TLD: TEL Language Tag: ru Language Description: Russian Version: 1.0 Effective Date: 15 JUNE 2010 Registry: Telnic Ltd. Contact: Vladimir Shadrunov Address: 37 Percy str., W1T 2DJ London UK Telephone: +44-20-7467-6450 Website: Relevant Policy Document URL: .tel Russian Language IDN implementation has a feature that mitigates homographic attacks by blocking a name from being registered if a similar name is already registered. For every registered Russian language IDN a canonical string will be computed and stored in the SRS database. The canonical string is produced by mapping every character in the IDN U-label into the corresponding canonical character as specified in the character table below. Once a Russian language IDN is registered, other domain names that map into the same canonical string will be unavailable for registration. Conversely, if the US ASCII registration exists then the Russian IDN label that maps to the identical canonical string is unavailable. The table below lists the characters allowed in the Unicode representation of IDNs associated with the Russian language. The second column shows the canonical code point corresponding to the first column. Columns are delimited with semicolons. The ‘#’ symbol denotes start of a comment that continues to the end of line. Note: as opposed to most other IDN languages supported in .tel, the character table for the Russian language IDNs does not include US ASCII letters a to z. U+002D;U+002D # HYPHEN-MINUS -;- U+0030;U+0030 # DIGIT ZERO 0;0 U+0031;U+0031 # DIGIT ONE 1;1 U+0032;U+0032 # DIGIT TWO 2;2 U+0033;U+0033 # DIGIT THREE 3;3 U+0034;U+0034 # DIGIT FOUR 4;4 U+0035;U+0035 # DIGIT FIVE 5;5 U+0036;U+0036 # DIGIT SIX 6;6 U+0037;U+0037 # DIGIT SEVEN 7;7 U+0038;U+0038 # DIGIT EIGHT 8;8 U+0039;U+0039 # DIGIT NINE 9;9 U+0430;U+0061 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A а;a U+0431;U+0431 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE б;б U+0432;U+0062 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE в;b U+0433;U+0072 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE г;r U+0434;U+0434 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE д;д U+0435;U+0065 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E е;e U+0436;U+0436 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE ж;ж U+0437;U+0437 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE з;з U+0438;U+0075 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I и;u U+0439;U+0439 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I й;й U+043A;U+006B # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA к;k U+043B;U+043B # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL л;л U+043C;U+006D # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM м;m U+043D;U+0068 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN н;h U+043E;U+006F # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O о;o U+043F;U+006E # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE п;n U+0440;U+0070 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER р;p U+0441;U+0063 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES с;c U+0442;U+0074 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE т;t U+0443;U+0079 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U у;y U+0444;U+0444 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF ф;ф U+0445;U+0078 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA х;x U+0446;U+0446 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE ц;ц U+0447;U+0447 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE ч;ч U+0448;U+0448 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA ш;ш U+0449;U+0449 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA щ;щ U+044A;U+044A # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN ъ;ъ U+044B;U+044B # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU ы;ы U+044C;U+044C # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN ь;ь U+044D;U+044D # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E э;э U+044E;U+044E # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU ю;ю U+044F;U+044F # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA я;я U+0451;U+00EB # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YO ё;ë