Letter from Shiang-shyong Tseng to DGT (English Translation)
4 April 2002

Attachment 1-6


To: Directorate General of Telecommunications (DGT)
Date: April 4, 2002
Ref. no.: (91) Tai-Wang-Kuan-Tzu No. 1003

Subject: The TWNIC intends to enter into the ICANN-ccTLD Sponsorship Agreement with ICANN, as stated in the explanation below.


1. With reference to your letter to Stuart Lynn, CEO of ICANN, TWNIC would like to thank the DGT for informing ICANN that TWNIC is a non-profit organization under Taiwan law and that it is the appropriate agency to serve as administrator of the .tw top-level country domain at the current time.

2. TWNIC was established as a nonprofit juristic person organization under the sponsorship of the DGT, in accordance with Letter Ref. No. (Chiao You) 88 Tzu 05700, to be responsible for administering the top-level country domain .tw as a public resource, and to execute its responsibilities in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation approved by the DGT, the relevant laws and regulations of Taiwan, and related policies as announced by ICANN.

3. TWNIC has also, as of 26 December 2001, formed an ICANN-ccTLD Sponsorship Agreement Consultative Committee under the aegis of our International Affairs Committee to undertake study of issues related to the signing of an agreement with ICANN. Currently, that committee is actively seeking materials on countries and distinct economies with whom ICANN has already entered into agreements and is convening discussions in order to provide suggestions for subsequent development.

4. TWNIC anticipates entering into consultations with ICANN on matters relating to the signing of an agreement in the near future.

Shiang-shyong Tseng
Chairman of Board
Taiwan Network Information Center

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