Internet Assigned Numbers Authority CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims Created 2018-03-22 Last Updated 2024-12-05 Available Formats [IMG] XML [IMG] HTML [IMG] Plain text Registries included below • CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims • CWT Confirmation Methods CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims Expert(s) Mike Jones, Hannes Tschofenig, Ludwig Seitz Reference [RFC8392] Note Registration requests should be sent to the [mailing list] described in [RFC8392]. If approved, designated experts should notify IANA within three weeks. For assistance, please contact IANA does not monitor the list. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Range Registration Procedures Integer values from -256 to 255 Standards Action Integer values from -65536 to -257 Specification Required Integer values from 256 to 65535 Specification Required Integer values greater than 65535 Expert Review Strings of length 1 Standards Action Strings of length 2 Specification Required Strings of length greater than 2 Expert Review Claim Name Claim Description JWT Claim Name Claim Claim Value Change Controller Reference Key Type less Reserved for Private Use than [RFC8392] -65536 -65536 Unassigned to -262 This claim holds an array of CBOR maps in which each array entry holds a map containing claims [GlobalPlatform Entity Attestation globalplatform_component about a N/A -261 map [GlobalPlatform_Inc.] Protocol Specification, GlobalPlatform GPP_SPE_001, Section 6.5.] component that is within the boundary of the enclosing Entity Attestation Token. hcert Health Certificate hcert -260 map [European_eHealth_Network] [Electronic Health Certificate Specification] EUPHNonce Challenge Nonce EUPHNonce -259 bstr [FIDO_Alliance] [FIDO Device Onboard Specification] Signing prefix for EATMAROEPrefix multi-app restricted EATMAROEPrefix -258 bstr [FIDO_Alliance] [FIDO Device Onboard operating Specification] environments EAT-FDO may contain [FIDO Device Onboard EAT-FDO related to FIDO EAT-FDO -257 array [FIDO_Alliance] Specification] Device Onboarding Unassigned -256 to -1 This registration Reserved reserves the key 0 [IESG] [RFC8392] value 0 iss Issuer iss 1 text string [IESG] [RFC8392] sub Subject sub 2 text string [IESG] [RFC8392] aud Audience aud 3 text string [IESG] [RFC8392] integer or exp Expiration Time exp 4 floating-point [IESG] [RFC8392] number integer or nbf Not Before nbf 5 floating-point [IESG] [RFC8392] number integer or iat Issued At iat 6 floating-point [IESG] [RFC8392] number cti CWT ID jti 7 byte string [IESG] [RFC8392] cnf Confirmation cnf 8 map [IESG] [RFC8747] The scope of an byte string or scope access token, as scope 9 text string [IESG] [RFC8693, Section 4.2] defined in [RFC6749]. Nonce Nonce eat_nonce 10 bstr or array [IETF] [OpenID Connect Core 1.0][RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] Unassigned 11 to 37 The ACE profile a ace_profile token is supposed to ace_profile 38 integer [IETF] [RFC9200, Section 5.10] be used with. The client-nonce sent cnonce to the AS by the RS cnonce 39 byte string [IETF] [RFC9200, Section 5.10] via the client. The expiration time of a token measured unsigned exi from when it was exi 40 integer [IETF] [RFC9200, Section 5.10.3] received at the RS in seconds. Unassigned 41 to 168 Registering the claim for storing identity data of a person, which could be [CBOR Identity Data in QR Code, identity-data personally identity-data 169 map [MOSIP] Section 3][CBOR Identity Data in identifiable data QR Code, Section 4] (PII) mostly used in Foundational/National ID for cross-border interoperability. Unassigned 170 to 255 UEID The Universal Entity ueid 256 bstr [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] ID SUEIDs Semi-permanent UEIDs sueids 257 map [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] Hardware OEM ID Hardware OEM ID oemid 258 bstr or int [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] Hardware Model Model identifier for hwmodel 259 bstr [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] hardware Hardware Version Hardware Version hwversion 260 array [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] Identifier Uptime Uptime uptime 261 uint [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] Indicates whether the OEM Authorized Boot software booted was oemboot 262 bool [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] OEM authorized Debug Status Indicates status of dbgstat 263 uint [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] debug facilities Location The geographic location 264 map [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] location EAT Profile Indicates the EAT eat_profile 265 uri or oid [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] profile followed Submodules Section The section submods 266 map [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] containing submodules The number times the Boot Count entity or submodule bootcount 267 uint [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] has been booted Boot Seed Identifies a boot bootseed 268 bstr [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] cycle Certifications DLOAs received as Digital dloas 269 array [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] Letters of Approval The name of the Software Name software running in swname 270 tstr [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] the entity The version of Software Version software running in swversion 271 array [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] the entity Manifests describing Software Manifests the software manifests 272 array [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] installed on the entity Measurements of the Measurements software, memory measurements 273 array [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] configuration and such on the entity The results of Software Measurement Results comparing software measres 274 array [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] measurements to reference values Intended Use Indicates intended intuse 275 uint [IETF] [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-30] use of the EAT Unassigned 276 to 281 geohash Geohash String geohash 282 text string or [Consumer_Technology_Association] [Fast and Readable Geographical array Hashing (CTA-5009)] Unassigned 283 to 299 wmver The version of the WM wmver 300 unsigned [DASH-IF] [ETSI TS 104 002 V1.1.1] Token integer wmvnd The WM technology wmvnd 301 unsigned [DASH-IF] [ETSI TS 104 002 V1.1.1] vendor integer wmpatlen The length in bits of wmpatlen 302 unsigned [DASH-IF] [ETSI TS 104 002 V1.1.1] the WM pattern integer wmsegduration The nominal duration wmsegduration 303 map [DASH-IF] [ETSI TS 104 002 V1.1.1] of a segment COSE_Encrypt0 wmpattern The WM pattern wmpattern 304 or [DASH-IF] [ETSI TS 104 002 V1.1.1] COSE_Encrypt or byte string Used as input to wmid derive the WM pattern wmid 305 text string [DASH-IF] [ETSI TS 104 002 V1.1.1] for indirect mode Used as additional wmopid input to derive the wmopid 306 unsigned [DASH-IF] [ETSI TS 104 002 V1.1.1] WM pattern for integer indirect mode The key to use for wmkeyver derivation of the WM wmkeyver 307 unsigned [DASH-IF] [ETSI TS 104 002 V1.1.1] pattern in indirect integer mode Unassigned 308 to 2393 psa-client-id PSA Client ID N/A 2394 signed integer [Hannes_Tschofenig] [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24, Section 4.1.2] psa-security-lifecycle PSA Security N/A 2395 unsigned [Hannes_Tschofenig] [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24, Lifecycle integer Section 4.3.1] psa-implementation-id PSA Implementation ID N/A 2396 byte string [Hannes_Tschofenig] [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24, Section 4.2.2] Unassigned 2397 psa-certification-reference PSA Certification N/A 2398 text string [Hannes_Tschofenig] [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24, Reference Section 4.2.3] psa-software-components PSA Software N/A 2399 array [Hannes_Tschofenig] [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24, Components Section 4.4.1] psa-verification-service-indicator PSA Verification N/A 2400 text string [Hannes_Tschofenig] [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24, Service Indicator Section 4.5.1] 2401 Unassigned to 65535 CWT Confirmation Methods Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Ludwig Seitz, Mike Jones Reference [RFC8747] Note Registration requests should be sent to the [mailing list] described in [RFC8747]. If approved, designated experts should notify IANA within three weeks. For assistance, please contact IANA does not monitor the list. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Confirmation Method JWT Confirmation Confirmation Change Name Confirmation Method Description Confirmation Key Value Type Controller Reference Method Name COSE_Key COSE_Key Representing Public Key jwk 1 COSE_Key [IESG] [RFC8747, Section 3.2] structure COSE_Encrypt or COSE_Encrypt0 structure (with Encrypted_COSE_Key Encrypted COSE_Key jwe 2 an optional [IESG] [RFC8747, Section 3.3] corresponding COSE_Encrypt or COSE_Encrypt0 tag) kid Key Identifier kid 3 binary string [IESG] [RFC8747, Section 3.4] OSCORE_Input_Material carrying the osc parameters for using OSCORE osc 4 map [IETF] [RFC9203, Section 3.2.1] per-message security with implicit key confirmation ckt COSE Key SHA-256 Thumbprint (none) 5 binary string [IETF] [RFC-ietf-cose-key-thumbprint-06] Contact Information ID Name Contact URI Last Updated [Consumer_Technology_Association] Consumer Technology Association mailto:standards& 2024-02-21 [DASH-IF] DASH Industry Forum 2023-03-01 [European_eHealth_Network] European eHealth Network mailto:jakob& 2021-04-15 [FIDO_Alliance] FIDO Alliance mailto:iana-request& 2021-03-05 [GlobalPlatform_Inc.] GlobalPlatform Inc. mailto:secretariat& 2024-08-14 [Hannes_Tschofenig] Hannes Tschofenig mailto:hannes.tschofenig& 2022-07-27 [IESG] IESG mailto:iesg& [IETF] IETF mailto:iesg& [MOSIP] MOSIP mailto:resham& 2024-05-15 Licensing Terms