From Wed Oct 7 01:50:29 1998 From: "Grote, Henning" To: "''" , "''" Subject: Deutsche Telekom endorsing IANA Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 10:49:00 +0200 Importance: high X-Priority: 1 Return-Receipt-To: "Grote, Henning" Dear Dr. Postel, ladies and gentlemen, please find attached our brief statement with which we want to express our endorsement for the submitted proposal as of Oct. 2. It is a MS Word 97 file. With best regards, Henning Grote __________________________________ Dipl.-Ing. Henning Grote CTO NIC Deutsche Telekom AG Center for Datacommunication D-26119 Oldenburg Germany Phone: +49 441 234-5667 Fax: +49 441 27463 Mobile: +49 171 497 8112 eMail: __________________________________ (MS Word 97 converted to ASCII) Ladies and gentlemen, Deutsche Telekom AG believes in a fair and open competition on a global marketplace that constantly leads to the development of new products and services for the good of both: consumer and business. Concerning internet-related issues this is a major force which drives Deuts che Telekom to continue to emphatically support internet self-governance. We think that the most international focus and the diversity of the contrib uting parties in the recent processes that led to the submitted proposal of Dr Jon Postel showed impressively the ability of the private sector to act purposefully on a global basis. Beside the fact that we are not completely satisfied with every single deta il of the proposal we found that most of the open questions can be dealt wi th by the interim board or other operational entities of due-to-found ICANN . Of course, we are aware of the extreme care that has to be taken when alter ing this global system - as it was customary up to now. But nevertheless: t here is a need to proceed now to preserve the momentum and the spirit of co operation we have these days. Hence, we explicitly want to support the IANA proposal as submitted on Octo ber 2, 1998 by Dr Jon Postel. We recognize it as a stable and trustworthy b asis and a sound starting point for our future work. Henning Grote CTO NIC Deutsche Telekom AG Center for Datacommunication D-26119 Oldenburg Germany