From Tue Oct 13 23:57:11 1998 Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 16:57:01 +1000 (EST) From: George Michaelson To: Subject: Personal Endorsement for the proposal Cc: Although undoubtedly flawed (and what substantive act of creation isn't?) the problems are not sufficient to detract from a workable act of establishment, and I believe the current IANA proposal is a viable basis for progression, and should be endorsed. Undoubtedly IANA and the Internet at large will find a way to adjust itself in the light of experience and real-world requirements. I ask that in considering the various competing views on this process, people keep in mind a wider international context, one where many bodies who have *operational duty of care* for part of the Internet see merit in this proposal, despite its shortcomings. I see their endorsement as proof of the basic viability of the scheme. cheers -George [ISOC member, ISOC-AU (ISOC Australian Chapter) founder- and board- member] -- George Michaelson | DSTC Pty Ltd Email: | University of Qld 4072 Phone: +61 7 3365 4310 | Australia Fax: +61 7 3365 4311 |