template-type=fcip:entity template-version=1.0 template-description= This is a concrete service type. The fcip:entity service type is used to register individual FCIP Entity addresses to be discovered by others. UAs will generally search for these by including one of the following: - the FCIP Entity Name for which an address is needed - the FCIP Discovery Domain Name for which addresses are requested - the service URL template-url-syntax = url-path = hostport hostport = host [ ":" port ] host = hostname / hostnumber hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel alphanum = ALPHA / DIGIT domainlabel = alphanum / alphanum * [alphanum / "-"] alphanum toplabel = ALPHA / ALPHA * [ alphanum / "-" ] alphanum hostnumber = ipv4-number ipv4-number = 1*3DIGIT 3("." 1*3DIGIT) port = 1*DIGIT ; ; A DNS host name should be used along with the well-known ; IANA FCIP port number for operation with NAT/NAPT devices. ; ; Examples: ; service:fcip:entity://host.example.com ; service:fcip:entity:// ; fcip-entity-name = opaque L # If the FCIP Entity is a VE_Port/B_Access implementation [FC-BB-2] # residing in a switch, the fcip-entity-name is the Fibre Channel # Switch Name [FC-SW-3]. Otherwise, the fcip-entity-name is the # Fibre Channel Node Name [FC-FS] of the port (e.g., an Nx_Port) # associated with the FCIP Entity. # An entity representing multiple endpoints must register each of # the endpoints using SLPv2. transports = string M L tcp # This is a list of transport protocols that the registered entity # supports. FCIP is currently supported over TCP only. tcp mgmt-entity = string M O L # The URL's of the management interface(s) are appropriate for SNMP, # web-based, or telnet management of the FCIP Entity. # Examples: # http://fcipentity.example.com:1080/ # telnet://fcipentity.example.com fcip-discovery-domain = string M L fcip # The fcip-discovery-domain string contains the name(s) of the FCIP # discovery domain(s) to which this FCIP Entity belongs.