Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) Parameters Created 2012-06-08 Last Updated 2025-01-16 Available Formats [IMG] XML [IMG] HTML [IMG] Plain text Registries included below • Resource Type (rt=) Link Target Attribute Values • Interface Description (if=) Link Target Attribute Values • CoAP Codes • CoAP Method Codes • CoAP Response Codes • CoAP Option Numbers • CoAP Content-Formats • CoAP Signaling Codes • CoAP Signaling Option Numbers • OSCORE Flag Bits • RD Parameters • Endpoint Type (et=) RD Parameter Values • Standard Problem Detail Keys • Custom Problem Detail Keys • Target Attributes Resource Type (rt=) Link Target Attribute Values Expert(s) Carsten Bormann, Jaime Jimenez, Christian Amsüss Reference [RFC6690] Note Registration requests should be sent to the [mailing list] described in [RFC6690]. If approved, designated experts should notify IANA within two weeks. For assistance, please contact IANA does not monitor the list. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Range Registration Procedures value starts with "core" IETF Review all other values Specification Required Value Description Reference Notes Group Configuration resource. This resource is used to query/manage the [RFC7390, Section 2.6.2] group membership of a CoAP server. core.hc HTTP-to-CoAP mapping base resource. [RFC8075, Section 5.5] core.rd Directory resource of an RD [RFC9176, Section 4.3] core.rd-ep Endpoint resource of an RD [RFC9176, Section 6] core.rd-lookup-ep Endpoint lookup of an RD [RFC9176, Section 4.3] core.rd-lookup-res Resource lookup of an RD [RFC9176, Section 4.3] oic.d.airconditioner Air Conditioner device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.airpurifier Air Purifier device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.blind Blind device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] Camera device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.dishwasher Dishwasher device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.door Door device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.dryer Dryer device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] Fan device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.garagedoor Garage Door device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.light Light device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.multifunctionprinter Printer Multi-Function device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.oven Oven device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.printer Printer device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.receiver Receiver device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.refrigerator Refrigerator device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.robotcleaner Robot Cleaner device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.scanner Scanner device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.securitypanel Security Panel device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.sensor Generic Sensor device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.smartlock Smart Lock device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.smartplug Smart Plug device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.switch Switch device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.thermostat Thermostat device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] Television device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] oic.d.washer Washer device. This is a clothes [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] washer device. oic.d.watervalve Water Valve device [OIC_SmartHomeDevice_Specification_v1.1.0 section 10.1] Air Flow resource. This resource oic.r.airflow describes the properties associated [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.1] with air flow. Air Flow Control resource. This resource describes the attributes oic.r.airflowcontrol associated with control of air flow, [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.2] for example as modelled by a Thermostat (fan), Room A/C or other device. Altimeter resource. This resource oic.r.altimeter describes properties associated with [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.58] the height of the position. Audio Controls resource. This resource defines basic audio control [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.25] functions. Auto Focus resource. This resource oic.r.autofocus describes whether an auto focus [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.26] feature is on or off. Automatic Document Feeder resource. oic.r.automaticdocumentfeeder This resource describes the state of [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.27] an automatic document feeder, typically used with a scanner. Button Switch resource. This oic.r.button resource describes the operation of [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.28] a button style switch. Clock resource. This resource oic.r.clock describes the properties associated [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.59] with clock and time. Auto White Balance resource. This oic.r.colour.autowhitebalance resource describes whether an auto [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.31] balance feature is on or off. Colour Chroma resource. This oic.r.colour.chroma resource describes the colour using [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.6] chroma conventions. Colour RGB resource. This resource oic.r.colour.rgb specifies the actual colour in the [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.7] RGB space. Colour Saturation resource. This oic.r.colour.saturation resource describes a Colour [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.32] saturation value. oic.r.door Door resource. This resource [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.9] describes the open state of a door. Battery resource. This resource represents the charge state of a [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.3] battery. Energy Consumption resource. This resource describes the energy consumed by the device since power [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.10] up and the instantaneous power draw of the device at the time the resource was queried. Demand Response Load Control (DRLC) resource. This resource describes [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.34] any to be applied or currently being applied DRLC signal. Energy Overload/Circuit Breaker resource. This resource describes whether an energy overload [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.35] detector/circuit breaker has been tripped. Energy Usage resource. This resource describes a cumulative time-based [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.11] energy usage query. Height resource. This resource oic.r.height describes the properties associated [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.61] with height of an object's physical size. Humidity resource. This resource oic.r.humidity describes a sensed or desired [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.12] humidity. Ice Maker resource. This resource oic.r.icemaker describes the operational state of [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.13] an ice maker. Brightness resource. This resource oic.r.light.brightness describes the brightness of a light [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.5] or lamp. oic.r.light.dimming Dimming resource. This resource [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.8] describes a dimming function. Ramp Time resource. This resource oic.r.light.ramptime describes the Ramp Time of a dimming [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.19] function. oic.r.lock.code Lock Code resource. This resource [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.15] describes a lock code. Lock resource. This resource oic.r.lock.status describes whether a lock is locked [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.14] or unlocked. Media resource. This resource specifies the media that a server [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.41] supports. Media Source Input resource. This resource provides the list of input [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.42] media sources available on the device. Media Source Output resource. This resource provides the list of output [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.43] media sources available on the device. Mode resource. This resource oic.r.mode describes the modes of operation [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.16] that a device can provide. oic.r.movement.linear Movement resource. This resource [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.54] describes linear movement. Night Mode resource. This resource oic.r.nightmode describes whether a night mode [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.45] feature is on or off. Open Level resource. This resource oic.r.openlevel describes how open or ajar an entity [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.17] such as a window, door, blind or shutter is. Operational State resource. This oic.r.operational.state resource describes the operational [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.18] and job states on a device. Pan Tilt Zoom Movement resource. oic.r.ptz This resource specifies the pan tilt [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.47] and zoom capabilities of a device. Refrigeration resource. This oic.r.refrigeration resource describes a refrigeration [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.20] function. Generic Sensor resource. This oic.r.sensor resource describes whether some [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.36] value or property or entity has been sensed or not. Acceleration Sensor resource. This oic.r.sensor.acceleration resource provides a measure of [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.53] proper acceleration (g force). Activity Count resource. This oic.r.sensor.activity.count resource specifies an activity [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.23] count. Atmospheric Pressure resource. This resource provides a measurement of oic.r.sensor.atmosphericpressure Mean Sea Level Pressure experienced [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.24] at the measuring point expressed in millibars. Carbon Dioxide Sensor resource. This oic.r.sensor.carbondioxide resource describes whether carbon [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.29] dioxide has been sensed or not. Carbon Monoxide Sensor resource. oic.r.sensor.carbonmonoxide This resource describes whether [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.30] carbon monoxide has been sensed or not. Contact Sensor resource. This resource describes whether a contact [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.33] sensor has been tripped or not. Geolocation Sensor resource. This oic.r.sensor.geolocation resource describes the properties [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.60] associated with the current geolocation coordinate. Glass Break Sensor resource. This oic.r.sensor.glassbreak resource describes a glass break [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.37] sensor. Heart Rate Zone Sensor resource. This resource describes a measured [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.38] heart rate by the current Zone using the Zoladz method. Illuminance Sensor resource. This oic.r.sensor.illuminance resource describes an illuminance [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.39] sensor. Magnetic Field Direction resource. This resource describes the oic.r.sensor.magneticfielddirection direction of the Earth's magnetic [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.40] field at the observer's current point in space. Motion Sensor resource. This oic.r.sensor.motion resource describes whether motion [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.43] has been sensed or not. Presence Sensor resource. This oic.r.sensor.presence resource describes whether presence [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.45] has been sensed or not. UV Radiation resource. This resource oic.r.sensor.radiation.uv describes an ultraviolet radiation [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.51] measurement. Sleep Sensor resource. This resource oic.r.sensor.sleep describes whether human sleep has [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.55] been sensed or not. Smoke Sensor resource. This resource oic.r.sensor.smoke describes whether smoke has been [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.56] sensed or not. Three Axis Sensor resource. This oic.r.sensor.threeaxis resource provides a representation [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.57] of the measurement from a three-axis sensor. Touch Sensor resource. This resource oic.r.sensor.touch describes whether touch has been [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.50] sensed or not. Water Sensor resource. This resource oic.r.sensor.water describes whether water has been [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.52] sensed or not. Signal Strength resource. This resource describes the strength of a oic.r.signalstrength signal by means of Link Quality [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.48] Indicator and Received Signal Strength Indicator. Speech Synthesis resource. This resource is capable of rendering oic.r.speech.tts speech and allows a client to [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.49] provide an SSML document with text to render. Binary switch resource. This oic.r.switch.binary resource describes a binary switch [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.4] (on/off). Temperature resource. This resource oic.r.temperature describes a sensed or actuated [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.21] Temperature value. Time Period resource. This resource oic.r.time.period describes the time period over which [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.22] any additionally provided information is derived or bounded. Weight resource. This resource oic.r.weight describes the properties associated [OIC_Resource_Type_Specification_v1.1.0 section 6.62] with weight of an object. OMA LwM2M Resource. This Resource type indicates that the resource and oma.lwm2m all of its sub-resources support the [OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0] OMA Lightweight M2M protocol, i.e. contain OMA LwM2M objects and resources. bbf.usp.endpoint Endpoint of the Broadband Forum USP [] protocol oic.wk.col Collection resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.2] oic.wk.con Device Configuration resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.3] oic.wk.con.p Platform Configuration resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.4] oic.wk.d Device resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.5] oic.wk.mnt Maintenance resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.6] oic.wk.p Platform resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.7] oic.wk.res Discoverable Resources resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.9] oic.wk.scenelist Scene List resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.11] oic.wk.scenecollection Scene Member Collection resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.12] oic.wk.scenemember Scene Member resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.13] oic.wk.rd Resource Directory resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.14] oic.r.icon Icon resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.15] oic.wk.introspection Introspection resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v1.0.0 section D.16] oic.r.airquality Air Quality resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.65] oic.r.airqualitycollection Air Quality Collection resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.66] oic.r.consumable Consumable resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.67] oic.r.consumablecollection Consumable Collection resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.68] oic.r.delaydefrost Delay Defrost resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.69] oic.r.ecomode Ecomode resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.70] oic.r.heatingzone Heating Zone resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.71] oic.r.heatingzonecollection Heating Zone Collection resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.72] oic.r.mediasourcelist Media Source List resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.43] Input Media Source List resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.44] Output Media Source List resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.45] oic.r.movement.ptz Physical Pan Tilt Zoom resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.49] oic.r.image.ptz Image Pan Tilt Zoom resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.49] oic.r.selectablelevels Selectable Levels resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.73] oic.r.value.conditional Value Conditional resource. [OCF_ResourceType_Specification_v1.0.0 section 6.74] oic.d.airqualitymonitor Air Quality Monitor device [OCF_SmartHome_Device_Specification_v1.0.0 section 9.1] oic.d.washerdryer Washer Dryer (Laundry) device [OCF_SmartHome_Device_Specification_v1.0.0 section 9.1] oic.d.cookerhood Cooker Hood device [OCF_SmartHome_Device_Specification_v1.0.0 section 9.1] oic.d.cooktop Cooktop device [OCF_SmartHome_Device_Specification_v1.0.0 section 9.1] oic.d.dehumidifier Dehumidifier device [OCF_SmartHome_Device_Specification_v1.0.0 section 9.1] oic.d.freezer Freezer device [OCF_SmartHome_Device_Specification_v1.0.0 section 9.1] oic.d.foodprobe Food Probe device [OCF_SmartHome_Device_Specification_v1.0.0 section 9.1] oic.d.humidifier Humidifier device [OCF_SmartHome_Device_Specification_v1.0.0 section 9.1] oic.d.stb Set Top Box device [OCF_SmartHome_Device_Specification_v1.0.0 section 9.1] oic.wk.nmon Network Monitoring resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v2.0.1 section D.16] oic.wk.atomicmeasurement Atomic Measurement resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_v2.0.1 section D.17] oic.d.bridge Bridge device. [OCF_Bridging_Specification_v2.0.1 section 8] oic.d.virtual Virtual device. [OCF_Bridging_Specification_v2.0.1 section 8] oic.r.securemode Secure Mode resource. [OCF_Bridging_Specification_v2.0.1 section 9.2] oic.r.alljoynobject Alljoyn Object resource. [OCF_Bridging_Specification_v2.0.1 section 9.3] oic.r.easysetup Easy Setup resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_Extension_Wi-Fi_Easy_Setup_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.r.wificonf Wi-Fi Configuration resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_Extension_Wi-Fi_Easy_Setup_v2.0.1 section A.3] oic.r.devconf Device Configuration resource. [OCF_Core_Specification_Extension_Wi-Fi_Easy_Setup_v2.0.1 section A.4] oic.r.coapcloudconf CoAP Cloud Configuration. [OCF_Core_Specification_Extension_CoAP_Native_Cloud_v2.0.1 section A.2] Colour Space Coordinates resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.75] oic.r.colour.colourtemperature Colour Temperature resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.76] oic.r.colour.hs Colour Hue Saturation resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.77] oic.r.batterymaterial Battery Material resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.78] oic.r.brewing Brewing resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.79] Electrical Energy resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.80] Energy Generation resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.81] oic.r.foaming Foaming resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.82] oic.r.grinder Grinder resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.83] oic.r.liquid.level Liquid Level resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.84] oic.r.vehicle.connector Electric Vehicle Connector resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.85] oic.r.time.stamp Time Stamp resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.86] oic.r.printer.3d 3D Printer resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.87] oic.r.blood.pressure Blood Pressure resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.88] oic.r.bloodpressuremonitor-am Blood Pressure Monitor Atomic [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.89] Measurement resource. oic.r.bmi Body Mass Index (BMI) resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.90] oic.r.body.fat Body Fat resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.91] oic.r.body.ffm Body Fat Free Mass resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.92] oic.r.body.location Body Location resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.93] oic.r.body.location.temperature Body Location Temperature resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.94] oic.r.bodyscale-am Body Scale Atomic Measurement [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.95] resource. oic.r.body.slm Body Soft Lean Mass resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.96] oic.r.bodythermometer-am Body Thermometer Atomic Measurement [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.97] resource. oic.r.body.water Body Water resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.98] oic.r.glucose Glucose resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.99] oic.r.glucose.carb Glucose Meter Complex Carbohydrates [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.100] resource. oic.r.glucose.exercise Glucose Meter Exercise resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.101] oic.r.glucose.hba1c Glucose Meter HbA1c resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.102] Glucose Meter Context Health [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.103] resource. oic.r.glucose.meal Glucose Meter Context Meal resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.104] oic.r.glucose.medication Glucose Meter Context Medication [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.105] resource. oic.r.glucosemeter-am Glucose Meter Atomic Measurement [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.106] resource. oic.r.glucose.samplelocation Glucose Meter Context Sample [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.107] Location resource. oic.r.glucose.tester Glucose Meter Context Tester [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.108] resource. oic.r.orfid.station Optical RFID Station resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.109] oic.r.orfid.tag Optical RFID Tag resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.110] oic.r.powersource Power Source resource [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.111] oic.r.printer.queue Print Queue resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.112] oic.r.pulserate Pulse Rate resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.113] oic.r.sensor.props Sensor Properties resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.114] oic.r.userid User ID resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.1 section 6.115] oic.d.waterheater Water Heater device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.furnace Furnace device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.pump Pump device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.condensingunit Condensing Unit device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.condenser Condenser device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.hvac HVAC device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.lightingcontrol Lighting Controls device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.icemachine Ice Machine device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.range Range device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.steamcloset Steam Closet device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.audiosystem Audio System device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.avplayer AV Player device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.desktoppc Desktop PC device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.notebookpc Notebook PC device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.server Server device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.pc Computer device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.datastorageunit Data Storage Unit device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.display Display device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.portableelectronics Portable Electronics device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.gameconsole Game Console device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.3dprinter 3D Printer device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.musicalinstrument Musical Instrument device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.networking Networking Equipment device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.handset Handset device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.telephonydevice Telephony device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.speaker Active Speaker device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.smallelectrical Electronics device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.aircompressor Air Compressor device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.bathroomdevice Bathroom General device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.batterycharger Battery Charger device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.businessequipment Business Equipment device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.portablestove Portable Stove device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.exercisemachine Exercise Machine device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.hvacportable Portable HVAC device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.orfid Optical Augmented RFID Reader [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] device. oic.d.coffeemachine Coffee Machine device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.grinder Grinder device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.kettle Kettle device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.lightdecorative Decorative Lighting device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.lightemergency Emergency Lighting device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.microwave Microwave Oven device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.vendingmachine Vending Machine device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.waterdispenser Water Dispenser device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.battery Battery device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.window Window device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.fireplace Fireplace device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.energygenerator Energy Generator device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.electricmeter Electric Meter device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.electricvehiclecharger Electric Vehicle Charger device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.fitnessdevice Fitness device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.bloodpressuremonitor Blood Pressure Monitor device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.bodythermometer Body Thermometer device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.medicaldevice Media device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.glucosemeter Glucose Meter device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.bodyscale Body Scale device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.personalhealthdevice Personal Health device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.d.unknown Other device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.1 section A.2] oic.r.doxm Device Owner Transfer resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.1] oic.r.cred Credential resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.2] oic.r.crl Certificate Revocation List resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.3] oic.r.acl Access Control List resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.4] oic.r.acl2 Access Control List 2 resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.4] oic.r.amacl Access Manager ACL resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.5] oic.r.sacl Signed ACL resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.6] oic.r.pstat Provisioning Status resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.7] oic.r.csr Certificate Signing Request resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.8] oic.r.roles Roles resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.9] oic.r.account Account resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.10] oic.r.session Account Session resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.11] oic.r.tokenrefresh Account Token Refresh resource [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.1 section 13.12] fa.cs Resource type for the Fairhair [Fairhair Alliance specification section 5.2.2] common services Resource type for the Fairhair fa.rd-conf resource that configures and manages [Fairhair Alliance specification section] information about RDs on FA devices fa.lnk Resource type for the Fairhair [Fairhair Alliance specification section 5.5.2] Linkage resource Resource type for the Fairhair fa.rd-id resource that Identifies the [Fairhair Alliance specification section] resource which configures and manages RD identity information oic.d.activitytracker Activity Tracker device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.ams Access Management Service. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.cgm Continuous Glucose Meter device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.circuitbreaker Circuit Breaker device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.cms Credential Management Service. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.cyclingcadencesensor Cycling cadence sensor device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.cyclingpowermeter Cycling power meter device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.cyclingspeedsensor Cycling speed sensor device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.dots Device Ownership Transfer Service. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.energymonitor Energy Monitor device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.heartratemonitor Heart Rate Monitor device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.inverter Inverter device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.pulseoximeter Pulse Oximeter device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.pvarraysystem Photovoltaic Array System device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.sleepmonitor Sleep Monitor device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.d.waterpurifier Water Purifier device. [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.2] oic.r.activity Activity resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.127] oic.r.activitytracker-am Activity tracker measurement with [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.128] activity, heart rate, etc. oic.r.alarm Alarm resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.129] oic.r.alert Alerts resource type [OCF_Core_Optional_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.10] oic.r.alertcollection Alerts Collection resource type [OCF_Core_Optional_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.11] oic.r.cadence Cadence resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.144] oic.r.calorificvalue Energy associated with the [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.116] consumption of various fuels. oic.r.cgm.calibrate Continuous Glucose Meter calibration [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.131] resource. oic.r.cgm.samplinginterval Continuous Glucose Meter sampling [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.132] interval resource. oic.r.cgm.sensor Continuous Glucose Meter sensor [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.133] resource. oic.r.cgm.status Continuous Glucose Meter status [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.134] resource. oic.r.cgm.threshold Continuous Glucose Meter threshold [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.135] resource. oic.r.cgm-am Resource for glucose, sensor, time, [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.130] and user data. oic.r.circuitbreaker Circuit Breaker resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.145] oic.r.conversionfactor Property used in calculating [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.117] conversions. oic.r.cyclingpower Cycling power resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.146] oic.r.gas.consumption Energy values associated with gas [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.118] consumption. oic.r.gas.usage Cumulative time-based gas usage [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.119] query. oic.r.heartrate Heart rate resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.136] oic.r.heartratemonitor-am Resource for heart rate, time, and [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.137] user data. Resource that includes iaszoneinfo, oic.r.iaszone battery, and power source [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.125] information oic.r.iaszoneinfo Intruder Alert System (IAS) Zone [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.124] information resource oic.r.impactsensor Impact sensor resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.120] oic.r.inverter Inverter resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.147] oic.r.keypadchar Character keypad resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.121] oic.r.opaquedata Opaque data transferred and [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.122] uninterpretable at endpoints. oic.r.pulsatilecharacteristic Pulsatile characteristic of the [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.138] pulsative wave of a pulse oximeter. oic.r.pulsatileoccurrence Pulsatile occurrence of a pulse [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.139] oximeter. oic.r.pulseoximeter-am Resource for SpO2, pulse data, [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.140] observed time, and user data. oic.r.pvconnectionterminal Photovoltaic connection terminal [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.148] resource. oic.r.sleep Sleep resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.141] oic.r.sleepmonitor-am Resource for sleep stages and sleep [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.142] score data. oic.r.softwareupdate Software Update resource type [OCF_Core_Optional_Specification_v2.0.5 clause A.12] oic.r.sp Security Profile [OCF_Security_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 14.8] oic.r.speed Speed resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.149] oic.r.spo2 Blood oxygen saturation level [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.143] resource. oic.r.torque Torque resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.150] oic.r.userid User identification resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.123] oic.r.vodlist Virtual OCF Device resource. [OCF_Bridging_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 5.5] oic.r.waterinfo Water information resource. [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.151] oic.r.windowcovering Configurable window covering [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.0.5 clause 6.126] resource ace.est.crts This resource depicts the support of [RFC9148] EST GET cacerts. ace.est.sen This resource depicts the support of [RFC9148] EST simple enroll. ace.est.sren This resource depicts the support of [RFC9148] EST simple reenroll. ace.est.att This resource depicts the support of [RFC9148] EST GET CSR attributes. This resource depicts the support of ace.est.skg EST server-side key generation with [RFC9148] the returned certificate in a PKCS #7 container. This resource depicts the support of ace.est.skc EST server-side key generation with [RFC9148] the returned certificate in application/pkix-cert format. oic.d.bodycompositionanalyser Body Composition Analyser device [OCF Device Specification v2.1.2 clause A.2] oic.d.indoorgarden Indoor Garden device [OCF Device Specification v2.1.2 clause A.2] oic.d.mattress Mattress device [OCF Device Specification v2.1.2 clause A.2] oic.d.muscleoxygenmonitor Muscle Oxygen Monitor device [OCF Device Specification v2.1.2 clause A.2] oic.r.ael Auditable Event List [OCF Security Specification v2.1.2 clause C.9] oic.r.bodycompositionanalyser-am Body Composition Analyser resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.155] oic.r.deodorization Deodorization resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.152] oic.r.hvac.capacity HVAC Capacity resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.157] oic.r.keycardswitch Keycard Switch resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.153] Media (Audio) resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.158] Media (Core) resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.159] Media (Image) resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.160] Media (Text) resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.161] Media (Video) resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.162] oic.r.muscleoxygensaturation Muscle Oxygen Saturation resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.154] oic.r.switch.fault Fault Interrupter resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.156] oic.r.switch.restricted Restricted Switch resource [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.1.2 clause 6.163] oic.d.afci Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter [OCF Device Specification v2.2.0 clause A.2] oic.d.airer Airer [OCF Device Specification v2.2.0 clause A.2] oic.d.gfci Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter [OCF Device Specification v2.2.0 clause A.2] oic.r.sdi Security Domain Information [OCF Security Specification v2.2.0 clause C.10] oic.r.settings.accessibility Device Settings - Accessibility [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.2.0 clause 6.164] oic.r.settings.broadcasting Device Settings - Broadcasting [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.2.0 clause 6.165] oic.r.settings.picture Device Settings - Picture [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.2.0 clause 6.166] oic.r.settings.sound Device Settings - Sound [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.2.0 clause 6.167] Device Settings - Support [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.2.0 clause 6.168] oic.r.settings.system Device Settings - System [OCF Resource Type Specification v2.2.0 clause 6.169] oic.r.sensor.measurement Generic Measurement Sensor [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.2 clause 6.170] oic.r.sensor.radiation.uva UVA Radiation [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.2 clause 6.171] oic.r.sensor.radiation.uvb UVB Radiation [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.2 clause 6.172] oic.r.colour.renderingindex Colour Rendering Index [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.2 clause 6.173] oic.r.sound.pressure Sound Pressure in Pascal [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.2 clause 6.174] oic.r.sound.pressurelevel Sound Pressure Level in dB [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.2 clause 6.175] oic.r.location.civic Civic Location [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.2 clause 6.176] ACE-OAuth authz-info endpoint [RFC9200] resource. oic.d.acassistant A/C Assistant [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.2.4 clause A.2] oic.d.dali Light (DALI) Device [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.2.4 clause A.2] Light (DALI) Application Controller [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.2.4 clause A.2] oic.d.dali.bus Light (DALI) Bus [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.2.4 clause A.2] Smart Light [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.2.4 clause A.2] oic.d.wallpad Wallpad [OCF_Device_Specification_v2.2.4 clause A.2] oic.r.remotecontrol Remote Control [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.4 clause 7.177] TV Apps [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.4 clause 7.178] oic.r.vendorlist Vendor List [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.4 clause 7.179] oic.r.dali DALI [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.4 clause 7.180] oic.r.dali.conf DALI Configuration [OCF_Resource_Type_Specification_v2.2.4 clause 7.181] link to WoT Thing Description of a [Web of Things (WoT) Discovery, Section 6.4] Thing Description Directory wot.thing link to WoT Thing Description of a [Web of Things (WoT) Discovery, Section 6.4] Thing core.edhoc EDHOC resource [RFC9528] Interface Description (if=) Link Target Attribute Values Expert(s) Carsten Bormann, Jaime Jimenez, Christian Amsüss Reference [RFC6690] Note Registration requests should be sent to the [mailing list] described in [RFC6690]. If approved, designated experts should notify IANA within two weeks. For assistance, please contact IANA does not monitor the list. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Range Registration Procedures value starts with "core" IETF Review all other values Specification Required Value Description Reference Notes The baseline Interface defines a view into all Properties of a Resource oic.if.baseline including the Meta Properties. This Interface is used to operate on the [OIC_Core_Specification_v1.1.0 section 7.5.3] full Representation of a Resource. The 'links list' Interface provides a view into Links in a Collection oic.if.ll (Resource). Since Links represent relationships to other Resources, the [OIC_Core_Specification_v1.1.0 section 7.5.3] links list interfaces may be used to discover Resources with respect to a context. The discovery is done by retrieving Links to these Resources. The batch Interface is used to interact with a collection of Resources at oic.if.b the same time. This also removes the need for the Client to first [OIC_Core_Specification_v1.1.0 section 7.5.3] discover the Resources it is manipulating - the Server forwards the requests and aggregates the responses. The read-only Interface exposes the Properties of a Resource that may be oic.if.r 'read'. This Interface does not provide methods to update Properties or a [OIC_Core_Specification_v1.1.0 section 7.5.3] Resource and so can only be used to 'read' Property Values. The read-write Interface exposes only those Properties that may be both 'read' and 'written' and provides methods to read and write the [OIC_Core_Specification_v1.1.0 section 7.5.3] Properties of a Resource. oic.if.a The actuator Interface is used to read or write the Properties of an [OIC_Core_Specification_v1.1.0 section 7.5.3] actuator Resource. oic.if.s The sensor Interface is used to read the Properties of a sensor Resource. [OIC_Core_Specification_v1.1.0 section 7.5.3] bbf.usp.c USP Controller Endpoint of the Broadband Forum USP protocol [] bbf.usp.a USP Agent Endpoint of the Broadband Forum USP protocol [] The create OCF Interface is used to create new Resources in a Collection. oic.if.create Both the Resource and the Link pointing to it are created in a single [OCF_Core_Specification_v2.0.5 clause] atomic operation. ace.groups The KDC interface at the parent resource of group-membership resources is [RFC9594, section 4.1] used to retrieve names of security groups using the ACE framework. The KDC interface at a group-membership resource is used to provision keying material and related information and policies to members of the [RFC9594, section 4.1] corresponding security group using the ACE framework. CoAP Codes Registration Procedure(s) Reserved ranges may be allocated in accordance with section 4.3 of [RFC8126]. Reference [RFC7252, Section 12.1] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Code Description Reference 0.00 Indicates an Empty message. [RFC7252, section 4.1] 0.01-0.31 Indicates a request. Values in this range are assigned by the [CoAP Method Codes] sub-registry. [RFC7252, section 12.1.1] 1.00-1.31 Reserved [RFC7252] 2.00-5.31 Indicates a response. Values in this range are assigned by the [CoAP Response Codes] sub-registry. [RFC7252, section 12.1.2] 6.00-7.31 Reserved [RFC7252] CoAP Method Codes Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review or IESG Approval Reference [RFC7252, Section 12.1.1] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Code Name Reference 0.01 GET [RFC7252] 0.02 POST [RFC7252] 0.03 PUT [RFC7252] 0.04 DELETE [RFC7252] 0.05 FETCH [RFC8132] 0.06 PATCH [RFC8132] 0.07 iPATCH [RFC8132] 0.08-0.31 Unassigned CoAP Response Codes Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review or IESG Approval Reference [RFC7252, Section 12.1.2] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Code Description Reference 2.00 Unassigned 2.01 Created [RFC7252] 2.02 Deleted [RFC7252] 2.03 Valid [RFC7252] 2.04 Changed [RFC7252] 2.05 Content [RFC7252] 2.06-2.30 Unassigned 2.31 Continue [RFC7959] 3.00-3.31 Reserved [RFC7252] 4.00 Bad Request [RFC7252] 4.01 Unauthorized [RFC7252] 4.02 Bad Option [RFC7252] 4.03 Forbidden [RFC7252] 4.04 Not Found [RFC7252] 4.05 Method Not Allowed [RFC7252] 4.06 Not Acceptable [RFC7252] 4.07 Unassigned 4.08 Request Entity Incomplete [RFC7959] 4.09 Conflict [RFC8132] 4.10-4.11 Unassigned 4.12 Precondition Failed [RFC7252] 4.13 Request Entity Too Large [RFC7252][RFC7959] 4.14 Unassigned 4.15 Unsupported Content-Format [RFC7252] 4.16-4.21 Unassigned 4.22 Unprocessable Entity [RFC8132] 4.23-4.28 Unassigned 4.29 Too Many Requests [RFC8516] 4.30-4.31 Unassigned 5.00 Internal Server Error [RFC7252] 5.01 Not Implemented [RFC7252] 5.02 Bad Gateway [RFC7252] 5.03 Service Unavailable [RFC7252] 5.04 Gateway Timeout [RFC7252] 5.05 Proxying Not Supported [RFC7252] 5.06-5.07 Unassigned 5.08 Hop Limit Reached [RFC8768] 5.09-5.31 Unassigned CoAP Option Numbers Expert(s) Bilhanan Silverajan (primary), Klaus Hartke (secondary), Carsten Bormann (secondary), Jaime Jimenez (secondary), Alexander Pelov (secondary) Reference [RFC7252, Section 12.2] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Range Registration Procedures 0-255 IETF Review or IESG Approval 256-2047 Specification Required 2048-64999 Expert Review 65000-65535 Experimental use (no operational use) Number Name Reference 0 Reserved [RFC7252] 1 If-Match [RFC7252][RFC8613] 2 Unassigned 3 Uri-Host [RFC7252][RFC8613] 4 ETag [RFC7252][RFC8613] 5 If-None-Match [RFC7252][RFC8613] 6 Observe [RFC7641][RFC8613] 7 Uri-Port [RFC7252][RFC8613] 8 Location-Path [RFC7252][RFC8613] 9 OSCORE [RFC8613] 10 Unassigned 11 Uri-Path [RFC7252][RFC8613] 12 Content-Format [RFC7252][RFC8613] 13 Unassigned 14 Max-Age [RFC7252][RFC8516][RFC8613] 15 Uri-Query [RFC7252][RFC8613] 16 Hop-Limit [RFC8768] 17 Accept [RFC7252][RFC8613] 18 Unassigned 19 Q-Block1 [RFC9177] 20 Location-Query [RFC7252][RFC8613] 21 EDHOC [RFC9668] 22 Unassigned 23 Block2 [RFC7959][RFC8323][RFC8613] 24-26 Unassigned 27 Block1 [RFC7959][RFC8323][RFC8613] 28 Size2 [RFC7959][RFC8613] 29-30 Unassigned 31 Q-Block2 [RFC9177] 32-34 Unassigned 35 Proxy-Uri [RFC7252][RFC8613] 36-38 Unassigned 39 Proxy-Scheme [RFC7252][RFC8613] 40-59 Unassigned 60 Size1 [RFC7252][RFC8613] 61-127 Unassigned 128 Reserved [RFC7252] 129-131 Unassigned 132 Reserved [RFC7252] 133-135 Unassigned 136 Reserved [RFC7252] 137-139 Unassigned 140 Reserved [RFC7252] 141-251 Unassigned 252 Echo [RFC9175] 253-257 Unassigned 258 No-Response [RFC7967][RFC8613] 259-291 Unassigned 292 Request-Tag [RFC9175] 293-2048 Unassigned 2049 OCF-Accept-Content-Format-Version [Michael_Koster] 2050-2052 Unassigned 2053 OCF-Content-Format-Version [Michael_Koster] 2054 Unassigned 2055 SCP82-Params [GPC_SPE_207] 2056-64999 Unassigned 65000-65535 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC7252] CoAP Content-Formats Expert(s) Esko Dijk (primary), Klaus Hartke (secondary), Carsten Bormann (secondary), Jaime Jimenez (secondary), Alexander Pelov (secondary) Reference [RFC7252, Section 12.3][RFC Errata 4954] Note The validity of the combination of Content Coding, Content Type and parameters is checked prior to assignment. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Range Registration Procedures 0-255 Expert Review 256-9999 IETF Review or IESG Approval 10000-64999 First Come First Served 65000-65535 Experimental use (no operational use) Content Type Content ID Reference Coding text/plain; charset=utf-8 0 [RFC2046][RFC3676][RFC5147] Unassigned 1-15 application/cose; cose-type="cose-encrypt0" 16 [RFC9052] application/cose; cose-type="cose-mac0" 17 [RFC9052] application/cose; cose-type="cose-sign1" 18 [RFC9052] application/ace+cbor 19 [RFC9200] Unassigned 20 image/gif 21 [] image/jpeg 22 [ISO/IEC 10918-5] image/png 23 [RFC2083] Unassigned 24-39 application/link-format 40 [RFC6690] application/xml 41 [RFC3023] application/octet-stream 42 [RFC2045][RFC2046] Unassigned 43-46 application/exi 47 ["Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0 (Second Edition)", February 2014] Unassigned 48-49 application/json 50 [RFC8259] application/json-patch+json 51 [RFC6902] application/merge-patch+json 52 [RFC7396] Unassigned 53-59 application/cbor 60 [RFC8949] application/cwt 61 [RFC8392] application/multipart-core 62 [RFC8710] application/cbor-seq 63 [RFC8742] application/edhoc+cbor-seq 64 [RFC9528] application/cid-edhoc+cbor-seq 65 [RFC9528] Unassigned 66-95 application/cose; cose-type="cose-encrypt" 96 [RFC9052] application/cose; cose-type="cose-mac" 97 [RFC9052] application/cose; cose-type="cose-sign" 98 [RFC9052] Unassigned 99-100 application/cose-key 101 [RFC9052] application/cose-key-set 102 [RFC9052] Unassigned 103-109 application/senml+json 110 [RFC8428] application/sensml+json 111 [RFC8428] application/senml+cbor 112 [RFC8428] application/sensml+cbor 113 [RFC8428] application/senml-exi 114 [RFC8428] application/sensml-exi 115 [RFC8428] Unassigned 116-139 application/yang-data+cbor; id=sid 140 [RFC9254] Unassigned 141-255 application/coap-group+json 256 [RFC7390] application/concise-problem-details+cbor 257 [RFC9290] application/swid+cbor 258 [RFC9393] application/pkixcmp 259 [RFC9482][RFC-ietf-lamps-rfc6712bis-10] application/yang-sid+json 260 [RFC9595] application/ace-groupcomm+cbor 261 [RFC9594] application/ace-trl+cbor 262 [RFC-ietf-ace-revoked-token-notification-09] application/eat+cwt 263 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12] application/eat+jwt 264 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12] application/eat-bun+cbor 265 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12] application/eat-bun+json 266 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12] application/eat-ucs+cbor 267 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12] application/eat-ucs+json 268 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12] Unassigned 269-270 application/dots+cbor 271 [RFC9132] application/missing-blocks+cbor-seq 272 [RFC9177] Unassigned 273-279 application/pkcs7-mime; 280 [RFC7030][RFC8551][RFC9148] smime-type=server-generated-key application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=certs-only 281 [RFC8551][RFC9148] Unassigned 282-283 application/pkcs8 284 [RFC5958][RFC8551][RFC9148] application/csrattrs 285 [RFC7030][RFC9148] application/pkcs10 286 [RFC5967][RFC8551][RFC9148] application/pkix-cert 287 [RFC2585][RFC9148] Unassigned 288-289 application/aif+cbor 290 [RFC9237] application/aif+json 291 [RFC9237] Unassigned 292-309 application/senml+xml 310 [RFC8428] application/sensml+xml 311 [RFC8428] Unassigned 312-319 application/senml-etch+json 320 [RFC8790] Unassigned 321 application/senml-etch+cbor 322 [RFC8790] Unassigned 323-339 application/yang-data+cbor 340 [RFC9254] application/yang-data+cbor; id=name 341 [RFC9254] Unassigned 342-431 application/td+json 432 ["Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1", April 2022] application/tm+json 433 ["Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1", April 2022] Unassigned 434-600 application/uccs+cbor 601 [RFC-ietf-rats-uccs-12, Section 6.4] Unassigned 602-835 application/voucher+cose (TEMPORARY - registered 2022-04-12, extension registered 2024-03-01, 836 [draft-ietf-anima-constrained-voucher-23] expires 2025-04-12) Unassigned 837-1541 Reserved, do not use 1542-1543 [OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0] Unassigned 1544-9999 application/vnd.ocf+cbor 10000 [Michael_Koster] application/oscore 10001 [RFC8613] application/javascript 10002 [RFC4329] application/eat+cwt; 10003 [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24] eat_profile=",2023:psa#tfm" application/eat+cwt; 10004 [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24] eat_profile=",2019:psa#legacy" application/eat+cwt; 10005 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12][draft-cds-rats-intel-corim-profile-02] eat_profile=2.16.840.1.113741.1.16.1 Unassigned 10006-10569 application/toc+cbor 10570 [CE-Binding, Section 6.3.1] application/ce+cbor 10571 [CE-Binding, Section 6.3.2] Unassigned 10572-11049 application/json deflate 11050 [RFC8259][RFC9110, Section] Unassigned 11051-11059 application/cbor deflate 11060 [RFC8949][RFC9110, Section] Unassigned 11061-11541 application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+tlv 11542 [OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0] application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+json 11543 [OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0] application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+cbor 11544 [OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_2] Unassigned 11545-19999 text/css 20000 [RFC2318] Unassigned 20001-29999 image/svg+xml 30000 [] Unassigned 30001-64999 Reserved for Experimental Use 65000-65535 [RFC7252] CoAP Signaling Codes Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review or IESG Approval Reference [RFC8323] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Code Name Reference 7.00 Unassigned 7.01 CSM [RFC8323] 7.02 Ping [RFC8323] 7.03 Pong [RFC8323] 7.04 Release [RFC8323] 7.05 Abort [RFC8323] 7.06-7.31 Unassigned CoAP Signaling Option Numbers Expert(s) Bilhanan Silverajan (primary), Klaus Hartke (secondary), Alexander Pelov (secondary) Reference [RFC8323] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Range Registration Procedures Note 0-255 IETF Review or IESG Approval Range applies to Option Number field 256-2047 Specification Required Range applies to Option Number field 2048-64999 Expert Review Range applies to Option Number field 65000-65535 Experimental use (no operational use) Range applies to Option Number field Applies to Number Name Reference 7.01 2 Max-Message-Size [RFC8323] 7.01 4 Block-Wise-Transfer [RFC8323] 7.01 6 Extended-Token-Length [RFC8974] 7.02, 7.03 2 Custody [RFC8323] 7.04 2 Alternative-Address [RFC8323] 7.04 4 Hold-Off [RFC8323] 7.05 2 Bad-CSM-Option [RFC8323] 7.xx (all) 9 OSCORE [RFC8613] OSCORE Flag Bits Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Francesca Palombini, Göran Selander, Christian Amsüss Reference [RFC8613] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Bit Position Name Description Reference 0 Reserved [RFC8613] 1 Reserved [RFC8613] 2 Group Flag For using a Group OSCORE Security Context, set to 1 if the message is [draft-ietf-core-oscore-groupcomm-14] protected with the group mode 3 Kid Context Flag Set to 1 if kid context is present in the compressed COSE object [RFC8613] 4 Kid Flag Set to 1 if kid is present in the compressed COSE object [RFC8613] 5-7 Partial IV Length Encodes the Partial IV length; can have value 0 to 5 [RFC8613] 8 Extension-2 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a third byte, which includes the [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03] flag bits 16-23 9-14 Unassigned 15 Nonce Flag Set to 1 if nonce is present in the compressed COSE object [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03] 16 Extension-3 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a fourth byte, which includes the [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03] flag bits 24-31 17-23 Unassigned 24 Extension-4 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a fifth byte, which includes the [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03] flag bits 32-39 25-31 Unassigned 32 Extension-5 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a sixth byte, which includes the [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03] flag bits 40-47 33-39 Unassigned 40 Extension-6 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a seventh byte, which includes the [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03] flag bits 48-55 41-47 Unassigned 48 Extension-7 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a eighth byte, which includes the [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03] flag bits 56-63 49-63 Unassigned RD Parameters Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Carsten Bormann, Jaime Jiménez, Christian Amsüss Reference [RFC9176] Note In accordance with [RFC9423], all entries with the "A" flag set, including new ones, MUST also be registered in the "Target Attributes" registry [IANA registry core-parameters]. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Name Short Validity Use Description Reference Endpoint Name ep Unicode* RLA Name of the endpoint [RFC9176] Lifetime lt 1-4294967295 R Lifetime of the registration in seconds [RFC9176] Sector d Unicode* RLA Sector to which this endpoint belongs [RFC9176] Registration Base URI base URI RLA The scheme, address, port, and path at which this server is available [RFC9176] Page page Integer L Used for pagination [RFC9176] Count count Integer L Used for pagination [RFC9176] Endpoint Type et [RFC9176, Section 9.3.1] RLA Semantic type of the endpoint (see[RFC9176, Section 9.4]) [RFC9176] Endpoint Type (et=) RD Parameter Values Expert(s) Carsten Bormann, Jaime Jiménez, Christian Amsüss Reference [RFC9176] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Range Registration Procedures value starts with "core" IETF Review all other values Specification Required Value Description Reference Notes core.rd-group An application group, as described in [RFC9176] Appendix A. [RFC9176] Standard Problem Detail Keys Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Thomas Fossati, Carsten Bormann Reference [RFC9290] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Key Value Name CDDL Type Brief Description Change Controller Reference Short, human-readable IETF ( -1 title text / tag38 summary of the or [RFC9290] problem shape Human-readable -2 detail text / tag38 explanation specific IETF ( [RFC9290] to this occurrence of or the problem URI reference -3 instance ~uri identifying specific IETF ( [RFC9290] occurrence of the or problem -4 response-code uint .size 1 CoAP response code IETF ( [RFC9290] or -5 base-uri ~uri Base URI IETF ( [RFC9290] or Base language tag IETF ( -6 base-lang tag38-ltag (see [RFC9290, or [RFC9290] Appendix A]) Base writing -7 base-rtl tag38-direction direction (see IETF ( [RFC9290] [RFC9290, Appendix or A]) Option number(s) of IETF ( -8 unprocessed-coap-option one-or-more CoAP option(s) that or [RFC9290, Section 3.1.1] were not understood Byte index inside the -25 request-body-error-position uint request body at which [CoRE_WG] [draft-amsuess-core-pd-body-error-position-00] the error became apparent Custom Problem Detail Keys Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Thomas Fossati, Carsten Bormann Reference [RFC9290] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Key Name Brief Description Change Controller Reference Value 0 ace-groupcomm-error Carry [RFC9594] problem details in a Concise Problem IETF [RFC9594, Section 4.1.2] Details data item 1 ace-trl-error Carry [RFC-ietf-ace-revoked-token-notification-09] IETF [RFC-ietf-ace-revoked-token-notification-09, problem details in a Concise Problem Details data item. Section 6.1] Carry [RFC7807] problem details in a Concise Problem IETF 7807 tunnel-7807 Details data item ( or [RFC9290, Appendix B] Target Attributes Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Carsten Bormann, Marco Tiloca Reference [RFC9423] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Attribute Name Brief Description Change Controller Reference href reserved (not useful as target attribute name) IETF [RFC6690] anchor reserved (not useful as target attribute name) IETF [RFC6690] rel reserved (not useful as target attribute name) IETF [RFC6690] rev reserved (not useful as target attribute name) IETF [RFC6690] hreflang (Web Linking) IETF [RFC8288] media (Web Linking) IETF [RFC8288] title (Web Linking) IETF [RFC8288] type (Web Linking) IETF [RFC8288] rt resource type IETF [RFC6690, Section 3.1] if interface description IETF [RFC6690, Section 3.2] sz maximum size estimate IETF [RFC6690, Section 3.3] ct Content-Format hint IETF [RFC7252, Section 7.2.1] obs observable resource IETF [RFC7641, Section 6] hct HTTP-CoAP URI mapping template IETF [RFC8075, Section 5.5] osc hint: resource only accessible using OSCORE IETF [RFC8613, Section 9] ep Endpoint Name (with rt="core.rd-ep") IETF [RFC9176, Section 9.3] d Sector (with rt="core.rd-ep") IETF [RFC9176, Section 9.3] base Registration Base URI (with rt="core.rd-ep") IETF [RFC9176, Section 9.3] et Endpoint Type (with rt="core.rd-ep") IETF [RFC9176, Section 9.3] ed-i Hint: support for the EDHOC Initiator role IETF [RFC9668] ed-r Hint: support for the EDHOC Responder role IETF [RFC9668] ed-method A supported authentication method for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668] ed-csuite A supported cipher suite for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668] ed-cred-t A supported type of authentication credential for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668] ed-idcred-t A supported type of authentication credential identifier for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668] ed-ead A supported External Authorization Data (EAD) item for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668] ed-comb-req Hint: support for the EDHOC+OSCORE request IETF [RFC9668] Contact Information ID Name Contact URI Last Updated [CoRE_WG] IETF CoRE WG (reverts to IETF after WG closes) mailto:core& [Michael_Koster] Michael Koster mailto:michael.koster& 2017-07-03 Licensing Terms