Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 11:36:13 -0800 (PST) From: Mark Patton To: iana&, fmp014& Subject: Request for MIME media type Text/Vendor Tree - vnd.motorola.reflex Name : Mark Patton E-mail : fmp014& MIME media type name : Text MIME subtype name : Vendor Tree - vnd.motorola.reflex Required parameters : None Optional parameters : None Encoding considerations : This content may be binary and should be transfer encoded using base64 when a non-binary transfer protocol is used to propogate this content. The character set of the text is determined in an a priori manner between the originating wireless device and its associated service provider. For character sets that use only 7-bits per character, the text must be packed using the Pack7 transfer encoding scheme defined by FLEXsuite(tm). Security considerations : The security issues associated with type have not been assessed. Interoperability considerations : This media type uses canonical encodings to preclude interoperability issues. Published specification : The definition of this type is a part of the FLEXsuite(tm) of Enabling Protocols specification available from Motorola under the appropriate licensing agreement. Applications which use this media : Various wireless devices from Motorola and Glenayre. Various wireless messaging terminal infrastructure used in the 2way paging industry. Additional information : 1. Magic number(s) : 2. File extension(s) : 3. Macintosh file type code : This type represents one of the content types available from the FLEXsuite(tm) of Enabling Protocols. This text format enables features such as subject line delineation as well as methods for tokenizing common phrases and enumerating potential responses in a multiple choice format. Person to contact for further information : 1. Name : Mark Patton 2. E-mail : fmp014& Intended usage : Common Provide a common method for submitting simple text messages from ReFLEX(tm) wireless devices. Author/Change controller : The FLEXsuite(tm) of Enabling Protocols is managed by the FLEXsuite(tm) Protocol Development staff of Motorola's Personal Networks Group.