Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Drone Remote ID Protocol Created 2022-12-08 Last Updated 2024-06-26 Available Formats [IMG] XML [IMG] HTML [IMG] Plain text Registries included below • Hierarchical HIT (HHIT) Prefixes • Hierarchical a HIT (HHIT) Suite IDs • DRIP SAM Types • DRIP Frame Types Hierarchical HIT (HHIT) Prefixes Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Adam Wiethuechter, Mohamed Boucadair Reference [RFC9374] Note Registration requests should be sent to the mailing list described in [RFC9374]. If approved, designated experts should notify IANA within three weeks. For assistance, please contact Available Formats [IMG] CSV HHIT Use Bits Value Reference DET 28 2001:30::/28 [RFC9374] Hierarchical a HIT (HHIT) Suite IDs Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Reference [RFC9374] Available Formats [IMG] CSV HHIT Suite Value Reference RESERVED 0 [RFC9374] RSA,DSA/SHA-256 1 [RFC7401] ECDSA/SHA-384 2 [RFC7401] ECDSA_LOW/SHA-1 3 [RFC7401] Unassigned 4 EdDSA/cSHAKE128 5 [RFC9374] Unassigned 6-253 HDA Private Use 1 254 [RFC9374] HDA Private Use 2 255 [RFC9374] DRIP SAM Types Registration Procedure(s) Standards Action Reference [RFC9575] Note This registry is a mirror for SAM Types containing the subset of allocations used by DRIP Authentication Messages. Future additions MUST be done through ASTM's designated registrar which at the time of publication of this RFC is [ICAO]. Additions for DRIP will be coordinated by IANA and the ASTM designated registrar before final publication as Standards Track RFCs. Available Formats [IMG] CSV SAM Type Name Description Reference 0x01 DRIP Link Format to hold Broadcast Endorsements [RFC9575] 0x02 DRIP Wrapper Authenticate full ASTM Messages [RFC9575] 0x03 DRIP Manifest Authenticate hashes of ASTM Messages [RFC9575] 0x04 DRIP Frame Format for future DRIP authentication [RFC9575] DRIP Frame Types Expert(s) Unassigned Reference [RFC9575] Note Requests for registration in the Expert Review range should be sent to the mailing list described in [RFC9575]. If approved, designated experts should notify IANA within three weeks. For assistance, please contact Available Formats [IMG] CSV Range Registration Procedures 0x01-0x9F Expert Review 0xA0-0xEF First Come First Served 0xF0-0xFF Experimental Use Frame Type Name Description Reference 0x00 Reserved Reserved [RFC9575] 0x01-0xEF Unassigned 0xF0-0xFF Experimental Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9575] Licensing Terms