to be interpreted     as the duration of the measurement interval. The start time is controlled     through other means.    Tf:  A time, the end of a measurement interval (format "date‑time" as     specified in Section 5.6 of [RFC3339]; see also "date‑and‑time" in Section 3 of    [RFC6991]). The UTC Time Zone is required by Section 6.1 of [RFC2330]. When T0     is "all-zeros", an ending time and date is ignored and Tf is interpreted as the    duration of the measurement interval.    Reciprocal_lambda:  Average packet interval for Poisson streams, expressed     in units of seconds, as a positive value of type decimal64 with fraction     digits = 4 (see Section 9.3 of [RFC6020]) with a resolution of 0.0001     seconds (0.1 ms), and with lossless conversion to/from the 32-bit NTP     timestamp as per Section 6 of [RFC5905].    Trunc:  Upper limit on Poisson distribution, expressed in units of seconds,     as a positive value of type decimal64 with fraction digits = 4 (see Section     9.3 of [RFC6020]) with a resolution of 0.0001 seconds (0.1 ms), and with     lossless conversion to/from the 32-bit NTP timestamp as per Section 6 of     [RFC5905] (values above this limit will be clipped and set to the limit value).    ID:  The 16-bit Identifier assigned by the program that generates the query.     The ID value must vary in successive queries (a list of IDs is needed); see     Section 4.1.1 of [RFC1035]. This Identifier is copied into the corresponding     reply and can be used by the requester (Src) to match replies with any     outstanding queries.    QNAME:  The domain name of the query, formatted as specified in Section 4     of [RFC6991].    QTYPE:  The query type, which will correspond to the IP address family of     the query (decimal 1 for IPv4 or 28 for IPv6), formatted as a uint16, as     per Section 9.2 of [RFC6020]. 6.3.6. Roles    Src:  Launches each packet and waits for return transmissions from the Dst.    Dst:  Waits for each packet from the Src and sends a return packet to the Src. 6.4. Output    This category specifies all details of the output of measurements using     the metric. 6.4.1. Type    Raw: For each DNS query packet sent, sets of values as defined in the     next column, including the status of the response, only assigning delay     values to successful query-response pairs. 6.4.2. Reference Definition   For all outputs:    T:  The time the DNS query was sent during the measurement interval     (format "date‑time" as specified in Section 5.6 of [RFC3339]; see also     "date‑and‑time" in Section 3 of [RFC6991]). The UTC Time Zone is     required by Section 6.1 of [RFC2330].    dT:  The time value of the round-trip delay to receive the DNS Response,     expressed in units of seconds, as a positive value of type decimal64 with     fraction digits = 9 (see Section 9.3 of [RFC6020]) with a resolution of     0.000000001 seconds (1.0 ns), and with lossless conversion to/from the     64-bit NTP timestamp as per Section 6 of [RFC5905]. This value is     undefined when the response packet is not received at the Src within a     waiting time of Tmax seconds.    RCODE:  The value of the RCODE field in the DNS Response header, expressed     as a uint64 as specified in Section 9.2 of [RFC6020]. Non-zero values     convey errors in the response, and such replies must be analyzed separately     from successful requests.      Logical:  The numeric value of the result is expressed as a Logical    value, where 1 = Lost and 0 = Received, as a positive value of    type uint8 (represents integer values between 0 and 255, inclusively   (see Section 9.2 of [RFC6020]). Note that for queries with outcome 1 = Lost,   dT and RCODE will be set to the maximum for decimal64 and uint64, respectively. 6.4.3. Metric Units    RLDNS:  The Logical value, where 1 = Lost and 0 = Received. 6.4.4. Calibration    Section 3.7.3 of [RFC7679] provides a means to quantify the systematic     and random errors of a time measurement. Calibration in-situ could be     enabled with an internal loopback at the Source host that includes as     much of the measurement system as possible, performs address and payload     manipulation as needed, and provides some form of isolation (e.g.,     deterministic delay) to avoid send-receive interface contention. Some     portion of the random and systematic error can be characterized in this     way.    When a measurement controller requests a calibration measurement, the     loopback is applied and the result is output in the same format as a     normal measurement, with an additional indication that it is a calibration     result.    Both internal loopback calibration and clock synchronization can be used     to estimate the available accuracy of the Output Metric Units. For example,     repeated loopback delay measurements will reveal the portion of the output     result resolution that is the result of system noise and is thus inaccurate. 6.5. Administrative Items 6.5.1. Status    Current 6.5.2. Requester       RFC 8912 6.5.3. Revision    1.0 6.5.4. Revision Date    2021-11-17 6.6. Comments and Remarks    None