(last updated 2004-05-14) Name : Nokia Corporation Email : mime&nokia.com MIME media type name : Application MIME subtype name : Vendor Tree - vnd.nokia.landmarkcollection+xml Required parameters : none Optional parameters : none Encoding considerations : Charset is UTF-8 Security considerations : he media type does not contain active or executable content. The other security issues associates with this type have not been assessed. Interoperability considerations : This media type is designed to be interoperable across a wide range of mobile terminals with different capabilities. The format does not provide any functionality that could be considered as platform or device specific. Published specification : No public specification available. Landmarks Content Format Specification v1.1. available at request. Applications which use this media : Applications which use this media: Landmarks/Waypoint application in a mobile terminal. Additional information : 1. Magic number(s) : none 2. File extension(s) : none 3. Macintosh file type code : none 4. Object Identifiers: none Landmarks Content Format Specification v1.1. Person to contact for further information : 1. Name : Nokia 2. Email : mime&nokia.com Intended usage : Common Author/Change controller : [Created 2004-05-14]