Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Provisional Standard Media Type Registry Created 2012-07-20 Last Updated 2024-07-08 Available Formats [IMG] XML [IMG] HTML [IMG] Plain text Registry included below • Provisional Standard Media Type Registry Provisional Standard Media Type Registry Registration Procedure(s) FCFS (Organization subject to IESG Approval) Reference [RFC6838] Note This registry, unlike some other provisional IANA registries, is only for temporary use. Entries in this registry are either finalized and moved to the main media types registry or are abandoned and deleted. Entries in this registry are suitable for use for development and test purposes only. Media Types: [IANA registry media-types] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Media Type Organization Contact application/odm+json CDISC [Sam_Hume] application/deflate DICOM Standards Committee [David_Clunie] application/json-nd ECMA [Glen_Kleidon] application/cert-chain+cbor IETF [draft-yasskin-http-origin-signed-responses] application/cmw+cbor IETF [draft-ietf-rats-msg-wrap-04] application/ion IETF [Jonathan_Hohle] application/pkix-keyinfo IETF [draft-hallambaker-mesh-udf] application/signed-exchange IETF [draft-yasskin-http-origin-signed-responses] application/voucher+cose IETF [draft-ietf-anima-constrained-voucher-23] application/webbundle IETF [draft-yasskin-wpack-bundled-exchanges] application/1ob IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc. [Rob_Coyle] image/j2is ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 [ISO-IEC_JTC_1-SC_29-WG_1_Convenor] application/akn+xml OASIS [Chet_Ensign] application/city+json Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) [Hugo_Ledoux] text/nfo Seantek [Sean_Leonard] image/pdc Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) [Pierre-Anthony_Lemieux] application/CESR Trust Over IP Foundation [Samuel_M._Smith] application/netcdf Unidata [Ethan_Davis] application/reports+json W3C [Douglas_Creager] application/rif+xml W3C [Sandro_Hawke] application/won IETF/W3C/other [Roy_T._Fielding] Contact Information ID Name Contact URI Last Updated [Anna_Milan] Anna Milan mailto:wis& 2024-06-17 [Chet_Ensign] Chet Ensign mailto:chet.ensign& 2021-04-05 [David_Clunie] David Clunie mailto:dclunie& 2024-07-08 [Douglas_Creager] Douglas Creager mailto:dcreager& 2018-06-26 [Ethan_Davis] Ethan Davis mailto:edavis& 2021-12-16 [Glen_Kleidon] Glen Kleidon mailto:glenk& 2020-07-22 [Hugo_Ledoux] Hugo Ledoux mailto:h.ledoux& 2021-12-15 [ISO-IEC_JTC_1-SC_29-WG_1_Convenor] ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 Convenor mailto:sc29-sec& 2023-05-15 [Jonathan_Hohle] Jonathan Hohle mailto:jonhohle& 2017-06-28 [Pierre-Anthony_Lemieux] Pierre-Anthony Lemieux mailto:pal& 2023-08-08 [Rob_Coyle] Rob Coyle mailto:rcoyle& 2023-05-11 [Roy_T._Fielding] Roy T. Fielding mailto:fielding& 2015-08-25 [Sam_Hume] Sam Hume mailto:shume& 2018-10-31 [Samuel_M._Smith] Samuel M. Smith mailto:sam& 2024-02-15 [Sandro_Hawke] Sandro Hawke mailto:sandro& 2021-01-11 [Sean_Leonard] Sean Leonard mailto:dev+ietf& 2015-10-21 Licensing Terms