Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 04:34:33 -0800 (PST) From: Juern Laun To: iana&, juern.laun& Subject: Request for MIME media type Image/Personal Tree - prs.pti Name : Juern Laun E-mail : juern.laun& MIME media type name : Image MIME subtype name : Personal Tree - prs.pti Required parameters : none Optional parameters : none Encoding considerations : .pti is a binary file format. Security considerations : .pti files contain no executable code. Interoperability considerations : Yet Win95/98/NT are the only platforms supported for use of this mime type. As it is a binary file format it could be implemented on any other platform. Published specification : A specification (currently only in german) may be found at Applications which use this media : PTI-Plugin to display .pti encoded images Additional information : 1. Magic number(s) : 2. File extension(s) : pti 3. Macintosh file type code : Person to contact for further information : 1. Name : Juern Laun 2. E-mail : juern.laun& Intended usage : Common Author/Change controller : Juern Laun juern.laun&