Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Parameters Last Updated 2024-06-13 Available Formats [IMG] XML [IMG] HTML [IMG] Plain text Registries included below • Next Header Types • IPv6 Extension Header Types • Destination Options and Hop-by-Hop Options • Routing Types • RPL-option-TLV • TaggerId Types • Segment Routing Header Flags • Segment Routing Header TLVs Next Header Types Reference [RFC8200][RFC2780][RFC7045] Note This registry has been closed in favor of the IPv6 Extension Header Types registry, also located at [IANA registry ipv6-parameters]. IPv6 Extension Header Types Registration Procedure(s) Standards Action or IESG Approval Reference [RFC2780][RFC5237][RFC7045] Note The "IPv6 Extension Header" field in the Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers registry at [IANA registry protocol-numbers] should be updated for any Protocol Number added to this registry. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Protocol Number Description Reference 0 IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option [RFC8200] 43 Routing Header for IPv6 [RFC8200][RFC5095] 44 Fragment Header for IPv6 [RFC8200] 50 Encapsulating Security Payload [RFC4303] 51 Authentication Header [RFC4302] 60 Destination Options for IPv6 [RFC8200] 135 Mobility Header [RFC6275] 139 Host Identity Protocol [RFC7401] 140 Shim6 Protocol [RFC5533] 253 Use for experimentation and testing [RFC3692][RFC4727] 254 Use for experimentation and testing [RFC3692][RFC4727] Destination Options and Hop-by-Hop Options Registration Procedure(s) IESG Approval, IETF Review or Standards Action Reference [RFC8200][RFC2780][RFC-ietf-6man-hbh-processing-20] Note From [RFC8200] IPv6 Option Types are 8-bit values, structured as three subfields, are defined in Section 4.2 of [RFC8200]. Each distinct 8-bit Option Type identifies a different option, i.e., the high-order 3 bits are considered part of the option identification. However, it is recommended that Option Types be assigned with distinct values in the "rest" subfield, until and unless that 5-bit space becomes full. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Hex Value Binary Value Description Reference act chg rest 0x00 00 0 00000 Pad1 [RFC2460] 0x01 00 0 00001 PadN [RFC2460] 0xC2 11 0 00010 Jumbo Payload [RFC2675] 0x23 00 1 00011 RPL Option [RFC9008] 0x63 01 1 00011 RPL Option (DEPRECATED) [RFC6553][RFC9008] 0x04 00 0 00100 Tunnel Encapsulation Limit [RFC2473] 0x05 00 0 00101 Router Alert [RFC2711] 0x26 00 1 00110 Quick-Start [RFC4782][RFC Errata 2034] 0x07 00 0 00111 CALIPSO [RFC5570] 0x08 00 0 01000 SMF_DPD [RFC6621] 0xC9 11 0 01001 Home Address [RFC6275] 0x8A 10 0 01010 Endpoint Identification (DEPRECATED) [[CHARLES LYNN]] 0x8B 10 0 01011 ILNP Nonce [RFC6744] 0x8C 10 0 01100 Line-Identification Option [RFC6788] 0x4D 01 0 01101 Deprecated [RFC7731] 0x6D 01 1 01101 MPL Option [RFC7731] 0xEE 11 1 01110 IP_DFF [RFC6971] 0x0F 00 0 01111 Performance and Diagnostic Metrics (PDM) [RFC8250] 0x30 00 1 10000 Minimum Path MTU Hop-by-Hop Option [RFC9268] 0x11 00 0 10001 IOAM Destination Option and IOAM Hop-by-Hop Option [RFC9486] 0x31 00 1 10001 IOAM Destination Option and IOAM Hop-by-Hop Option [RFC9486] 0x12 00 0 10010 AltMark [RFC9343] 10011-11101 Unassigned 0x1E 00 0 11110 RFC3692-style Experiment [1] [RFC4727] 0x3E 00 1 11110 RFC3692-style Experiment [1] [RFC4727] 0x5E 01 0 11110 RFC3692-style Experiment [1] [RFC4727] 0x7E 01 1 11110 RFC3692-style Experiment [1] [RFC4727] 0x9E 10 0 11110 RFC3692-style Experiment [1] [RFC4727] 0xBE 10 1 11110 RFC3692-style Experiment [1] [RFC4727] 0xDE 11 0 11110 RFC3692-style Experiment [1] [RFC4727] 0xFE 11 1 11110 RFC3692-style Experiment [1] [RFC4727] 11111 Unassigned Routing Types Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review or IESG Approval Reference [RFC8200][RFC5871] Note For Traffic Class related information, please see [RFC2474],[RFC3168], and []. For IPv6 Router Alert Option Values, please see: [] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Value Description Reference 0 Source Route (DEPRECATED) [RFC2460][RFC5095] 1 Nimrod (DEPRECATED 2009-05-06) 2 Type 2 Routing Header [RFC6275] 3 RPL Source Route Header [RFC6554] 4 Segment Routing Header (SRH) [RFC8754] 5 CRH-16 [RFC-ietf-6man-comp-rtg-hdr-10] 6 CRH-32 [RFC-ietf-6man-comp-rtg-hdr-10] 7-252 Unassigned 253 RFC3692-style Experiment 1 [2] [RFC4727] 254 RFC3692-style Experiment 2 [2] [RFC4727] 255 Reserved RPL-option-TLV Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Reference [RFC6553] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Value Description Reference 0-254 Unassigned 255 Reserved [RFC6553] TaggerId Types Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Reference [RFC6621] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Type Mnemonic Description Reference 0 NULL No TaggerId field is present [RFC6621] 1 DEFAULT A TaggerId of non-specific context is present [RFC6621] 2 IPv4 A TaggerId representing an IPv4 address is present [RFC6621] 3 IPv6 A TaggerId representing an IPv6 address is present [RFC6621] 4-7 Unassigned Segment Routing Header Flags Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Reference [RFC8754] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Bit Description Reference 0-1 Unassigned 2 O-flag [RFC9259] 3-7 Unassigned Segment Routing Header TLVs Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Reference [RFC8754][RFC Errata 7081] Note 0-127: TLVs that do not change en route. 128-255: TLVs that may change en route. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Value Description Reference 0 Pad1 TLV [RFC8754] 1 Reserved [RFC8754] 2 Reserved [RFC8754] 3 Reserved [RFC8754] 4 PadN TLV [RFC8754] 5 HMAC TLV [RFC8754] 6 Reserved [RFC8754] 7-123 Unassigned 124-126 Experimentation and Test [RFC8754] 127 Reserved [RFC8754] 128-251 Unassigned 252-254 Experimentation and Test [RFC8754] 255 Reserved [RFC8754] Footnotes [1] It is only appropriate to use these values in explicitly-configured experiments; they MUST NOT be shipped as defaults in implementations. See [RFC3692] for details. [2] It is only appropriate to use these values in explicitly-configured experiments; they MUST NOT be shipped as defaults in implementations. See [RFC3692] for details. Licensing Terms