Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Structure of Management Information (SMI) Numbers (MIB Module Registrations) Last Updated 2024-07-05 Note For the management of hosts and gateways on the Internet a data structure for the information has been defined. This data structure should be used with any of several possible management protocols, such as the "Simple Network Management Protocol" (SNMP) [RFC1157], or the "Common Management Information Protocol over TCP" (CMOT) [RFC1095]. The data structure is the "Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets" (SMI) [RFC1155], and the "Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based Internets" (MIB-II) [RFC1213]. The SMI includes the provision for parameters or codes to indicate experimental or private data structures. These parameter assignments are listed here. The older "Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol" (SGMP) [RFC1028] also defined a data structure. The parameter assignments used with SGMP are included here for historical completeness. The network management object identifiers are under the iso (1), org (3), dod (6), internet (1), or, branch of the name space. 1.3 is listed below as "org" in accordance with RFC 1157. In the OID specification, ITU-T recommendation X.660, the ASN.1 notation for 1.3 is "identified-organization". 1 iso 1.3 org 1.3.6 dod internet directory mgmt mib-2 ifType transmission transmissionppp application mta pib experimental private enterprise security SNMPv2 snmpDomains snmpProxys snmpModules mail features Available Formats [IMG] XML [IMG] HTML [IMG] Plain text Registries included below • SMI Network Management Directory Codes • SMI Network Management MGMT Codes • SMI Network Management MGMT Codes Internet-standard MIB • Interface Types (ifType) • Tunnel Types (tunnelType) • Transmission Number Values • MIB Transmission Group - Point-to-Point Protocol • MIB Transmission Group - MPLS STD MIB • MIB - Remote Network Monitoring • rmonConformance (Value 20) • Internet-standard MIB - Network Services Monitoring • mib-2.application.assocTable.assocEntry.assocApplicationProtocol • mib-2.application.applTCPProtoID ( • mib-2.application.applUDPProtoID ( • Internet-standard MIB - Mail Monitoring • mib-2.mta.MailGroupTable.MailGroupEntry.mtaGroupMailProtocol • SMI mib-2 snanauMIB Codes • spdActions • IPFIX-SELECTOR-MIB Functions • SMI pib PIB Codes • SMI Experimental Codes • SMI experimental PIB codes • SMI Private Codes • Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs) • SMI Security Codes (including S/MIME, PKIX and LTANS) • SMI Security for Integrity Codes • SMI Security for Confidentiality Codes • SMI Security for Mechanism Codes • SMI Security for S/MIME Mail Security (1.2.840.113549.1.9.16) • SMI Security for S/MIME Module Identifier (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME CMS Content Type (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Attributes (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Algorithms (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Certificate Distribution Mechanisms (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Signature Policy Qualifier (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Commitment Type Identifier (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Test Security Policies (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Control Attributes for Symmetric Key Distribution (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Signature Type Identifiers (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for X.400 Encoded Information Types (EIT) for S/MIME objects (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Capabilities (other than cryptographic algorithms) (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Portable Symmetric Key Container (PSKC) Attributes (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for S/MIME Other Recipient Info Identifiers (1.2.840.113549. • SMI Security for Mechnism SPKM Codes • SMI Security for Mechanism MSP-Based IDUP (MIM) Codes • SMI Security for PKIX • SMI Security for PKIX Module Identifier • SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Extension • SMI Security for PKIX Policy Qualifier • SMI Security for PKIX Extended Key Purpose • SMI Security for PKIX CMP Information Types • SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration • SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Controls • SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Controls for Alternate Certificate Formats • SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Information • SMI Security for PKIX Algorithms • SMI Security for PKIX CMC Controls • SMI Security for PKIX CMC GLA Requests and Responses • SMI Security for PKIX Other Name Forms • SMI Security for PKIX Personal Data Attributes • SMI Security for PKIX Attribute Certificate Attributes • SMI Security for PKIX Qualified Certificate Statements • SMI Security for PKIX CMC Content Types • SMI Security for PKIX OIDs Used Only for Testing • SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Policies • SMI Security for PKIX CMC Error Types • SMI Security for PKIX Revocation Information Types • SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Check Types • SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Want Back Types • SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Validation Policies and Algorithms • SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Name Validation Policy Errors • SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Basic Validation Policy Errors • SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Distinguished Name Validation Policy Errors • SMI Security for PKIX Other Logotype Identifiers • SMI Security for PKIX Proxy Certificate Policy Languages • SMI Security for PKIX Proxy Matching Rules • SMI Security for PKIX Subject Key Identifier Semantics • SMI Security for SCEP Attribute Identifiers • SMI Security for PKIX Access Descriptor • SMI Security for PKIX Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) • SMI Security for Mechanism IPsec Codes • SMI Security for Mechanism isakmpOakley Codes • SMI Security for Mechanism IPSec Certificate Usage Codes • SMI Security for Mechanism ASN.1 Modules • SMI Security for IAKERB GSS-API Mechanism Codes • SMI Security for LTANS • SMI Security for LTANS Module Identifier • SMI Security for LTANS CMS Content Type • SMI Security for LTANS ERS Encryption Method • SMI Security for Mechanism msec Codes • SMI Security for Mechanism msec module-identifers • SMI Security for Mechanism msec content-types • SMI Security for Mechanism msec security-suites • SMI Security for Mechanism msec protocol-identifiers • SMI Security for Mechanism msec rekey-methods • SMI Security for Mechanism msec rekey-reliability-methods • SMI Security for Mechanism msec distributed-operations-methods • SMI Security for Mechanism msec data-policies • SMI Security for Mechanism gsscma Codes • Object Identifiers for Application Bridging for Federated Access • • • SMI Security for Name System Designators Codes (nametypes) • SMI Security Services Codes • SMI Security Services Codes (conf) • SMI Security Services Codes (integrity) • SMI Security Services Codes (doa) • SMI Security Services Codes (non-rep) • SMI Security Services Codes (acc) • SMI Security Services Codes (dflow) • SMI Security Services Codes (time) • SMI SNMPv2 Codes • SNMPv2 snmpDomains Codes • SMI SNMPv2 snmpModules Codes • SNMP Management Architecture - Security Subsystem (SnmpSecurityModel) • SNMP Management Architecture - Message Processing Subsystem (SnmpMessageProcessingModel) • SMI mail Codes • SMI mail MIME MHS Codes • SMI mail MIME MHS headings Codes • SMI mail MIME MHS bodies Codes • SMI mail MIME MHS bodies data Codes • SMI mail MIME MHS bodies parameter Codes • SMI mail MIME-MHS core Codes • SMI Features • SMI Security for Cryptographic Algorithms • SNMP-TLSTM HashAlgorithms SMI Network Management Directory Codes Description ( Note Please see: [IANA registry ldap-parameters] SMI Network Management MGMT Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC2578] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved Reserved [IANA] 1 mib-2 MIB [Keith_McCloghrie] 2 pib PIB [RFC3159] SMI Network Management MGMT Codes Internet-standard MIB Registration Procedure(s) RFC Required Description ( Reference [RFC1213][RFC2578] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved Reserved [IANA] 1 system System [RFC1213] 2 interfaces Interfaces [RFC1213] 3 at Address Translation [RFC1213] 4 ip Internet Protocol [RFC4293] 5 icmp Internet Control Message [RFC4293] 6 tcp Transmission Control Protocol [RFC4022] 7 udp User Datagram Protocol [RFC4113] 8 egp Exterior Gateway Protocol [RFC1213] 9 cmot CMIP over TCP [RFC1213] 10 transmission Transmission [RFC1213] 11 snmp Simple Network Management [RFC1213] 12 GenericIF Generic Interface Extensions [RFC1229][RFC1239] 13 Appletalk Appletalk Networking [RFC1742] 14 ospf Open Shortest Path First [RFC1253][Fred_Baker] 15 bgp Border Gateway Protocol [RFC4273] 16 rmon Remote Network Monitoring [RFC2819] 17 bridge Bridge Objects [RFC4188] 18 DecnetP4 Decnet Phase 4 [RFC1559][Jon_Saperia] 19 Character Character Streams [RFC1658] 20 snmpParties SNMP Parties [RFC1353] 21 snmpSecrets SNMP Secrets [RFC1353] 22 snmpDot3RptrMgt [RFC2108] 23 rip-2 Routing Information Protocol [RFC1724] 24 ident Identification Protocol [RFC1414] 25 host Host Resources [RFC1514] 26 snmpDot3MauMgt 802.3 Medium Attachment Units [RFC2668] 27 application Network Services Monitoring [RFC2248] 28 mta Mail Monitoring [RFC2789] 29 dsa X.500 Directory Monitoring [RFC1567] 30 IANAifType Interface Types [RFC2863] 31 ifMIB Interface Types [RFC2863] 32 dns Domain Name System [RFC1611] 33 upsMIB Uninterruptible Power Supplies [RFC1628] 34 snanauMIB SNA NAU MIB [RFC1666] 35 etherMIB Ethernet-like generic objects [RFC3635] 36 sipMIB SMDS inteface objects [RFC1694] 37 atmMIB ATM objects [RFC2515] 38 mdmMIB Dial-up modem objects [RFC1696] 39 rdbmsMIB relational database objects [RFC1697] 40 flowMIB traffic flow objects [RFC2720] 41 snaDLC SNA SDLC [RFC1747] 42 dot5SrMIB Token Ring Station Source Route [RFC1748] 43 printMIB Printer [RFC3805] 44 mipMIB Mobile IP [RFC2006] 45 dot12MIB IEEE 802.12 [RFC2020] 46 dlswMIB Data Link Switch [RFC2024] 47 entityMIB Entity [RFC4133] 48 ipMIB Internet Protocol MIB Module [RFC4293] 49 tcpMIB TCP MIB Module [RFC4022] 50 udpMIB UDP MIB Module [RFC4113] 51 rsvp RSVP MIB [RFC2206] 52 intSrv Integrated Services MIB [RFC2213] 53 vgRptrMIB IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB [RFC2266] 54 sysApplMIB System Application MIB [RFC2287] 55 ipv6MIB IP Version 6 MIB (Historic) [RFC8096] 56 ipv6IcmpMIB ICMPv6 Group MIB (Historic) [RFC8096] 57 marsMIB Multicast Address Resolution [RFC2417] 58 perfHistTCMIB PerfHist-TC-MIB [RFC3593] 59 atmAccountingInformationMIB [RFC2512] 60 accountingControlMIB [RFC2513] 61 IANATn3270eTCMIB IANATn3270eTC-MIB [RFC2561] 62 applicationMib Application Management MIB [RFC2564] 63 schedMIB Disman Schedule MIB [RFC3231] 64 scriptMIB Disman Script MIB [RFC3165] 65 wwwMIB WWW Service MIB [RFC2594] 66 dsMIB Directory Server Monitoring [RFC2605] 67 radiusMIB RADIUS MIB [RFC2618] 68 vrrpMIB VRRP MIB (DEPRECATED) [Bob_Hinden][RFC6527] 69 docsDev DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB [RFC2669] 70 etherChipsetMIB ETHER-CHIPSET-MIB [RFC2666] 71 nhrpMIB NBMA NHRP MIB [RFC2677] 72 ianaAddressFamily ianaAddressFamilyNumbers [RFC2677] 73 ianalanguagemib IANA Language MIB [RFC3165] 74 agentxMIB AGENTX-MIB [RFC2742] 75 fcFeMIB FIBRE-CHANNEL-FE-MIB [RFC2837] 76 inetAddressMIB INET Address MIB [RFC2851] 77 ifInvertedStackMIB IF Inverted Stack MIB [RFC2864] 78 hcnumTC HCNUM Textual Conventions [RFC2856] 79 ptopoMIB PTOPO-MIB [RFC2922] 80 pingMIB DISMAN-PING-MIB [RFC2925] 81 traceRouteMIB DISMAN-TRACEROUTE-MIB [RFC2925] 82 lookupMIB DISMAN-NSLOOKUP-MIB [RFC2925] 83 ipMRouteStdMIB IPMROUTE-STD-MIB [RFC2932] 84 ianaipRouteProtocolMIB IANA-RTPROTO-MIB [RFC2932] 85 igmpStdMIB IGMP-STD-MIB [RFC2933] 86 frAtmIwfMIB FR-ATM-PVC-SERVICE-IWF-MIB [RFC2955] 87 rtpMIB RTP-MIB [RFC2959] 88 dismanEventMIB DISMAN-EVENT-MIB [RFC2981] 89 copsClientMIB COPS-CLIENT-MIB [RFC2940] 90 dismanExpressionMIB DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB [RFC2982] 91 mldMIB IPV6-MLD-MIB [RFC3019] 92 notificationLogMIB NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB [RFC3014] 93 pintMIB PINT-MIB [RFC3055] 94 circuitIfMIB CIRCUIT-IF-MIB [RFC3201] 95 frsldMIB FRSLD-MIB [RFC3202] 96 diffServDSCPTC DIFFSERV-DSCP-TC [RFC3289] 97 diffServMib DIFFSERV-MIB [RFC3289] 98 gsmpMIB GSMP-MIB [RFC3295] 99 entitySensorMIB ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB [RFC3433] 100 transportAddressMIB TRANSPORT-ADDRESS-MIB [RFC3419] 101 mallocMIB MALLOC-MIB [RFC3559] 102 ianamallocMIB IANA-MALLOC-MIB [RFC3559] 103 ipv6FlowLabelMIB IPV6-FLOW-LABEL-MIB [RFC3595] 104 sctpMIB SCTP-MIB [RFC3873] 105 powerEthernetMIB POWER-ETHERNET-MIB [RFC3621] 106 ianaCharsetMIB IANA-CHARSET-MIB [RFC3808] 107 hcPerfHistTCMIB HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB [RFC3705] 108 diffServConfigMib DIFFSERV-CONFIG-MIB [RFC3747] 109 ianaPrinterMIB IANA-PRINTER-MIB [RFC3805] 110 ianafinisherMIB IANA-FINISHER-MIB [RFC3806] 111 finisherMIB Finisher-MIB [RFC3806] 112 rohcMIB ROHC-MIB [RFC3816] 113 rohcUncmprMIB ROHC-UNCOMPRESSED-MIB [RFC3816] 114 rohcRtpMIB ROHC-RTP-MIB [RFC3816] 115 tripTC TRIP-TC [RFC3872] 116 tripMIB TRIP-MIB [RFC3872] 117 arcMib ARC-MIB [RFC3878] 118 alarmMIB ALARM-MIB [RFC3877] 119 ianaItuAlarmNumbers IANA-ITU-ALARM-TC [RFC3877] 120 ituAlarmTc ITU-ALARM-TC [RFC3877] 121 ituAlarmMIB ITU-ALARM-MIB [RFC3877] 122 teMIB TE-MIB [RFC3970] 123 natMIB NAT-MIB (DEPRECATED) [RFC7658] 124 pmMib POLICY-BASED-MANAGEMENT-MIB [RFC4011] 125 docsSubMgt docsSubMgt [RFC4036] 126 docsBpi2MIB DOCS-IETF-BPI2-MIB [RFC4131] 127 docsIetfQosMIB DOCS-IETF-QOS-MIB [RFC4323] 128 ianaIppmMetricsRegistry IANA-IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY [RFC4148] 129 vpnTcMIB VPN-TC-STD-MIB [RFC4265] 130 entityStateTc ENTITY-STATE-TC-MIB [RFC4268] 131 entityStateMIB ENTITY-STATE-MIB [RFC4268] 132 docsDevNotifMIB DOCS-IETF-CABLE-DEVICE-NOTIFICATION-MIB [RFC4547] 133 mip6MIB MOBILEIPV6-MIB [RFC4295] 134 rstpMIB RSTP-MIB [RFC4318] 135 t11FcNameServerMIB T11-FC-NAME-SERVER-MIB [RFC4438] 136 t11TcMIB T11-TC-MIB [RFC4439] 137 t11FcFabricAddrMgrMIB T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB [RFC4439] 138 isisMIB ISIS-MIB [RFC4444] 139 scsiMIB SCSI-MIB [RFC4455] 140 pktcIetfMtaMib PKTC-IETF-MTA-MIB [RFC4682] 141 ipsAuthMibModule IPS-AUTH-MIB [RFC4545] 142 iscsiMibModule ISCSI-MIB [RFC7147] 143 t11FcFspfMIB T11-FC-FSPF-MIB [RFC4626] 144 t11FcRouteMIB T11-FC-ROUTE-MIB [RFC4625] 145 radiusDynAuthClientMIB RADIUS-DYNAUTH-CLIENT-MIB [RFC4672] 146 radiusDynAuthServerMIB RADIUS-DYNAUTH-SERVER-MIB [RFC4673] 147 t11FcVirtualFabricMIB T11-FC-VIRTUAL-FABRIC-MIB [RFC4747] 148 sipTC SIP-TC-MIB [RFC4780] 149 sipCommonMIB SIP-COMMON-MIB [RFC4780] 150 sipUAMIB SIP-UA-MIB [RFC4780] 151 sipServerMIB SIP-SERVER-MIB [RFC4780] 152 ianagmplstcMIB IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB [RFC4802] 153 spdmib IPSEC-SPD-MIB [RFC4807] 154 ianamauMIB IANA-MAU-MIB [RFC4836] 155 dot3EponMIB DOT3-EPON-MIB [RFC4837] 156 tcpEStatsMIB TCP Extended Statistics MIB [RFC4898] 157 pimStdMIB PIM routers Management MIB [RFC5060] 158 dot3OamMIB DOT3-OAM-MIB [RFC4878] 159 t11FabricLockMIB T11-FC-FABRIC-LOCK-MIB [RFC4936] 160 t11ZoneServerMIB T11-FC-ZONE-SERVER-MIB [RFC4936] 161 t11FcRscnMIB T11-FC-RSCN-MIB [RFC4983] 162 t11FcFabricConfigServerMIB T11-FC-FABRIC-CONFIG-SERVER-MIB [RFC4935] 163 isnsMIB ISNS-MIB [RFC4939] 164 uriTcMIB URI-TC-MIB [RFC5017] 165 langTagTcMIB LANGTAG-TC-MIB [RFC5131] 166 ifCapStackMIB IF-CAP-STACK-MIB [RFC5066] 167 efmCuMIB EFM-CU-MIB [RFC5066] 168 ipMcastMIB IP-Multicast-MIB [RFC5132] 169 pktcIetfSigMib PKTC-IETF-SIG-MIB [RFC5098] 170 udpliteMIB UDP-Lite Management [RFC5097] 171 midcomMIB MIDCOM-MIB [RFC5190] 172 pimBsrMIB pimBsrMIB [RFC5240] 173 syslogTCMIB SYSLOG-TC-MIB [RFC5427] 174 ianaPwe3MIB IANA-PWE3-MIB [RFC5601] 175 t11FcTcMIB T11-FC-SP-TC-MIB [RFC5324] 176 t11FcSpAuthenticationMIB T11-FC-SP-AUTHENTICATION-MIB [RFC5324] 177 t11FcSpZoningMIB T11-FC-SP-ZONING-MIB [RFC5324] 178 t11FcSpPolicyMIB T11-FC-SP-POLICY-MIB [RFC5324] 179 t11FcSpSaMIB T11-FC-SP-SA-MIB [RFC5324] 180 pwEnetStdMIB PW-ENET-STD-MIB [RFC5603] 181 pwMplsStdMIB PW-MPLS-STD-MIB [RFC5602] 182 pktcIetfEventMib PKTC-IETF-EVENT-MIB [RFC5428] 183 pwATMMIB PW-ATM-MIB [RFC5605] 184 nemoMIB nemoMIB [RFC5488] 185 mgmdStdMIB MGMD-STD-MIB [RFC5519] 186 pwTDMMIB PW-TDM-MIB [RFC5604] 187 forcesMIB FORCES-MIB [RFC5813] 188 pwTcStdMIB PW-TC-STD-MIB [RFC5542] 189 sshtmMIB Secure Shell Transport Model MIB [RFC5592] 190 snmpTsmMIB Transport Security Model MIB [RFC5591] 191 ospfv3MIB OSPFV3-MIB [RFC5643] 192 syslogMsgMib SYSLOG-MSG-MIB [RFC5676] 193 ipfixMIB IPFIX-MIB [RFC5815][RFC6615] 194 ipfixSelectorMIB IPFIX-SELECTOR-MIB [RFC5815][RFC6615] 195 capwapDot11MIB CAPWAP-DOT11-MIB [RFC5834] 196 capwapBaseMIB CAPWAP-BASE-MIB [RFC5833] 197 ntpSnmp NTP-SNMP-MIB [RFC5907] 198 snmpTlstmMIB SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB [RFC6353] 199 vacmAaaMIB VACM-AAA-MIB [RFC6065] 200 pwCepStdMIB PW-CEP-STD-MIB [RFC6240] 201 floatTcMIB FLOAT-TC-MIB [RFC6340] 202 mplsFrrGeneralStdMIB MPLS-FRR-GENERAL-STD-MIB [RFC6445] 203 mplsFrrOne2oneStdMIB MPLS-FRR-ONE2ONE-STD-MIB [RFC6445] 204 mplsFrrFacilityStdMIB MPLS-FRR-FACILITY-STD-MIB [RFC6445] 205 pmip6TCMIB PMIPV6-TC-MIB [RFC6475] 206 pmip6MIB PMIPV6-MIB [RFC6475] 207 vrrpv3MIB VRRPV3-MIB [RFC6527] 208 g9981MIB G9981-MIB [RFC6768] 209 g9982MIB G9982-MIB [RFC6767][RFC Errata 3589] 210 g9983MIB G9983-MIB [RFC6766] 211 gBondMIB GBOND-MIB [RFC6765] 212 psampMIB PSAMP-MIB [RFC6727] 213 nhdpMIB NHDP-MIB [RFC7939] 214 rbridgeMIB RBRIDGE-MIB [RFC6850] 215 ianaGBondTcMIB IANA-GBOND-TC-MIB [RFC6765] 216 ianaEntityMIB IANA-ENTITY-MIB [RFC6933] 217 uuidTCMIB UUID-TC-MIB [RFC6933] 218 rpkiRtrMIB RPKI-ROUTER-MIB [RFC6945] 219 olsrv2MIB OLSRv2-MIB [RFC7184] 220 lispMIB Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) [RFC7052] 221 ianaOlsrv2LinkMetricTypeMIB IANA-OLSRv2-LINK-METRIC-TYPE-MIB [RFC7184] 222 bfdMIB BFD-STD-MIB [RFC7331] 223 bfdTCStdMIB BFD-TC-STD-MIB [RFC7330] 224 ianaBfdTCStdMIB IANA-BFD-TC-STD-MIB [RFC7330] 225 ianaSmfMIB IANA-SMF-MIB [RFC7367] 226 lowpanMIB LOWPAN-MIB [RFC7388] 227 pcePcepMIB PCE-PCEP-MIB [RFC7420] 228 IANAPowerStateSet-MIB IANA-POWER-STATE-SET-MIB [RFC7460] 229 energyObjectMIB ENERGY-OBJECT-MIB [RFC7460] 230 powerAttributesMIB POWER-ATTRIBUTES-MIB [RFC7460] 231 energyObjectContextMIB ENERGY-OBJECT-CONTEXT-MIB [RFC7461] 232 ianaEnergyRelationMIB IANA-ENERGY-RELATION-MIB [RFC7461] 233 batteryMIB BATTERY-MIB [RFC7577] 234 natv2MIB NATV2-MIB [RFC7659] 235 snmpUsmHmacSha2MIB SNMP-USM-HMAC-SHA2-MIB [RFC7860] 236 vmMIB VM-MIB [RFC7666] 237 ianaStorageMediaTypeMIB IANA-STORAGE-MEDIA-TYPE-MIB [RFC7666] 238 trillOamMIB TRILL-OAM-MIB [RFC7784] 239 swmMIB SOFTWIRE-MESH-MIB [RFC7856] 240 dsliteMIB DSLite-MIB [RFC7870] 241 ptpbaseMIB PTPBASE-MIB [RFC8173] 242 mapMIB MAP-E-MIB [RFC8389] 243 mvpnMIB BGP-MPLS-LAYER3-VPN-MULTICAST-MIB [RFC8503] 244 l2L3VpnMcastTCMIB L2L3-VPN-MULTICAST-TC-MIB [RFC8502] 245 l2L3VpnMcastMIB L2L3-VPN-MULTICAST-MIB [RFC8502] 246 iptfsMIB IP-TRAFFIC-FLOW-SECURITY-MIB [RFC9349] Interface Types (ifType) Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Dave Thaler (primary), Dan Romascanu (secondary) Description ( Reference [RFC1213][RFC2863][RFC7224][RFC8892] Note For future ifType assignments, an OID-subtree assignment in MIB-II's 'transmission' subtree will be made with the same value. In addition, the [IANAifType-MIB] and [iana-if-type YANG] modules should be updated in accordance with [RFC2863] and [RFC7224], respectively. Note For a functional mib language definition please see the following: [IANA registry ianaiftype-mib] Rules for real mib names: #NAME? "-if its made of several words," the second and later word's first letter is uppercase #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Thus by way of example we have: traif kosher ----- ------ ddn-x25 "ddnX25(4)," FDDI "fddi(15)," smds-dxi "smdsDxi(43)," IEEE802.11 "ieee80211(71)," "-Finally, the last item in the list has no comma," while all previous items have a comma Note Note: MIB and YANG formats are available at [IANAifType-MIB] and [iana-if-type]. Request an Assignment [] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 other none of the following [RFC1213] 2 regular1822 BBN Report 1822 [RFC1213] 3 hdh1822 BBN Report 1822 [RFC1213] 4 ddn-x25 BBN Report 1822 [RFC1213] 5 x25 X.25 [RFC1382] 6 ethernet-csmacd [RFC1213] 7 IEEE802.3 DEPRECATED [RFC3635] 8 IEEE802.4 Token Bus-like Objects [RFC1239] 9 IEEE802.5 Token Ring-like Objects [RFC1748] 10 iso88026-man [RFC1213] 11 starLan DEPRECATED [RFC3635] 12 proteon-10Mbit [RFC1213] 13 proteon-80Mbit [RFC1213] 14 hyperchannel [RFC1213] 15 FDDI FDDI Objects [RFC1512] 16 lapb LAP B [RFC1381] 17 sdlc [RFC1213] 18 ds1 T1/E1 Carrier Objects [RFC4805] 19 e1 obsolete [RFC4805] 20 basicISDN [RFC1213] 21 primaryISDN [RFC1213] 22 propPointToPointSerial [RFC1213] 23 ppp Point-to-Point Protocol [RFC1213][RFC1471] 24 softwareLoopback [RFC1213] 25 eon [RFC1213] 26 ethernet-3Mbit [RFC1213] 27 nsip [RFC1213] 28 slip [RFC1213] 29 ultra [RFC1213] 30 ds3 DS3/E3 Interface Objects [RFC3896] 31 sip SMDS Interface Objects [RFC1694] 32 frame-relay Frame Relay Objects for DTE [RFC2115] 33 RS-232 RS-232 Objects [RFC1659] 34 Parallel Parallel Printer Objects [RFC1660] 35 arcnet ARC network 36 arcnet-plus ARC network plus 37 atm ATM 38 MIOX25 MIOX25 [RFC1461] 39 SONET SONET or SDH 40 x25ple X.25 packet level [RFC2127] 41 iso88022llc 802.2 LLC 42 localTalk 43 smds-dxi SMDS DXI 44 frameRelayService Frame Relay DCE [RFC2954] 45 v35 V.35 46 hssi HSSI 47 hippi HIPPI 48 modem generic modem 49 aal5 AAL5 over ATM 50 sonetPath 51 sonetVT 52 smds-icip SMDS Inter-Carrier Interface Protocol 53 propVirtual proprietary vitural/internal [RFC2863] interface 54 propMultiLink proprietary multi-link multiplexing [RFC2863] 55 ieee80212 100BaseVG 56 fibre-channel Fibre Channel 57 hippiInterfaces HIPPI interfaces [Philip_Cameron] 58 FrameRelayInterconnect Interconnet over FR [Unknown] 59 aflane8023 ATM Emulated LAN for 802.3 [Keith_McCloghrie] 60 aflane8025 ATM Emulated LAN for 802.5 [Keith_McCloghrie] 61 cctEmul ATM Emulated circuit [Guy_Fedorkow] 62 fastEther DEPRECATED [RFC3635] 63 isdn ISDN and X.25 [RFC1356] 64 v11 CCITT V.11/X.21 [Satish_Popat] 65 v36 CCITT V.36 [Satish_Popat] 66 g703-64k CCITT G703 at 64Kbps [Satish_Popat] 67 g703-2mb CCITT G703 at 2Mbps [Satish_Popat] 68 qllc SNA QLLC [Satish_Popat] 69 fastEtherFX DEPRECATED [RFC3635] 70 channel channel [Steven_Schwell] 71 IEEE802.11 radio spread spectrum [Dawkoon_Paul_Lee] 72 ibm370parChan IBM System 360/370 OEMI Channel [Bill_Kwan] 73 ESCON IBM Enterprise Systems Connection [Bill_Kwan] 74 DLSw Data Link Switching [Bill_Kwan] 75 ISDNs ISDN S/T interface [Ed_Alcoff] 76 ISDNu ISDN U interface [Ed_Alcoff] 77 lapd Link Access Protocol D [Ed_Alcoff] 78 ip-switch IP Switching Objects [Joe_Wei] 79 rsrb Remote Source Route Bridging [Bob_Clouston] 80 atm-logical ATM Logical Port [RFC3606] 81 ds0 Digital Signal Level 0 [RFC2494] 82 ds0Bundle group of ds0s on the same ds1 [RFC2494] 83 bsc Bisynchronous Protocol [Bill_Kwan] 84 async Asynchronous Protocol [Bill_Kwan] 85 cnr Combat Net Radio [Herb_Jensen] 86 iso88025Dtr ISO 802.5r DTR [Trevor_Warwick] 87 eplrs Enhanced Pos Loc Report Sys [Herb_Jensen] 88 arap Appletalk Remote Access Protocol [Jim_Halpin] 89 propCnls Proprietary Connectionless Proto. [Robert_Neill] 90 hostPad CCITT-ITU X.29 PAD Protocol [Robert_Neill] 91 termPad CCITT-ITU X.3 PAD Facility [Robert_Neill] 92 frameRelayMPI Multiproto Interconnect over FR [Robert_Neill] 93 x213 CCITT-ITU X213 [Robert_Neill] 94 adsl Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop [Gregory_Bathrick] 95 radsl Rate-Adapt. Digital Subscriber Loop [Gregory_Bathrick] 96 sdsl Symmetric Digital Subscriber Loop [Gregory_Bathrick] 97 vdsl Very H-Speed Digital Subscrib. Loop [Gregory_Bathrick] 98 iso88025CRFPInt ISO 802.5 CRFP [Trevor_Warwick] 99 myrinet Myricom Myrinet [Bob_Felderman] 100 voiceEM Voice recEive and transMit (E&M) [Bob_Stewart] 101 voiceFXO Voice Foreign Exchange Office [Bob_Stewart] 102 voiceFXS Voice Foreign Exchange Station [Bob_Stewart] 103 voiceEncap Voice encapsulation [Bob_Stewart] 104 voiceOverIp Voice over IP encapsulation [Bob_Stewart] 105 atmDxi ATM DXI [Gary_Hanson] 106 atmFuni ATM FUNI [Gary_Hanson] 107 atmIma ATM IMA [Chris_Martin] 108 pppMultilinkBundle PPP Multilink Bundle [John_Shriver] 109 ipOverCdlc IBM ipOverCdlc [Ken_White] 110 ipOverClaw IBM Common Link Access to Workstn [Ken_White] 111 stackToStack IBM stackToStack [Ken_White] 112 virtualIpAddress IBM VIPA [Ken_White] 113 mpc IBM multi-protocol channel support [Ken_White] 114 ipOverAtm IBM ipOverAtm [RFC2320] 115 iso88025Fiber ISO 802.5j Fiber Token Ring [Kevin_Lingle] 116 tdlc IBM twinaxial data link control [John_Pechacek] 117 gigabitEthernet DEPRECATED [RFC3635] 118 hdlc HDLC [Sebastien_Rosset] 119 lapf LAP F [Sebastien_Rosset] 120 v37 V.37 [Sebastien_Rosset] 121 x25mlp Multi-Link Protocol [Sebastien_Rosset] 122 x25huntGroup X25 Hunt Group [Sebastien_Rosset] 123 transpHdlc Transp HDLC [Sebastien_Rosset] 124 interleave Interleave channel [Karmous_Edwards] 125 fast Fast channel [Karmous_Edwards] 126 ip IP (for APPN HPR in IP networks) [Robert_Moore] 127 docsCableMaclayer CATV Mac Layer [Azlina_Palmer] 128 docsCableDownstream CATV Downstream interface [Azlina_Palmer] 129 docsCableUpstream CATV Upstream interface [Azlina_Palmer] 130 a12MppSwitch Avalon Parallel Processor [Ross_Harvey] 131 tunnel Encapsulation interface [Dave_Thaler] 132 coffee coffee pot [RFC2325] 133 ces Circiut Emulation Service [Ron_Carmona] 134 atmSubInterface (x) ATM Sub Interface [Keith_McCloghrie] 135 l2vlan Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q [Mike_MacFaden] 136 l3ipvlan Layer 3 Virtual LAN - IP Protocol [Mike_MacFaden] 137 l3ipxvlan Layer 3 Virtual LAN - IPX Prot. [Mike_MacFaden] 138 digitalPowerLine IP over Power Lines [Hans_Scholtes] 139 mediaMailOverIp (xxx) Multimedia Mail over IP [Hongchi_Shih] 140 dtm Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode [Jakob_Ellerstedt] 141 dcn Data Communications Network [James_Card] 142 ipForward IP Forwarding Interface [James_Card] 143 msdsl Multi-rate Symmetric DSL [Gopinath_Durairaj] 144 ieee1394 IEEE1394 High Performance Serial Bus [Kenji_Fujisawa] 145 if-gsn HIPPI-6400 [Jean_Michel_Pittet] 146 dvbRccMacLayer DVB-RCC MAC Layer [Maarten_Oelering] 147 dvbRccDownstream DVB-RCC Downstream Channel [Maarten_Oelering] 148 dvbRccUpstream DVB-RCC Upstream Channel [Maarten_Oelering] 149 atmVirtual ATM Virtual Interface [Subrahmanya_Hegde] 150 mplsTunnel MPLS Tunnel Virtual Interface [Cheenu_Srinivasan] 151 srp Spatial Reuse Protocol [Bill_Shetti] 152 voiceOverAtm Voice over ATM [Chris_White] 153 voiceOverFrameRelay Voice Over Frame Relay [Chris_White] 154 idsl Digital Subscriber Loop over ISDN [Patrick_Gili] 155 compositeLink Avici Composite Link Interface [Joseph_Dube] 156 ss7SigLink SS7 Signaling Link [Cheenu_Srinivasan] 157 propWirelessP2P Prop. P2P wireless interface [Joseph_Raja] 158 frForward Frame forward Interface [Subrahmanya_Hegde] 159 rfc1483 Multiprotocol over ATM AAL5 [RFC1483] 160 USB USB Interface [Bejamin_Dolnik] 161 ieee8023adLag IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregate [Les_Bell] 162 bgpPolicyAccounting BGP Policy Accounting [Vinod_B_C] 163 frf16MfrBundle FRF.16 Multilik Frame Relay [Pate_Prayson] 164 h323Gatekeeper H323 Gatekeeper [Chris_White] 165 h323Proxy H323 Voice and Video Proxy [Chris_White] 166 mpls MPLS [Cheenu_Srinivasan] 167 mfSigLink Multi-frequency signaling link [Cheenu_Srinivasan] 168 hdsl2 High Bit-Rate DSL, 2nd gen. [Bob_Ray] 169 shdsl Multirate HDSL2 [Bob_Ray] 170 ds1FDL Facility Data Link (4Kbps) on a DS1 [Bill_Kwan] 171 POS Packet over SONET/SDH Interface [Ewart_Tempest] 172 dvbAsiIn DVB-ASI Input [Hezi_Oved] 173 dvbAsiOut DVB-ASI Output [Hezi_Oved] 174 plc Power Line Communications [Andrew_Lunn] 175 NFAS Non-Facility Associated Signaling [Sidney_Antommarchi] 176 TR008 TROO8 [Sidney_Antommarchi] 177 GR303RDT Remote Digital Terminal [Sidney_Antommarchi] 178 GR303IDT Integrated Digital Terminal [Sidney_Antommarchi] 179 ISUP ISUP [Sidney_Antommarchi] 180 propDocsWirelessMaclayer Cisco proprietary Maclayer [Joseph_Raja] 181 propDocsWirelessDownstream Cisco proprietary Downstream [Joseph_Raja] 182 propDocsWirelessUpstream Cisco proprietary Upstream [Joseph_Raja] 183 hiperlan2 HIPERLAN Type 2 Radio Interface [Jamshid_Khun_Jush] PropBroadbandWirelessAccesspt2Multipt (use of this type for IEEE 802.16 184 propBWAp2Mp WMAN, interfaces as per IEEE 802.16 [Zvika_Zilberman] is deprecated and iftype 237 should be used instead) 185 sonetOverheadChannel SONET Overhead Channel [ODSI_Coalition_K_Arv] 186 digitalWrapperOverheadChannel Digital Wrapper Overhead [ODSI_Coalition_K_Arv] 187 aal2 ATM adaptation layer 2 [K_Ashoka] 188 radioMAC MAC layer over radio links [Daniele_Behar] 189 atmRadio ATM over radio links [Daniele_Behar] 190 IMT Inter-Machine Trunks [Sidney_Antommarchi] 191 mvl Multiple Virtual Lines DSL [Kevin_Baughman] 192 reachDSL Long Reach DSL [Kevin_Baughman] 193 frDlciEndPt Frame Relay DLCI End Point [Robert_Steinberger] 194 atmVciEndPt ATM VCI End Point [Robert_Steinberger] 195 opticalChannel Optical Channel [Mark_Stewart] 196 opticalTransport Optical Transport [Mark_Stewart] 197 propAtm Proprietary ATM [Subrahmanya_Hegde] 198 voiceOverCable Voice Over Cable Interface [Eugene_Nechamkin] 199 infiniband Infiniband [Bill_Strahm] 200 teLink TE Link [Martin_Dubuc] 201 q2931 Q.2931 [Sidney_Antommarchi_2] 202 virtualTg Virtual Trunk Group [Sidney_Antommarchi_2] 203 sipTg SIP Trunk Group [Sidney_Antommarchi_2] 204 sipSig SIP Signaling [Sidney_Antommarchi_2] 205 docsCableUpstreamChannel CATV Upstream Channel [Greg_Nakanishi] 206 econet Acorn Econet [Ben_Harris] 207 pon155 FSAN 155Mb Symetrical PON interface [Graham_Higgins] 208 pon622 FSAN 622Mb Symetrical PON interface [Graham_Higgins] 209 bridge Transparent bridge interface [Yuzo_Watanabe] 210 linegroup Interface common to multiple lines [Yuzo_Watanabe] 211 voiceEMFGD voice E&M Feature Group D [Taher_Shaikh] 212 voiceFGDEANA voice FGD Exchange Access North [Taher_Shaikh] American 213 voiceDID voice Direct Inward Dialing [Taher_Shaikh] 214 mpegTransport MPEG transport interface [Gaurav_Aggarwal] 215 sixToFour 6to4 interface (DEPRECATED) [RFC4087] 216 gtp GTP (GPRS Tunneling Protocol) [Rajesh_M_L] 217 pdnEtherLoop1 Paradyne EtherLoop 1 [Shu_Dong] 218 pdnEtherLoop2 Paradyne EtherLoop 2 [Shu_Dong] 219 opticalChannelGroup Optical Channel Group [Hing_Kam_Lam] 220 homepna HomePNA ITU-T G.989 [Stephen_Palm] 221 gfp Generic Framing Procedure (GFP) [Italo_Busi] 222 ciscoISLvlan Layer 2 Virtual LAN using Cisco ISL [Sandeep_Raghavendra] 223 actelisMetaLOOP Acteleis proprietary MetaLOOP High [Edward_Beili] Speed Link 224 fcipLink FCIP Link [Anil_Rijhsinghani] 225 rpr Resilient Packet Ring Interface Type [IEEE 802.17] 226 qam RF Qam Interface [Jeyachitra_Alagar] 227 lmp Link Management Protocol [RFC4327] 228 cblVectaStar Cambridge Broadband Networks Limited [John_Naylon] VectaStar CATV Modular CMTS Downstream [Eduardo_Cardona]["Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: M-CMTS Operations Support System Interface Specification, 229 docsCableMCmtsDownstream Interface CM-SP-M-OSSI-I01-050805", DOCSIS, August 2005.][][] Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop 230 adsl2 Version 2 (DEPRECATED - REPLACED BY [RFC4706] 238) 231 macSecControlledIF MACSecControlled [Paul_Congdon] 232 macSecUncontrolledIF MACSecUncontrolled [Paul_Congdon] 233 aviciOpticalEther Avici Optical Ethernet Aggregate [Somen_Bhattacharya] 234 atmbond atmbond [] 235 voiceFGDOS voice FGD Operator Services [Lizzie_Cheung] 236 mocaVersion1 MultiMedia over Coax Alliance [Ladd_Wardani] 237 ieee80216WMAN IEEE 802.16 WMAN interface [] Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop 238 adsl2plus Version 2 -- Version 2 Plus and all [RFC4706] variants 239 dvbRcsMacLayer DVB-RCS MAC Layer [RFC5728][ETSI EN 301 790][] 240 dvbTdm DVB Satellite TDM [RFC5728][ETSI EN 300 421][ETSI EN 302 307][] 241 dvbRcsTdma DVB-RCS TDMA [RFC5728][ETSI EN 301 790][ETSI EN 300 421][] 242 x86Laps LAPS based on ITU-T X.86/Y.1323 [Orly_Nicklass][] 243 wwanPP 3GPP WWAN [Gabriel_Montenegro][] 244 wwanPP2 3GPP2 WWAN [Gabriel_Montenegro][] 245 voiceEBS voice P-phone EBS physical interface [Tom_Chou] 246 ifPwType Pseudowire interface type [RFC5601] 247 ILAN Internal LAN on a bridge per IEEE [Glenn_Parsons][] 802.1ap 248 PIP Provider Instance Port on a bridge [Glenn_Parsons][] per IEEE 802.1ah PBB 249 aluELP Alcatel-Lucent Ethernet Link [Xiaohua_Ma] Protection 250 gpon Gigabit-capable passive optical [Hyeri_Koh] networks (G-PON) as per ITU-T G.984 Very high speed digital subscriber 251 vdsl2 line Version 2 (as per ITU-T [Markus_Freudenberger][RFC5650] Recommendation G.993.2) 252 capwapDot11Profile WLAN Profile Interface [RFC5834] 253 capwapDot11Bss WLAN BSS Interface [RFC5834] 254 capwapWtpVirtualRadio WTP Virtual Radio Interface [RFC5833] 255 bits bitsport [Du_Feng] 256 docsCableUpstreamRfPort DOCSIS CATV Upstream RF Port [Michael_Patrick][] 257 cableDownstreamRfPort CATV downstream RF port [Michael_Patrick] 258 vmwareVirtualNic VMware Virtual Network Interface [Mike_MacFaden] 259 ieee802154 IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN interface [Juergen_Schoenwaelde]["IEEE Std. 802.15.4-2006", October 2006.] 260 otnOdu OTN Optical Data Unit [Jim_Vance][] 261 otnOtu OTN Optical channel Transport Unit [Jim_Vance][] 262 ifVfiType VPLS Forwarding Instance Interface [Manas_Pati] Type 263 g9981 G.998.1 bonded interface [RFC6768][RFC Errata 3591] 264 g9982 G.998.2 bonded interface [RFC6767][RFC Errata 3589] 265 g9983 G.998.3 bonded interface [RFC6766][RFC Errata 3588] 266 aluEpon (E-PON) Ethernet Passive Optical Networks [Karel_Meijfroidt] 267 aluEponOnu EPON Optical Network Unit [Karel_Meijfroidt] 268 aluEponPhysicalUni EPON physical User to Network [Karel_Meijfroidt] interface 269 aluEponLogicalLink The emulation of a point-to-point [Karel_Meijfroidt] link over the EPON layer 270 aluGponOnu GPON Optical Network Unit [Karel_Meijfroidt][] 271 aluGponPhysicalUni GPON physical User to Network [Karel_Meijfroidt][] interface 272 vmwareNicTeam VMware NIC Team [Michael_MacFaden][] The corresponding transmission value 273 Reserved is allocated according to the [RFC6825] following reference. The corresponding transmission value 274 Reserved is allocated according to the [RFC7257] following reference. The corresponding transmission value 275 Reserved is allocated according to the [RFC7257] following reference. The corresponding transmission value 276 Reserved is allocated according to the [RFC7257] following reference. 277 docsOfdmDownstream CATV Downstream OFDM interface [][Miguel_O_Alvarez] 278 docsOfdmaUpstream CATV Upstream OFDMA interface [][Miguel_O_Alvarez] 279 gfast port [ITU-T G.9701] 280 sdci SDCI (IO-Link) [IEC 61131-9 Edition 1.0 2013-09][Markus_Rentschler] 281 xboxWireless Xbox wireless [Brandon_Jiang] 282 fastdsl FastDSL [BBF TR-355][Broadband_Forum] 283 docsCableScte55d1FwdOob Cable SCTE 55-1 OOB Forward Channel [][Brian_Hedstrom] 284 docsCableScte55d1RetOob Cable SCTE 55-1 OOB Return Channel [][Brian_Hedstrom] 285 docsCableScte55d2DsOob Cable SCTE 55-2 OOB Downstream [][Brian_Hedstrom] Channel 286 docsCableScte55d2UsOob Cable SCTE 55-2 OOB Upstream Channel [][Brian_Hedstrom] 287 docsCableNdf Cable Narrowband Digital Forward [][Brian_Hedstrom] 288 docsCableNdr Cable Narrowband Digital Return [][Brian_Hedstrom] 289 ptm Packet Transfer Mode [ITU-T G.993.1, Annex H][ITU-T G.993.2][ITU-T G.9701][Broadband_Forum] 290 ghn port [ITU-T G.9961][Broadband_Forum] 291 otnOtsi Optical Tributary Signal [ITU-T G.959.1][Koteswara_Boyapati] 292 otnOtuc OTN OTUCn [ITU-T G.709/Y.1331][Koteswara_Boyapati] 293 otnOduc OTN ODUC [ITU-T G.709][Koteswara_Boyapati] 294 otnOtsig OTN OTUC Signal [ITU-T G.709][Koteswara_Boyapati] 295 microwaveCarrierTermination air interface of a single microwave [RFC8561] carrier 296 microwaveRadioLinkTerminal radio link interface for one or [RFC8561] several aggregated microwave carriers 297 ieee8021axDrni IEEE 802.1AX Distributed Resilient [IEEE 802.1AX-Rev-d2-0][John_Messenger] Network Interface 298 ax25 AX.25 network interfaces [AX.25 Link Access Protocol for Amateur Packet Radio version 2.2][Iain_Learmonth] 299 ieee19061nanocom Nanoscale and Molecular Communication [IEEE 1906.1-2015][Stephen_F_Bush] 300 cpri Common Public Radio Interface [CPRI v7.0][Renwang_Liu] 301 omni Overlay Multilink Network Interface [draft-templin-6man-omni-00][Fred_L_Templin] (OMNI) 302 roe Radio over Ethernet Interface [1914.3-2018 - IEEE Standard for Radio over Ethernet Encapsulations and Mappings][Renwang_Liu] 303 p2pOverLan Point to Point over LAN interface [RFC9296] Tunnel Types (tunnelType) Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Dave Thaler (primary), Dan Romascanu (secondary) Description ( Reference [RFC4087][RFC8675][RFC8892] Note When this registry is modified, the [IANAifType-MIB] and [iana-tunnel-type] modules should be updated in accordance with [RFC2863] and [RFC8675], respectively. Note For a functional mib language definition please see the following: [IANA registry ianaiftype-mib] Rules for real mib names: #NAME? "-if its made of several words," the second and later word's first letter is uppercase #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Thus by way of example we have: traif kosher ----- ------ ddn-x25 "ddnX25(4)," FDDI "fddi(15)," smds-dxi "smdsDxi(43)," IEEE802.11 "ieee80211(71)," "-Finally, the last item in the list has no comma," while all previous items have a comma Note Note: MIB and YANG formats are available at [IANAifType-MIB] and [iana-tunnel-type]. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 other none of the following [RFC4087] 2 direct no intermediate header [RFC2003][RFC4213] 3 gre GRE encapsulation [RFC1701][RFC1702][RFC7676] 4 minimal Minimal encapsulation [RFC2004] 5 l2tp L2TP encapsulation [RFC2661] 6 pptp PPTP encapsulation [RFC2637] 7 l2f L2F encapsulation [RFC2341] 8 udp UDP encapsulation [RFC1234][RFC8085] 9 atmp ATMP encapsulation [RFC2107] 10 msdp MSDP encapsulation [RFC3618] 11 sixToFour 6to4 encapsulation [RFC3056] 12 sixOverFour 6over4 encapsulation [RFC2529] 13 isatap ISATAP encapsulation [RFC5214] 14 teredo Teredo encapsulation [RFC4380] 15 ipHttps IPHTTPS [Sean_Siler][Microsoft Corporation, "IP over HTTPS (IP-HTTPS) Tunneling Protocol Specification] 16 softwireMesh softwire mesh tunnel [RFC5565] 17 dsLite DS-Lite tunnel [RFC6333] 18 aplusp A+P encapsulation [RFC6346] 19 ipsectunnelmode IpSec tunnel mode encapsulation [RFC4301] Transmission Number Values Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Dave Thaler (primary), Dan Romascanu (secondary) Description ( Reference [RFC1213][RFC8892] Note For future transmission number assignments, an 'ifType' assignment will be made with the same value. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 5 x25 X.25 [RFC1382] 7 dot3 Ethernet-like Objects [RFC3635] 8 IEEE802.4 Token Bus-like Objects [RFC1230][RFC1239] 9 dot5 Token Ring-like Objects [RFC1748] 15 FDDI FDDI Objects [RFC1512][Jeffrey_Case] 16 lapb LAP B [RFC1381] 18 ds1 T1 Carrier Objects [RFC4805] 19 e1 E1 Carrier Objects [RFC4805] 20 isdnMib ISDN MIB [RFC2127] 21 dialControlMib Dial Control MIB [RFC2128] 23 ppp Point-to-Point Protocol [RFC1471] 30 ds3 DS3/E3 Interface Objects [RFC3896] 31 sip SMDS Interface Objects [RFC1694] 32 frame-relay Frame Relay Objects [RFC2115][Caralyn_Brown] 33 RS-232 RS-232 Objects [RFC1659] 34 Parallel Parallel Printer Objects [RFC1660] 35 arcnet ARC network 36 arcnet-plus ARC network plus 37 atm ATM 38 MIOX25 MIOX25 [RFC1461] 39 sonetMIB SONET MIB [RFC3592] 44 frnetservMIB Frame Relay Service MIB for DCE [RFC1604] 45 dot12MIB IEEE 802.12 [RFC2020] 46 ipoaMIB IPOA-MIB [RFC2320] 47 mfrMIB FR-MFR-MIB [RFC3020] 48 hdsl2ShdslMIB HDSL2-SHDSL-LINE-MIB [RFC4319] 49 apsMIB APS-MIB [RFC3498] 50-55 Reserved Reserved 56 fcMgmtMIB fcMgmtMIB [RFC4044] 57-80 Reserved Reserved 81 ds0 DS0-MIB [RFC2494] 82 ds0bundle DS0Bundle-MIB [RFC2494] 83-93 Reserved Reserved 94 adslmib adslMIB [RFC2662] 95 l2tp L2TP-MIB [RFC3371] 96 Reserved Reserved 97 vdslMIB VDSL-LINE-MIB [RFC3728] 98-126 Reserved Reserved 127 docsIfMib DOCS IF MIB [RFC2670] 128-130 Reserved Reserved 131 tunnelMIB IP Tunnel MIB [RFC2667] 132 coffee coffee pot [RFC2325] 133 optIfMibModule OPT-IF-MIB [RFC3591] 134 etherWisMIB ETHER-WIS MIB [RFC3637] 135-165 Reserved Reserved 166 mplsStdMIB MPLS STD MIB [RFC3811] 167-183 Reserved Reserved 184 propBWAp2Mp PropBroadbandWirelessAccesspt2Multipt [] 185-199 Reserved Reserved 200 teLinkStdMIB TE-LINK-STD-MIB [RFC4220] 201-223 Reserved Reserved 224 fcipMIB FCIP-MGMT-MIB [RFC4404] 225-226 Reserved Reserved 227 lmpMIB LMP-MIB [RFC4327] 228 vdslExtSCMMIB VDSL-LINE-EXT-SCM-MIB [RFC4069] 229 vdslExtMCMMIB VDSL-LINE-EXT-MCM-MIB [RFC4070] 230 ifcpMgmtMIB IFCP-MGMT-MIB [RFC6173] 231-237 Reserved Reserved 238 adsl2MIB ADSL2-LINE-MIB [RFC4706] 239 dvbRcsMib DVB-RCS-MIB [RFC5728][ETSI EN 301 790][] 240-245 Reserved Reserved 246 pwStdMIB PW-STD-MIB [RFC5601] 247-250 Reserved Reserved 251 vdsl2MIB VDSL2-LINE-MIB [RFC5650] 252-262 Reserved Reserved 263 Reserved Reserved [RFC6768][RFC Errata 3591] 264 Reserved Reserved [RFC6767][RFC Errata 3589] 265 Reserved Reserved [RFC6766][RFC Errata 3588] 266-272 Reserved Reserved 273 TED-MIB TED-MIB [RFC6825] 274 VPLS-GENERIC-MIB VPLS-GENERIC-MIB [RFC7257] 275 VPLS-LDP-MIB VPLS-LDP-MIB [RFC7257] 276 VPLS-BGP-MIB MIB VPLS-BGP-MIB [RFC7257] 277-290 Reserved Reserved 291 otnOtsi Optical Tributary Signal [ITU-T G.959.1][Koteswara_Boyapati] 292 otnOtuc OTN OTUCn [ITU-T G.709/Y.1331][Koteswara_Boyapati] 293 otnOduc OTN ODUC [ITU-T G.709][Koteswara_Boyapati] 294 otnOtsig OTN OTUC Signal [ITU-T G.709][Koteswara_Boyapati] 295 Reserved Reserved [RFC8561] 296 Reserved Reserved [RFC8561] 297 ieee8021axDrni IEEE 802.1AX Distributed Resilient [IEEE 802.1AX-Rev-d2-0][John_Messenger] Network Interface 298 ax25 AX.25 network interfaces [AX.25 Link Access Protocol for Amateur Packet Radio version 2.2][Iain_Learmonth] 299 ieee19061nanocom Nanoscale and Molecular Communication [IEEE 1906.1-2015][Stephen_F_Bush] 300 cpri Common Public Radio Interface [CPRI v7.0][Renwang_Liu] 301 omni Overlay Multilink Network Interface [draft-templin-6man-omni-00][Fred_L_Templin] (OMNI) 302 roe Radio over Ethernet Interface [1914.3-2018 - IEEE Standard for Radio over Ethernet Encapsulations and Mappings][Renwang_Liu] 303 p2pOverLan Point to Point over LAN interface [RFC5309] MIB Transmission Group - Point-to-Point Protocol Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC1471] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 pppLcp ppp link control [RFC1471] 2 pppSecurity ppp security [RFC1472] 3 pppIp ppp IP network control [RFC1473] 4 pppBridge ppp bridge networl control [RFC1474] MIB Transmission Group - MPLS STD MIB Registration Procedure(s) Standards Action Description ( Reference [RFC3811] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name References 1 MPLS-TC-STD-MIB [RFC3811] 2 MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB [RFC3813] 3 MPLS-TE-STD-MIB [RFC3812] 4 MPLS-LDP-STD-MIB [RFC3815] 5 MPLS-LDP-ATM-STD-MIB [RFC3815] 6 MPLS-LDP-FRAME-RELAY-STD-MIB [RFC3815] 7 MPLS-LDP-GENERIC-STD-MIB [RFC3815] 8 MPLS-FTN-STD-MIB [RFC3814] 9 MPLS-LC-ATM-STD-MIB [RFC4368] 10 MPLS-LC-FR-STD-MIB [RFC4368] 11 MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB [RFC4382] 12 GMPLS-TC-STD-MIB [RFC4801] 13 GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB [RFC4802] 14 Unassigned 15 GMPLS-LSR-STD-MIB [RFC4803] 16 GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB [RFC4803] 17 MPLS-TC-EXT-STD-MIB [RFC7453] 18 MPLS-ID-STD-MIB [RFC7453] 19 MPLS-LSR-EXT-STD-MIB [RFC7453] 20 MPLS-TE-EXT-STD-MIB [RFC7453] 21 MPLS-OAM-ID-STD-MIB [RFC7697] 22 MPLS-LPS-MIB [RFC8150] MIB - Remote Network Monitoring Registration Procedure(s) Standards Action Reference [RFC2819][RFC3737] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Descriptor OID Type References 0 rmonEventsV2 Notifications root [RFC2819] 1 statistics OID [RFC2819] 2 history OID [RFC2819] 3 alarm OID [RFC2819] 4 hosts OID [RFC2819] 5 hostTopN OID [RFC2819] 6 matrix OID [RFC2819] 7 filter OID [RFC2819] 8 capture OID [RFC2819] 9 event OID [RFC2819] 10 tokenRing OID [RFC1513] 11 protocolDir OID [RFC4502] 12 protocolDist OID [RFC4502] 13 addressMap OID [RFC4502] 14 nlHost OID [RFC4502] 15 nlMatrix OID [RFC4502] 16 alHost OID [RFC4502] 17 alMatrix OID [RFC4502] 18 usrHistory OID [RFC4502] 19 probeConfig OID [RFC4502] 20 rmonConformance OID [RFC4502] 21 mediaIndependentStats OID [RFC3273] 22 switchRMON M-I [RFC2613] 23 reserved for apm M-I [RFC3729] 24 available 25 pmCapsMIB M-I (defunct) 26 dsmonMIB M-I [RFC3287] 27 interfaceTopNMIB M-I [RFC3144] 28 sspmMIB M-I [RFC4149] 29 hcAlarmMIB M-I [RFC3434] 30 tpmMIB M-I [RFC4150] 31 reserved for raqmon M-I [draft-siddiqui-rmonmib-raqmon-mib-02] 32 reserved for raqmonDs M-I [draft-siddiqui-rmonmib-raqmon-pdu-00] rmonConformance (Value 20) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC4502] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Descriptor OID Type References 1 rmon2MIBCompliances OID [RFC4502] 2 rmon2MIBGroups OID [RFC4502] 3 smonMIBCompliances OID [RFC2613] 4 smonMIBGroups OID [RFC2613] 5 hcRMON M-I [RFC3273] 6 hcRmonMIBCompliances OID [RFC3273] 7 hcRmonMIBGroups OID [RFC3273] 8 rmonMibModule M-I [RFC2819] 9 rmonCompliances OID [RFC2819] 10 rmonGroups OID [RFC2819] Internet-standard MIB - Network Services Monitoring Description ( mib-2.application.assocTable.assocEntry.assocApplicationProtocol Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined? Description ( Note assocApplicationProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An identification of the protocol being used for the application. For an OSI Application, this will be the Application Context. For Internet applications, the IANA maintains a registry of the OIDs which correspond to well-known applications. If the application protocol is not listed in the registry, an OID value of the form {applTCPProtoID port} or {applUDProtoID port} are used for TCP-based and UDP-based protocols, respectively. In either case 'port' corresponds to the primary port number being used by the protocol." ::= {assocEntry 3} Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name References 0 Reserved mib-2.application.applTCPProtoID ( Note This registry is not in use. As per [RFC2788] the applications are designated by the duplet formed by the OID and the TCP or UDP port respectively. -- OIDs of the form {applTCPProtoID port} are intended to be used -- for TCP-based protocols that don't have OIDs assigned by other -- means. {applUDPProtoID port} serves the same purpose for -- UDP-based protocols. In either case 'port' corresponds to -- the primary port number being used by the protocol. For example, -- assuming no other OID is assigned for SMTP, an OID of -- {applTCPProtoID 25} could be used, since SMTP is a TCP-based -- protocol that uses port 25 as its primary port. Registry is empty. mib-2.application.applUDPProtoID ( Note This registry is not in use. As per [RFC2788] the applications are designated by the duplet formed by the OID and the TCP or UDP port respectively. -- OIDs of the form {applTCPProtoID port} are intended to be used -- for TCP-based protocols that don't have OIDs assigned by other -- means. {applUDPProtoID port} serves the same purpose for -- UDP-based protocols. In either case 'port' corresponds to -- the primary port number being used by the protocol. For example, -- assuming no other OID is assigned for SMTP, an OID of -- {applTCPProtoID 25} could be used, since SMTP is a TCP-based -- protocol that uses port 25 as its primary port. Registry is empty. Internet-standard MIB - Mail Monitoring Description ( mib-2.mta.MailGroupTable.MailGroupEntry.mtaGroupMailProtocol Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Note mtaGroupMailProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An identification of the protocol being used by this group. For an group employing OSI protocols, this will be the Application Context. For Internet applications, the IANA maintains a registry of the OIDs which correspond to well-known message transfer protocols. If the application protocol is not listed in the registry, an OID value of the form {applTCPProtoID port} or {applUDProtoID port} are used for TCP-based and UDP-based protocols, respectively. In either case 'port' corresponds to the primary port number being used by the group. applTCPProtoID and applUDPProtoID are defined in [5]." ::= {mtaGroupEntry 24} Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name References 0 Reserved SMI mib-2 snanauMIB Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC1666] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 snanauObjects SNANAU Objects [RFC1666] 2 snanauConformance SNANAU Conformance [RFC1666] 3 appcMIB APPC MIB [RFC2051] 4 appnMIB APPN MIB [RFC2455] 5 dlurMIB APPN Dep LU Requester MIB [RFC2232] 6 hprMIB APPN High Perf. Routing MIB [RFC2238] 7 ebnMIB APPN Ext. Border Node MIB [RFC2457] 8 tn3270eMIB TN3270E MIB [RFC2561] 9 tn3270eRtMIB TN3270E Response Time MIB [RFC2562] spdActions Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Wes Hardaker Description ( Reference [RFC4807] Registry is empty. IPFIX-SELECTOR-MIB Functions Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Unassigned Description ( Reference [RFC6615] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 ipfixFuncSelectAll Select everything [RFC6615] 2 psampSampCountBased Systematic Count-based Sampling [RFC6727] 3 psampSampTimeBased Systematic Time-based Sampling [RFC6727] 4 psampSampRandOutOfN Random n-out-of-N Sampling [RFC6727] 5 psampSampUniProb Universal Probabilistic Sampling [RFC6727] 6 psampFiltPropMatch Property Match Filtering [RFC6727] 7 psampFiltHash Hash-based Filtering [RFC6727] 8 flowSelectorAlgorithm This Object Identifier identifies the Intermediate Flow Selection Process technique (e.g., Filtering, [RFC7014] Sampling) that is applied by the Intermediate Flow Selection Process SMI pib PIB Codes Registration Procedure(s) Standards Action Description ( Reference [RFC3159] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 copsPrSppiTc COPS-PR-SPPI-TC [RFC3159] 2 frameworkPib FRAMEWORK-PIB [RFC3318] 3 frwkTcPib FRAMEWORK-TC-PIB [RFC3318] 4 dsPolicyPib DIFFSERV-PIB [RFC3317] 5 frwkFeedbackPib FRAMEWORK-FEEDBACK-PIB [RFC3571] SMI Experimental Codes Registration Procedure(s) Experimental RFC Description ( Reference [RFC4181][RFC2578][RFC1155] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 CLNS ISO CLNS Objects [Greg_Satz] 2 T1-Carrier T1 Carrier Objects [Fred_Baker][1] 3 IEEE802.3 Ethernet-like Objects [John_Cook][1] 4 IEEE802.5 Token Ring-like Objects [Eric_Decker][1] 5 DECNet-PHIV DECNet Phase IV [Jon_Saperia][1] 6 Interface Generic Interface Objects [Keith_McCloghrie][1] 7 IEEE802.4 Token Bus-like Objects [Keith_McCloghrie][1] 8 FDDI FDDI Objects [Jeffrey_Case][1] 9 LANMGR-1 LAN Manager V1 Objects [Jim_Greuel] 10 LANMGR-TRAPS LAN Manager Trap Objects [Jim_Greuel] 11 Views SNMP View Objects [Chuck_Davin] 12 SNMP-AUTH SNMP Authentication Objects [Keith_McCloghrie] 13 BGP Border Gateway Protocol [Steven_Willis][1] 14 Bridge Bridge MIB [Fred_Baker][1] 15 DS3 DS3 Interface Type [Tracy_Brown][1] 16 SIP SMDS Interface Protocol [Tracy_Brown][1] 17 Appletalk Appletalk Networking [Steve_Waldbusser][1] 18 PPP PPP Objects [FKJ2][1] 19 Character MIB Character MIB [Bob_Stewart_2][1] 20 RS-232 MIB RS-232 MIB [Bob_Stewart_2][1] 21 Parallel MIB Parallel MIB [Bob_Stewart_2][1] 22 atsign-proxy Proxy via Community [Richard_Fox] 23 OSPF OSPF MIB [Fred_Baker][1] 24 Alert-Man Alert-Man [Louis_Steinberg] 25 FDDI-Synoptics FDDI-Synoptics [David_Perkins] 26 Frame Relay Frame Relay MIB [Caralyn_Brown][1] 27 rmon Remote Network Management MIB [Steve_Waldbusser][1] 28 IDPR IDPR MIB [Robert_A_Woodburn] 29 HUBMIB IEEE 802.3 Hub MIB [Donna_McMaster] 30 IPFWDTBLMIB IP Forwarding Table MIB [Fred_Baker] 31 LATM MIB [Tracy_Brown] 32 SONET MIB [Tracy_Brown] 33 IDENT [Marshall_Rose] 34 MIME-MHS [Marshall_Rose][1] 35 MAUMIB IEEE 802.3 Mau MIB [Donna_McMaster] 36 Host Resources Host Resources MIB [Steve_Waldbusser] 37 ISIS-MIB Integrated ISIS protocol MIB [Chris_Gunner] 38 Chassis Chassis MIB [Jeffrey_Case] 39 ups ups [Jeffrey_Case] 40 App-Mon Application Monitoring MIB [Teemu_Kurki] 41 ATM UNI ATM [Masuma_Ahmed] 42 FC Fibre Channel [John_Chu] 43 DNS Domain Name Service [Rob_Austein][1] 44 X.25 X.25 MIB [Dean_Throop] 45 Frame Relay Serv. Frame Relay Service MIB [Tracy_Cox] 46 Madman-Applications [Ned_Freed] 47 Madman-MTA [Ned_Freed] 48 Madman-DSA [Ned_Freed] 49 Modem [Steve_Waldbusser] 50 SNA NAU [Deirdre_Kostick] 51 SDLC SDLC [Jeff_Hilgeman] 52 DNS Domain Name Service [Jon_Saperia] 53 network-objects IP info ix X.500 [Johannsen] 54 printmib [Joel_Gyllenskog] 55 rdbmsmib [Robert_Purvey] 56 sipMIB [Tracy_Brown] 57 stIImib ST-II protocol MIB [Hartmut_Wittig] 58 802.5 SSR MIB 802.5 Stn Source Routing MIB [Keith_McCloghrie] 59 igmpMIB [Keith_McCloghrie] 60 ipRouteMIB [Keith_McCloghrie] 61 pimMIB [RFC2934] 62 dvmrpMIB [Dave_Thaler] 63 dot12MIB IEEE 802.12 Interface MIB [Jeffery_T_Johnson] 64 vgRptrMIB IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB [Jeffery_T_Johnson][1] 65 schema Schema Publishing [RFC1804] 66 hippi-ep HIPPI End Point [John_Renwick] 67 hippi-sd HIPPI Switch Device [John_Renwick] 68 dlsw Data Link SWitch [David_Chen] 69 mip Mobile IP [Janes_Solomon] 70 secModelMIB Security Model [Michael_Kornegay] 71 rsvp Resource Reservation Protocol [Fred_Baker_2] 72 intSrv Integrated Services Protocol [Fred_Baker_2] 73 Madman-Alarm-Generation [Gordon_Jones] 74 IPv6 MIB MIB for IPv6 (Historic) [RFC8096][Dimitry_Haskin] 75 rdrrn Rapidly Deploy Radio Resh Net [Steve_Bush] 76 aris ARIS Protocol [Kamal_Dhaliwal] 77 rtpmib Real-Time Transport Protocol [RFC2959][1] 78 ipOverAtm IP over ATM [Ken_White] 79 radius RADIUS Working Group [Bernard_Aboba][1] 80 TN3270E-MIB [Ken_White] 81 TN3270E-RT-MIB [Ken_White] 82 docsif [Mike_St_Johns][1] 83 docsDev [Mike_St_Johns][1] 84 REMOPS-MIB [Ken_White] 85 scriptMIB [Juergen_Schoenwaelde][1] 86 ipv6TcpMIB IP Version 6 MIB for TCP (Historic) [RFC8096] 87 ipv6UdpMIB IP Version 6 MIB for UDP (Historic) [RFC8096] 88 SLAPM-MIB [Ken_White] 89 ADSLLINE-MIB [Gregory_Bathrick][1] 90 XGCP-MIB [Dinh_Nguyen] 91 nmrg-MIB Network Management Res. Grp. [Juergen_Schoenwaelde] 92 MSDP-MIB Multicast Source Discovery MIB [RFC4624] 93 MLD-MIB Multicast Listener Discovery [MIB_Brian_Haberman] 94 FCMGMT-MIB Fibre Channel Mgmt Framework [MIB_Steven_Blumenau] 95 MPLS-TE-MIB MPLS Traffic Engineering [Cheenu_Srinivasan][1] 96 MPLS-LSR-MIB MPLS Label Switch Router [Cheenu_Srinivasan][1] 97 FR/ATM-PVC-MIB Frame Relay/ATM PVC Serv. MIB [Ken_Rehbehn] 98 IPSEC-Monitor-MIB IPSEC Monitoring MIB [Tim_Jenkins] 99 ISAKMP-Monitor-MIB ISAKMP Monitoring MIB [Tim_Jenkins] 100 IPSEC-ISAKMP-IKE-DOI-TC-MIB [John_Shriver] 101 DHKEY-CHANGE [RFC2786] 102 OSPFv3 OSPF for IPv6 [Dan_Joyal] 103 usbMIB [Bejamin_Dolnik] 104 frsldMIB [Robert_Steinberger] 105 mfrMIB [Pate_Prayson] 106 IKE-MON-MIB ikeMonMIB [Tim_Jenkins] 107 Snmpconf Policy MIB [David_Harrington] 108 Snmpconf Diffserv Policy MIB [David_Harrington] 109 HDSL2-SHDSL MIB [Mike_Sneed] 110 Euromodem MIB [Andrew_Valentine] 111 MPLS-FTN-MIB mplsFTNMIB [Cheenu_Srinivasan][1] 112 PGM-MIB [Luna_Petrova] 113 LMP-MIB [Martin_Dubuc][1] 114 TE-LINK-MIB teLinkMIB [Martin_Dubuc] 115 finisherMIB [Ron_Bergman] 116 experimental pib [RFC3159] 117 infinibandMIB [Bill_Strahm] 118 mplsVpnMIB MPLS-VPN-MIB [Thomas_D_Nadeau] 119 diameterMIB DIAMETER-BASE-PROTOCOL-MIB [Jay_Koehler] 120 mplsFrrMIB MPLS-FRR MIB [Thomas_D_Nadeau] 121 ppvpnTcMIB PPVPN-TC MIB [Thomas_D_Nadeau] 122 bldgHVACMIB BLDG-HVAC-MIB [RFC3512] 123 aggrMIB [RFC4498] 124 tAggrMIB [RFC4498] 125 rserpoolMIB [RFC5525] 126 smfMib SMF-MIB [RFC7367] SMI experimental PIB codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC3159] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] SMI Private Codes Registration Procedure(s) For Private Enterprise Number (PEN) registration (prefix, see [IANA registry enterprise-numbers]. Description ( Reference [RFC2578] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 enterprise private enterprises [IANA] Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs) Registration Procedure(s) First Come First Served Description ( Reference [RFC9371] Note See [IANA registry enterprise-numbers]. SMI Security Codes (including S/MIME, PKIX and LTANS) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] Kerberos version 4 [Miller, S.P., B.C. Neuman, J.I. Schiller, and J.H. Saltzer, "Project Athena Technical Plan Section 1 kerberosV4 objects E.2.1: Kerberos Authentication and Authorization System", Project Athena, MIT, December 1987.][B_Clifford_Neuman] 2 kerberosV5 Kerberos version 5 [RFC4120][][B_Clifford_Neuman][Greg_Hudson] objects 3 integrity integrity [IANA] algorithms 4 confide confidentiality [IANA] algorithms 5 mechanisms security mechanisms [IANA] 6 nametypes name system [IANA] designators 7 services security services [Carlisle_Adams] SMI Security for Integrity Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 md5-DES-CBC md5-DES-CBC [Carlisle_Adams] 2 sum64-DES-CBC sum64-DES-CBC [Carlisle_Adams] 3 NULL-MAC NULL_MAC [RFC2847] SMI Security for Confidentiality Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] SMI Security for Mechanism Codes Registration Procedure(s) IESG Approval Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV OID Value Name Description References 1.2.840.113549.1.9.16 smime S/MIME Mail Security [RFC7107] Reserved [IANA] SPKM Simple Public Key Mechanism [Carlisle_Adams] SNEGO Simple GSS-API Negotiation [Denis_Pinkas] PIM PEM-Based IDUP Mechanism [Carlisle_Adams] MIM MSP-Based IDUP Mechanism [Carlisle_Adams] p7im PKCS #7-Based IDUP Mechanism [Carlisle_Adams] meim MOSS-Enabling IDUP Mechanism [Carlisle_Adams] pkix Public Key Infrastructure [RFC7299] ipsec IPsec Key Management [Rodney_Thayer] lipkey LIPKEY Mechanism Using SPKM [RFC2847] iakerb IAKERB GSS-API Mechanism [Jonathan_Trostle] ltans Long-Term Archive and Notary Services [RFC7036] msec Multicast Security [RFC4534] gsscma GSS_C_MA Mechanism Attributes [RFC5587] scramsha1 SCRAM-SHA-1 [RFC5802] abfab Application Bridging for Federated Access Beyond web [IESG] openid20 OpenID 2.0 mechanism [RFC6616] SAML20 Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 Mechanism [RFC6595] scramsha256 SCRAM-SHA-256 [RFC7677] SMI Security for S/MIME Mail Security (1.2.840.113549.1.9.16) Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 0 Module identifiers [RFC7107] 1 CMS content types [RFC7107] 2 Attributes [RFC7107] 3 Algorithm identifiers [RFC7107] 4 Certificate distribution [RFC7107] 5 Signature policy qualifiers [RFC7107] 6 Commitment type identifiers [RFC7107] 7 Test security policies [RFC7107] 8 Symmetric key dist ctrl attrs [RFC7107] 9 Signature type identifiers [RFC7107] 10 Encoded information types [RFC7107] 11 S/MIME capabilities [RFC7107] 12 PSKC attributes [RFC7107] 13 id-ori [RFC8696] SMI Security for S/MIME Module Identifier (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-mod-cms [RFC2630] 2 id-mod-ess [RFC2634] 3 id-mod-oid [Reserved and Obsolete] 4 id-mod-msg-v3 [RFC2633] 5 id-mod-ets-eSignature-88 [RFC3126] 6 id-mod-ets-eSignature-97 [RFC3126] 7 id-mod-ets-eSigPolicy-88 [RFC3125] 8 id-mod-ets-eSigPolicy-97 [RFC3125] 9 id-mod-certdist [Reserved and Obsolete] 10 id-mod-domsec [RFC3183] 11 id-mod-compress [RFC3274] 12 id-mod-symkeydist [RFC5275] 13 id-mod-cek-reuse [RFC3185] 14 id-mod-cms-2001 [RFC3369] 15 id-mod-v1AttrCert [RFC3369] 16 id-mod-cmsalg-2001 [RFC3370] 17 id-mod-cms-pwri-88 [RFC3211] 18 id-mod-cms-pwri-97 [RFC3211] 19 id-mod-cms-pwri-aes [RFC3565] 20 id-mod-cms-rsaes-oaep [RFC3560] 21 id-mod-msg-v3dot1 [RFC3851] 22 id-mod-cms-firmware-wrap [RFC4108] 23 id-mod-cms-camellia [RFC3657] 24 id-mod-cms-2004 [RFC3852] 25 id-mod-cms-seed [RFC Errata 3865] 26 id-mod-contentCollection [RFC4073] 27 id-mod-binarySigningTime [RFC4049] 28 id-mod-ets-eSignature-explicitSyntax88 [RFC5126] 29 id-mod-ets-eSignature-explicitSyntax97 [RFC5126] 30 id-mod-ess-2006 [RFC5035] 31 id-mod-cms-authEnvelopedData [RFC5083] 32 id-mod-cms-aes-ccm-and-gcm [RFC5084] 33 id-mod-symmetricKeyPkgV1 [RFC6031] 34 id-mod-multipleSig-2008 [RFC5752] 35 id-mod-timestampedData [RFC5544] 36 id-mod-symkeydist-02 [RFC5911] 37 id-mod-cmsalg-2001-02 [RFC5911] 38 id-mod-cms-aes-02 [RFC5911] 39 id-mod-msg-v3dot1-02 [RFC5911] 40 id-mod-cms-firmware-wrap-02 [RFC5911] 41 id-mod-cms-2004-02 [RFC5911] 42 id-mod-cms-2006-02 [RFC5911] 43 id-mod-cms-authEnvelopedData-02 [RFC5911] 44 id-mod-cms-aes-ccm-gcm-02 [RFC5911] 45 id-mod-cms-ecc-alg-2009-88 [RFC5753] 46 id-mod-cms-ecc-alg-2009-02 [RFC5753] 47 id-mod-aesKeyWrapWithPad-88 [RFC5649] 48 id-mod-aesKeyWrapWithPad-02 [RFC5649] 49 id-mod-MD5-XOR-EXPERIMENT [RFC Errata 3866] 50 id-mod-asymmetricKeyPkgV1 [RFC5958] 51 id-mod-encryptedKeyPkgV1 [RFC6032] 52 id-mod-cms-algorithmProtect [RFC6211] 53 id-mod-pskcAttributesModule [RFC6031] 54 id-mod-compressedDataContent [RFC6268] 55 id-mod-binSigningTime-2009 [RFC6268] 56 id-mod-contentCollect-2009 [RFC6268] 57 id-mod-cmsAuthEnvData-2009 [RFC6268] 58 id-mod-cms-2009 [RFC6268] 59 id-mod-multipleSign-2009 [RFC6268] 60 id-mod-rpkiManifest [RFC9286] 61 id-mod-rpkiROA [RFC9582] 62 id-mod-setKeyAttributeV1 [draft-herzog-setkey] 63 id-mod-keyPkgReceiptAndErrV2 [RFC7191] 64 id-mod-mts-hashsig-2013 [RFC8708] 65 mod-sMimeSecureHeadersV1 [RFC7508] 66 id-mod-CMS-AEADChaCha20Poly1305 [RFC8103] 67 id-mod-cms-ecdh-alg-2017 [RFC8418] 68 id-mod-hkdf-oid-2019 [RFC8619] 69 id-mod-cms-ori-psk-2019 [RFC8696] 70 CMSAlgsForSHAKE-2019 [RFC8702] 71 id-mod-cbor-2019 [RFC8769] 72 id-mod-aes-gmac-alg-2020 [RFC9044] 73 id-mod-rpkiSignedChecklist-2022 [RFC9323] 74 RPKISignedTrustAnchorList-2021 [RFC-ietf-sidrops-signed-tal-16, Section 3.1] 75 id-mod-rpkiROA-2023 [RFC9582] 76 id-pkcs12-pbmac1-2023 [RFC9579] 77 id-mod-cms-kemri-2023 [RFC-ietf-lamps-cms-kemri-08] 78 id-mod-sha3-oids-2023 [RFC-ietf-lamps-cms-sha3-hash-04] 79 id-mod-cms-rsa-kem-2023 [RFC-ietf-lamps-rfc5990bis-08] SMI Security for S/MIME CMS Content Type (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 0 id-ct-anyContentType [RFC6010] 1 id-ct-receipt [RFC2634] 2 id-ct-authData [RFC2630] 3 id-ct-publishCert [Reserved and Obsolete] 4 id-ct-TSTInfo [RFC3161] 5 id-ct-TDTInfo [Reserved and Obsolete] 6 id-ct-contentInfo [RFC2630] 7 id-ct-DVCSRequestData [RFC3029] 8 id-ct-DVCSResponseData [RFC3029] 9 id-ct-compressedData [RFC3274] 10 id-ct-scvp-certValRequest [RFC5055] 11 id-ct-scvp-certValResponse [RFC5055] 12 id-ct-scvp-valPolRequest [RFC5055] 13 id-ct-scvp-valPolResponse [RFC5055] 14 id-ct-attrCertEncAttrs [RFC5755] 15 id-ct-TSReq [Reserved and Obsolete] 16 id-ct-firmwarePackage [RFC4108] 17 id-ct-firmwareLoadReceipt [RFC4108] 18 id-ct-firmwareLoadError [RFC4108] 19 id-ct-contentCollection [RFC4073] 20 id-ct-contentWithAttrs [RFC4073] 21 id-ct-encKeyWithID [RFC4211] 22 id-ct-encPEPSI [Reserved and Obsolete] 23 id-ct-authEnvelopedData [RFC5083] 24 id-ct-routeOriginAuthz [RFC9582] 25 id-ct-KP-sKeyPackage [RFC6031] 26 id-ct-rpkiManifest [RFC9286] 27 id-ct-asciiTextWithCRLF [RFC5485] 28 id-ct-xml [RFC5485] 29 id-ct-pdf [RFC5485] 30 id-ct-postscript [RFC5485] 31 id-ct-timestampedData [RFC5544] 32 id-ct-ASAdjacencyAttest [Reserved and Obsolete] 33 id-ct-rpkiTrustAnchor [Reserved and Obsolete] 34 id-ct-trustAnchorList [RFC5914] 35 id-ct-rpkiGhostbusters [RFC6493] 36 id-ct-resourceTaggedAttest [draft-michaelson-rpki-rta] 37 id-ct-utf8TextWithCRLF [RFC8358] 38 id-ct-htmlWithCRLF [RFC8358] 39 id-ct-epub [RFC8358] 40 id-ct-animaJSONVoucher [RFC8366] 41 id-ct-mudtype [RFC8520] 42 id-ct-sztpConveyedInfoXML [RFC8572] 43 id-ct-sztpConveyedInfoJSON [RFC8572] 44 id-ct-cbor [RFC8769] 45 id-ct-cborSequence [RFC8769] 46 id-ct-animaCBORVoucher [Reserved and Obsolete] 47 id-ct-geofeedCSVwithCRLF [RFC-ietf-opsawg-9092-update-11] 48 id-ct-signedChecklist [RFC9323] 49 id-ct-ASPA [draft-ietf-sidrops-aspa-profile-06] 50 id-ct-signedTAL [RFC-ietf-sidrops-signed-tal-16] 51 id-ct-rpkiSignedPrefixList (TEMPORARY - registered 2024-01-29, expires 2025-01-29) [draft-ietf-sidrops-rpki-prefixlist-01, Section 8] SMI Security for S/MIME Attributes (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-aa-receiptRequest [RFC2634] 2 id-aa-securityLabel [RFC2634] 3 id-aa-mlExpandHistory [RFC2634] 4 id-aa-contentHint [RFC2634] 5 id-aa-msgSigDigest [RFC2634] 6 id-aa-encapContentType [Reserved and Obsolete] 7 id-aa-contentIdentifier [RFC2634] 8 id-aa-macValue [Reserved and Obsolete] 9 id-aa-equivalentLabels [RFC2634] 10 id-aa-contentReference [RFC2634] 11 id-aa-encrypKeyPref [RFC2633] 12 id-aa-signingCertificate [RFC2634] 13 id-aa-smimeEncryptCerts [Reserved and Obsolete] 14 id-aa-signatureTimeStampToken [RFC3126] 15 id-aa-ets-sigPolicyId [RFC3126] 16 id-aa-ets-commitmentType [RFC3126] 17 id-aa-ets-signerLocation [RFC3126] 18 id-aa-ets-signerAttr [RFC3126] 19 id-aa-ets-otherSigCert [RFC3126] 20 id-aa-ets-contentTimestamp [RFC3126] 21 id-aa-ets-CertificateRefs [RFC3126] 22 id-aa-ets-RevocationRefs [RFC3126] 23 id-aa-ets-certValues [RFC3126] 24 id-aa-ets-revocationValues [RFC3126] 25 id-aa-ets-escTimeStamp [RFC3126] 26 id-aa-ets-certCRLTimestamp [RFC3126] 27 id-aa-ets-archiveTimeStamp [RFC3126] 28 id-aa-signatureType [RFC Errata 3757] 29 id-aa-dvcs-dvc [RFC3029] 30 id-aa-CEKReference [RFC3185] 31 id-aa-CEKMaxDecrypts [RFC3185] 32 id-aa-KEKDerivationAlg [RFC3185] 33 id-aa-intendedRecipients [Reserved and Obsolete] 34 id-aa-cmc-unsignedData [RFC5272] 35 id-aa-firmwarePackageID [RFC4108] 36 id-aa-targetHardwareIDs [RFC4108] 37 id-aa-decryptKeyID [RFC4108] 38 id-aa-implCryptoAlgs [RFC4108] 39 id-aa-wrappedFirmwareKey [RFC4108] 40 id-aa-communityIdentifiers [RFC4108] 41 id-aa-fwPkgMessageDigest [RFC4108] 42 id-aa-firmwarePackageInfo [RFC4108] 43 id-aa-implCompressAlgs [RFC4108] 44 id-aa-ets-attrCertificateRefs [RFC5126] 45 id-aa-ets-attrRevocationRefs [RFC5126] 46 id-aa-binarySigningTime [RFC4049] 47 id-aa-signingCertificateV2 [RFC5035] 48 id-aa-ets-archiveTimeStampV2 [RFC5126] 49 id-aa-er-internal [RFC4998] 50 id-aa-er-external [RFC4998] 51 id-aa-multipleSignatures [RFC5752] 52 id-aa-cmsAlgorithmProtect [RFC6211] 53 id-aa-setKeyInformation [draft-herzog-setkey] 54 id-aa-asymmDecryptKeyID [RFC7030][RFC8951] 55 id-aa-secureHeaderFieldsIdentifier [RFC7508] 56 id-aa-otpChallenge [RFC7894] 57 id-aa-revocationChallenge [RFC7894] 58 id-aa-estIdentityLinking [RFC7894] 59 id-aa-evidence [draft-ietf-lamps-csr-attestation-08] SMI Security for S/MIME Algorithms (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Note Value 14, "id-alg-rsa-kem," is also referred to as "id-rsa-kem." Note Value 17, "id-alg-hss-lms-hashsig", is also referred to as "id-alg-mts-hashsig". Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-alg-ESDHwith3DES [Reserved and Obsolete] 2 id-alg-ESDHwithRC2 [Reserved and Obsolete] 3 id-alg-3DESwrap [Reserved and Obsolete] 4 id-alg-RC2wrap [Reserved and Obsolete] 5 id-alg-ESDH [RFC2630] 6 id-alg-CMS3DESwrap [RFC2630] 7 id-alg-CMSRC2wrap [RFC2630] 8 id-alg-zLibCompress [RFC3274] 9 id-alg-PWRI-KEK [RFC3211] 10 id-alg-SSDH [RFC3370] 11 id-alg-HMACwith3DESwrap [RFC3537] 12 id-alg-HMACwithAESwrap [RFC3537] 13 id-alg-MD5-XOR-EXPERIMENT [RFC6210] 14 id-alg-rsa-kem [RFC-ietf-lamps-rfc5990bis-08] 15 id-alg-authEnc-128 [RFC6476] 16 id-alg-authEnc-256 [RFC6476] 17 id-alg-hss-lms-hashsig [RFC8708] 18 id-alg-AEADChaCha20Poly1305 [RFC8103] 19 dhSinglePass-stdDH-hkdf-sha256-scheme [RFC8418] 20 dhSinglePass-stdDH-hkdf-sha384-scheme [RFC8418] 21 dhSinglePass-stdDH-hkdf-sha512-scheme [RFC8418] 22 id-alg-AES-SIV-CMAC-aead-256 [RFC5297] 23 id-alg-AES-SIV-CMAC-aead-384 [RFC5297] 24 id-alg-AES-SIV-CMAC-aead-512 [RFC5297] 25 id-alg-AES-SIV-CMAC-wrap-256 [RFC5297] 26 id-alg-AES-SIV-CMAC-wrap-384 [RFC5297] 27 id-alg-AES-SIV-CMAC-wrap-512 [RFC5297] 28 id-alg-hkdf-with-sha256 [RFC8619] 29 id-alg-hkdf-with-sha384 [RFC8619] 30 id-alg-hkdf-with-sha512 [RFC8619] 31 id-alg-cek-hkdf-sha256 [draft-ietf-lamps-cms-cek-hkdf-sha256-00] 32 id-alg-hkdf-with-sha3-224 [RFC-ietf-lamps-cms-sha3-hash-04] 33 id-alg-hkdf-with-sha3-256 [RFC-ietf-lamps-cms-sha3-hash-04] 34 id-alg-hkdf-with-sha3-384 [RFC-ietf-lamps-cms-sha3-hash-04] 35 id-alg-hkdf-with-sha3-512 [RFC-ietf-lamps-cms-sha3-hash-04] SMI Security for S/MIME Certificate Distribution Mechanisms (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-cd-ldap [Reserved and Obsolete] SMI Security for S/MIME Signature Policy Qualifier (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-spq-ets-uri [RFC3126] 2 id-spq-ets-unotice [RFC3126] SMI Security for S/MIME Commitment Type Identifier (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-cti-ets-proofOfOrigin [RFC3126] 2 id-cti-ets-proofOfReceipt [RFC3126] 3 id-cti-ets-proofOfDelivery [RFC3126] 4 id-cti-ets-proofOfSender [RFC3126] 5 id-cti-ets-proofOfApproval [RFC3126] 6 id-cti-ets-proofOfCreation [RFC3126] SMI Security for S/MIME Test Security Policies (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-tsp-TEST-Amoco [RFC3114] 2 id-tsp-TEST-Caterpillar [RFC3114] 3 id-tsp-TEST-Whirlpool [RFC3114] 4 id-tsp-TEST-Whirlpool-Categories [RFC3114] SMI Security for S/MIME Control Attributes for Symmetric Key Distribution (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-skd-glUseKEK [RFC5275] 2 id-skd-glDelete [RFC5275] 3 id-skd-glDeleteMember [RFC5275] 4 id-skd-glAddMember [RFC5275] 5 id-skd-glRekey [RFC5275] 6 id-skd-glAddOwner [RFC5275] 7 id-skd-glRemoveOwner [RFC5275] 8 id-skd-glKeyCompromise [RFC5275] 9 id-skd-glkRefresh [RFC5275] 10 id-skd-glFailInfo [Reserved and Obsolete] 11 id-skd-glaQueryRequest [RFC5275] 12 id-skd-glaQueryResponse [RFC5275] 13 id-skd-glProvideCert [RFC5275] 14 id-skd-glManageCert [RFC5275] 15 id-skd-glKey [RFC5275] SMI Security for S/MIME Signature Type Identifiers (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-sti-originatorSig [RFC3183] 2 id-sti-domainSig [RFC3183] 3 id-sti-addAttribSig [RFC3183] 4 id-sti-reviewSig [RFC3183] 5 id-sti-delegatedOriginatorSig [draft-melnikov-smime-msa-to-mda-04] SMI Security for X.400 Encoded Information Types (EIT) for S/MIME objects (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-eit-envelopedData [RFC3855] 2 id-eit-signedData [RFC3855] 3 id-eit-certsOnly [RFC3855] 4 id-eit-signedReceipt [RFC3855] 5 id-eit-envelopedX400 [RFC3855] 6 id-eit-signedX400 [RFC3855] 7 id-eit-compressedData [RFC3855] SMI Security for S/MIME Capabilities (other than cryptographic algorithms) (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-cap-preferBinaryInside [RFC3851] SMI Security for S/MIME Portable Symmetric Key Container (PSKC) Attributes (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC7107] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-pskc-manufacturer [RFC6031] 2 id-pskc-serialNo [RFC6031] 3 id-pskc-model [RFC6031] 4 id-pskc-issueNo [RFC6031] 5 id-pskc-deviceBinding [RFC6031] 6 id-pskc-deviceStartDate [RFC6031] 7 id-pskc-deviceExpiryDate [RFC6031] 8 id-pskc-moduleId [RFC6031] 9 id-pskc-keyId [RFC6031] 10 id-pskc-algorithm [RFC6031] 11 id-pskc-issuer [RFC6031] 12 id-pskc-keyProfileId [RFC6031] 13 id-pskc-keyReference [RFC6031] 14 id-pskc-friendlyName [RFC6031] 15 id-pskc-algorithmParams [RFC6031] 16 id-pskc-counter [RFC6031] 17 id-pskc-time [RFC6031] 18 id-pskc-timeInterval [RFC6031] 19 id-pskc-timeDrift [RFC6031] 20 id-pskc-valueMAC [RFC6031] 21 id-pskc-keyStartDate [RFC6031] 22 id-pskc-keyExpiryDate [RFC6031] 23 id-pskc-noOfTransactions [RFC6031] 24 id-pskc-keyUsages [RFC6031] 25 id-pskc-pinPolicy [RFC6031] 26 id-pskc-deviceUserId [RFC6031] 27 id-pskc-keyUserId [RFC6031] SMI Security for S/MIME Other Recipient Info Identifiers (1.2.840.113549. Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Reference [RFC8696] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-ori-keyTransPSK [RFC8696] 2 id-ori-keyAgreePSK [RFC8696] 3 id-ori-kem [RFC-ietf-lamps-cms-kemri-08] SMI Security for Mechnism SPKM Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 spkm-1 [Carlisle_Adams] 2 spkm-2 [Carlisle_Adams] 3 spkm-3 [RFC2847] 10 spkmGssTokens [RFC2025] SMI Security for Mechanism MSP-Based IDUP (MIM) Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 MSP30 Message Security Protocol v3.0 [Carlisle_Adams] 2 MSP31 Message Security Protocol v3.1 [Carlisle_Adams] 3 MSP40 Message Security Protocol v4.0 [Carlisle_Adams] SMI Security for PKIX Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 0 Module identifiers [RFC7299] 1 PKIX certificate extensions [RFC7299] 2 Policy qualifier types [RFC7299] 3 Extended key purpose identifiers [RFC7299] 4 CMP information types [RFC7299] 5 CRMF registration [RFC7299] 6 Algorithms [RFC7299] 7 CMC controls [RFC7299] 8 Other name forms [RFC7299] 9 Personal data attribute [RFC7299] 10 Attribute certificate attributes [RFC7299] 11 Qualified certificate statements [RFC7299] 12 CMC content types [RFC7299] 13 OIDs for TESTING ONLY [RFC7299] 14 Certificate policies [RFC7299] 15 CMC error types [RFC7299] 16 Revocation information types [RFC7299] 17 SCVP check type [RFC7299] 18 SCVP want back types [RFC7299] 19 SCVP validation policies [RFC7299] 20 Other logotype identifiers [RFC7299] 21 Proxy certificate policy languages [RFC7299] 22 Matching rules [RFC7299] 23 Subject key identifier semantics [RFC7299] 24 Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol Attributes [RFC8894] 48 Access descriptors [RFC7299] SMI Security for PKIX Module Identifier Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-pkix1-explicit-88 [RFC2459] 2 id-pkix1-implicit-88 [RFC2459] 3 id-pkix1-explicit-93 [RFC2459] 4 id-pkix1-implicit-93 [RFC2459] 5 id-mod-crmf [RFC2511] 6 id-mod-cmc [RFC2797] 7 id-mod-kea-profile-88 [RFC2528] 8 id-mod-kea-profile-93 [RFC2528] 9 id-mod-cmp [RFC2510] 10 id-mod-qualified-cert-88 [RFC3039] 11 id-mod-qualified-cert-93 [RFC3039] 12 id-mod-attribute-cert [RFC3281] 13 id-mod-tsp [RFC3161] 14 id-mod-ocsp [RFC3029] 15 id-mod-dvcs [RFC3029] 16 id-mod-cmp2000 [RFC4210] 17 id-mod-pkix1-algorithms [RFC3279] 18 id-mod-pkix1-explicit [RFC5280] 19 id-mod-pkix1-implicit [RFC5280] 20 id-mod-user-group [Reserved and Obsolete] 21 id-mod-scvp [RFC5055] 22 id-mod-logotype [RFC9399] 23 id-mod-cmc2002 [RFC5272] 24 id-mod-wlan-extns [RFC3770] 25 id-mod-proxy-cert-extns [RFC3820] 26 id-mod-ac-policies [RFC4476] 27 id-mod-warranty-extn [RFC4059] 28 id-mod-perm-id-88 [RFC4043] 29 id-mod-perm-id-93 [RFC4043] 30 id-mod-ip-addr-and-as-ident [RFC3779] 31 id-mod-qualified-cert [RFC3739] 32 id-mod-crmf2003 [Reserved and Obsolete] 33 id-mod-pkix1-rsa-pkalgs [RFC4055] 34 id-mod-cert-bundle [RFC4306] 35 id-mod-qualified-cert-97 [RFC3739] 36 id-mod-crmf2005 [RFC4211] 37 id-mod-wlan-extns2005 [RFC4334] 38 id-mod-sim2005 [RFC4683] 39 id-mod-dns-srv-name-88 [RFC4985] 40 id-mod-dns-srv-name-93 [RFC4985] 41 id-mod-cmsContentConstr-88 [RFC6010] 42 id-mod-cmsContentConstr-93 [RFC6010] 43 id-mod-pkixCommon [Reserved and Obsolete] 44 id-mod-pkixOtherCerts [RFC5697] 45 id-mod-pkix1-algorithms2008 [RFC5480] 46 id-mod-clearanceConstraints [RFC5913] 47 id-mod-attribute-cert-02 [RFC5912] 48 id-mod-ocsp-02 [RFC5912] 49 id-mod-v1AttrCert-02 [RFC5912] 50 id-mod-cmp2000-02 [RFC5912] 51 id-mod-pkix1-explicit-02 [RFC5912] 52 id-mod-scvp-02 [RFC5912] 53 id-mod-cmc2002-02 [RFC5912] 54 id-mod-pkix1-rsa-pkalgs-02 [RFC5912] 55 id-mod-crmf2005-02 [RFC5912] 56 id-mod-pkix1-algorithms2008-02 [RFC5912] 57 id-mod-pkixCommon-02 [RFC5912] 58 id-mod-algorithmInformation-02 [RFC5912] 59 id-mod-pkix1-implicit-02 [RFC5912] 60 id-mod-pkix1-x400address-02 [RFC5912] 61 id-mod-attribute-cert-v2 [RFC5755] 62 id-mod-sip-domain-extns2007 [RFC5924] 63 id-mod-cms-otherRIs-2009-88 [RFC5940] 64 id-mod-cms-otherRIs-2009-93 [RFC5940] 65 id-mod-ecprivatekey [RFC5915] 66 id-mod-ocsp-agility-2009-93 [RFC6277] 67 id-mod-ocsp-agility-2009-88 [RFC6277] 68 id-mod-logotype-certimage [RFC9399] 69 id-mod-pkcs10-2009 [RFC5912] 70 id-mod-dns-resource-record [RFC7958] 71 id-mod-send-cert-extns [RFC6494] 72 id-mod-ip-addr-and-as-ident-2 [RFC6268] 73 id-mod-wlan-extns-2 [RFC6268] 74 id-mod-hmac [RFC6268] 75 id-mod-enrollMsgSyntax-2011-88 [RFC6402][RFC Errata 3860] 76 id-mod-enrollMsgSyntax-2011-08 [RFC6402] 77 id-mod-pubKeySMIMECaps-88 [RFC6664] 78 id-mod-pubKeySMIMECaps-08 [RFC6664] 79 id-mod-dhSign-2012-88 [RFC6955] 80 id-mod-dhSign-2012-08 [RFC6955] 81 id-mod-ocsp-2013-88 [RFC6960] 82 id-mod-ocsp-2013-08 [RFC6960] 83 id-mod-TEST-certPolicies [RFC7229] 84 id-mod-bgpsec-eku [RFC8209] 85 id-mod-nai-realm-08 [RFC7585] 86 id-mod-tls-feature-2015 [RFC7633] 87 id-mod-EST-Alt-Challenge [RFC7894] 88 id-mod-mudURLExtn2016 [RFC8520] 89 id-mod-tn-module [RFC8226] 90 id-mod-ip-addr-and-as-ident-v2 [RFC8360] 91 id-mod-ip-addr-and-as-ident-2v2 [RFC8360] 92 id-mod-lamps-eai-addresses-2016 [RFC9598] 93 id-mod-safecurves-pkix [RFC8410] 94 id-mod-pkix1-shakes-2019 [RFC8692] 95 id-mod-delegated-credential-extn [RFC9345] 96 id-mod-MASAURLExtn2016 [RFC8995] 97 id-mod-anima-acpnodename-2020 [RFC8994] 98 id-mod-est-2019 [RFC8951] 99 id-mod-cmp2021-88 [RFC9480] 100 id-mod-cmp2021-02 [RFC9480] 101 id-mod-eJWTClaimConstraints-2021 [RFC9118] 102 id-mod-public-notary-v2 [RFC9162] 103 id-mod-dtn-tcpclv4-2021 [RFC9174] 104 id-mod-docsign-eku [RFC9336] 105 id-mod-rpcWithTLS-2021 [RFC9289] 106 id-mod-nftype [RFC9310] 107 id-mod-logotype-2022 [RFC9399] 108 id-mod-nf-eku [RFC9509] 109 id-mod-kemAlgorithmInformation-2023 [RFC-ietf-lamps-cms-kemri-08] 110 id-mod-noRevAvail [RFC9608] 111 id-mod-ocsp-2024-88 [RFC-ietf-lamps-ocsp-nonce-update-11] 112 id-mod-ocsp-2024-08 [RFC-ietf-lamps-ocsp-nonce-update-11] SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Extension Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-pe-authorityInfoAccess [RFC2459] 2 id-pe-biometricInfo [RFC3039] 3 id-pe-qcStatements [RFC3039] 4 id-pe-ac-auditIdentity [RFC3281] 5 id-pe-ac-targeting [Reserved and Obsolete] 6 id-pe-aaControls [RFC3281] 7 id-pe-ipAddrBlocks [RFC3779] 8 id-pe-autonomousSysIds [RFC3779] 9 id-pe-sbgp-routerIdentifier [Reserved and Obsolete] 10 id-pe-ac-proxying [RFC3281] 11 id-pe-subjectInfoAccess [RFC3280] 12 id-pe-logotype [RFC9399] 13 id-pe-wlanSSID [RFC4334] 14 id-pe-proxyCertInfo [RFC3820] 15 id-pe-acPolicies [RFC4476] 16 id-pe-warranty [RFC4059] 17 id-pe-sim [Reserved and Obsolete] 18 id-pe-cmsContentConstraints [RFC6010] 19 id-pe-otherCerts [RFC5697] 20 id-pe-wrappedApexContinKey [RFC5934] 21 id-pe-clearanceConstraints [RFC5913] 22 id-pe-skiSemantics [Reserved and Obsolete] 23 id-pe-nsa [RFC7169] 24 id-pe-tlsfeature [RFC7633] 25 id-pe-mud-url [RFC8520] 26 id-pe-TNAuthList [RFC8226] 27 id-pe-JWTClaimConstraints [RFC8226] 28 id-pe-ipAddrBlocks-v2 [RFC8360] 29 id-pe-autonomousSysIds-v2 [RFC8360] 30 id-pe-mudsigner [RFC8520] 31 id-pe-acmeIdentifier [RFC8737] 32 id-pe-masa-url [RFC8995] 33 id-pe-eJWTClaimConstraints [RFC9118] 34 id-pe-nftypes [RFC9310] 35 id-pe-cmw [draft-ietf-rats-msg-wrap-04] SMI Security for PKIX Policy Qualifier Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-qt-cps [RFC2459] 2 id-qt-unotice [RFC2459] 3 id-qt-textNotice [Reserved and Obsolete] 4 id-qt-acps [RFC4476] 5 id-qt-acunotice [RFC4476] SMI Security for PKIX Extended Key Purpose Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-kp-serverAuth [RFC2459] 2 id-kp-clientAuth [RFC2459] 3 id-kp-codeSigning [RFC2459] 4 id-kp-emailProtection [RFC2459] 5 id-kp-ipsecEndSystem [Reserved and Obsolete] 6 id-kp-ipsecTunnel [Reserved and Obsolete] 7 id-kp-ipsecUser [Reserved and Obsolete] 8 id-kp-timeStamping [RFC2459] 9 id-kp-OCSPSigning [RFC2560] 10 id-kp-dvcs [RFC3029] 11 id-kp-sbgpCertAAServerAuth [Reserved and Obsolete] 12 id-kp-scvp-responder [Reserved and Obsolete] 13 id-kp-eapOverPPP [RFC4334] 14 id-kp-eapOverLAN [RFC4334] 15 id-kp-scvpServer [RFC5055] 16 id-kp-scvpClient [RFC5055] 17 id-kp-ipsecIKE [RFC4945] 18 id-kp-capwapAC [RFC5415] 19 id-kp-capwapWTP [RFC5415] 20 id-kp-sipDomain [RFC5924] 21 id-kp-secureShellClient [RFC6187] 22 id-kp-secureShellServer [RFC6187] 23 id-kp-sendRouter [RFC6494] 24 id-kp-sendProxiedRouter [RFC6494] 25 id-kp-sendOwner [RFC6494] 26 id-kp-sendProxiedOwner [RFC6494] 27 id-kp-cmcCA [RFC6402] 28 id-kp-cmcRA [RFC6402] 29 id-kp-cmcArchive [RFC6402] 30 id-kp-bgpsec-router [RFC8209] 31 id-kp-BrandIndicatorforMessageIdentification [draft-chuang-bimi-certificate] 32 id-kp-cmKGA [RFC9480] 33 id-kp-rpcTLSClient [RFC9289] 34 id-kp-rpcTLSServer [RFC9289] 35 id-kp-bundleSecurity [RFC9174] 36 id-kp-documentSigning [RFC9336] 37 id-kp-jwt [RFC9509] 38 id-kp-httpContentEncrypt [RFC9509] 39 id-kp-oauthAccessTokenSigning [RFC9509] SMI Security for PKIX CMP Information Types Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-it-caProtEncCert [RFC2510] 2 id-it-signKeyPairTypes [RFC2510] 3 id-it-encKeyPairTypes [RFC2510] 4 id-it-preferredSymmAlg [RFC2510] 5 id-it-caKeyUpdateInfo [RFC2510] 6 id-it-currentCRL [RFC2510] 7 id-it-unsupportedOIDs [RFC4210] 8 id-it-subscriptionRequest [Reserved and Obsolete] 9 id-it-subscriptionResponse [Reserved and Obsolete] 10 id-it-keyPairParamReq [RFC4210] 11 id-it-keyPairParamRep [RFC4210] 12 id-it-revPassphrase [RFC4210] 13 id-it-implicitConfirm [RFC4210] 14 id-it-confirmWaitTime [RFC4210] 15 id-it-origPKIMessage [RFC4210] 16 id-it-suppLangTags [RFC4210] 17 id-it-caCerts [RFC9480] 18 id-it-rootCaKeyUpdate [RFC9480] 19 id-it-certReqTemplate [RFC9480] 20 id-it-rootCaCert [RFC9480] 21 id-it-certProfile [RFC9480] 22 id-it-crlStatusList [RFC9480] 23 id-it-crls [RFC9480] SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-regCtrl [RFC2511] 2 id-regInfo [RFC2511] 3 id-regEPEPSI [RFC4683] SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Controls Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-regCtrl-regToken [RFC2511] 2 id-regCtrl-authenticator [RFC2511] 3 id-regCtrl-pkiPublicationInfo [RFC2511] 4 id-regCtrl-pkiArchiveOptions [RFC2511] 5 id-regCtrl-oldCertID [RFC2511] 6 id-regCtrl-protocolEncrKey [RFC2511] 7 id-regCtrl-altCertTemplate [RFC4210] 8 id-regCtrl-wtlsTemplate [Reserved and Obsolete] 9 id-regCtrl-regTokenUTF8 [Reserved and Obsolete] 10 id-regCtrl-authenticatorUTF8 [Reserved and Obsolete] 11 id-regCtrl-algId [RFC9480] 12 id-regCtrl-rsaKeyLen [RFC9480] SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Controls for Alternate Certificate Formats Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC9158] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-acTemplate [RFC4212] 2 id-openPGPCertTemplateExt [RFC4212] SMI Security for PKIX CRMF Registration Information Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-regInfo-utf8Pairs [RFC2511] 2 id-regInfo-certReq [RFC2511] SMI Security for PKIX Algorithms Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Note id-alg-dhPop-sha1 is also known as id-alg-dh-pop. Note id-alg-dh-sig-hmac-sha1 is also known as id-alg-dhPop-static-sha1-hmac-sha1 and id-dhPop-static-hmac-sha1. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-alg-des40 [Reserved and Obsolete] 2 id-alg-noSignature [RFC2797] 3 id-alg-dh-sig-hmac-sha1 [RFC2875] 4 id-alg-dhPop-sha1 [RFC2875] 5 id-alg-dhPop-sha224 [RFC6955] 6 id-alg-dhPop-sha256 [RFC6955] 7 id-alg-dhPop-sha384 [RFC6955] 8 id-alg-dhPop-sha512 [RFC6955] 15 id-alg-dhPop-static-sha224-hmac-sha224 [RFC6955] 16 id-alg-dhPop-static-sha256-hmac-sha256 [RFC6955] 17 id-alg-dhPop-static-sha384-hmac-sha384 [RFC6955] 18 id-alg-dhPop-static-sha512-hmac-sha512 [RFC6955] 25 id-alg-ecdhPop-static-sha224-hmac-sha224 [RFC6955] 26 id-alg-ecdhPop-static-sha256-hmac-sha256 [RFC6955] 27 id-alg-ecdhPop-static-sha384-hmac-sha384 [RFC6955] 28 id-alg-ecdhPop-static-sha512-hmac-sha512 [RFC6955] 29 id-alg-eccsi-with-sha256 [draft-wang-tls-raw-public-key-with-ibc] 30 id-RSASSA-PSS-SHAKE128 [RFC8692] 31 id-RSASSA-PSS-SHAKE256 [RFC8692] 32 id-ecdsa-with-shake128 [RFC8692] 33 id-ecdsa-with-shake256 [RFC8692] 34 id-alg-xmss-hashsig [draft-ietf-lamps-x509-shbs-02] 35 id-alg-xmssmt-hashsig [draft-ietf-lamps-x509-shbs-02] SMI Security for PKIX CMC Controls Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Note id-cmc-statusInfo is also known as id-cmc-cMCStatusInfo. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-cmc-statusInfo [RFC2797] 2 id-cmc-identification [RFC2797] 3 id-cmc-identityProof [RFC2797] 4 id-cmc-dataReturn [RFC2797] 5 id-cmc-transactionId [RFC2797] 6 id-cmc-senderNonce [RFC2797] 7 id-cmc-recipientNonce [RFC2797] 8 id-cmc-addExtensions [RFC2797] 9 id-cmc-encryptedPOP [RFC2797] 10 id-cmc-decryptedPOP [RFC2797] 11 id-cmc-lraPOPWitness [RFC2797] 15 id-cmc-getCert [RFC2797] 16 id-cmc-getCRL [RFC2797] 17 id-cmc-revokeRequest [RFC2797] 18 id-cmc-regInfo [RFC2797] 19 id-cmc-responseInfo [RFC2797] 21 id-cmc-queryPending [RFC2797] 22 id-cmc-popLinkRandom [RFC2797] 23 id-cmc-popLinkWitness [RFC2797] 24 id-cmc-confirmCertAcceptance [RFC2797] 25 id-cmc-statusInfoV2 [RFC5272] 26 id-cmc-trustedAnchors [RFC5272] 27 id-cmc-authData [RFC5272] 28 id-cmc-batchRequests [RFC5272] 29 id-cmc-batchResponses [RFC5272] 30 id-cmc-publishCert [RFC5272] 31 id-cmc-modCertTemplate [RFC5272] 32 id-cmc-controlProcessed [RFC5272] 33 id-cmc-popLinkWitnessV2 [RFC5272] 34 id-cmc-identityProofV2 [RFC5272] 35 id-cmc-raIdentityWitness [RFC6402] 36 id-cmc-changeSubjectName [RFC6402] 37 id-cmc-responseBody [RFC6402] 99 id-cmc-glaRR [RFC5275] SMI Security for PKIX CMC GLA Requests and Responses Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-cmc-gla-skdAlgRequest [RFC5275] 2 id-cmc-gla-skdAlgResponse [RFC5275] SMI Security for PKIX Other Name Forms Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-on-personalData [Reserved and Obsolete] 2 id-on-userGroup [Reserved and Obsolete] 3 id-on-permanentIdentifier [RFC4043] 4 id-on-hardwareModuleName [RFC4108] 5 id-on-xmppAddr [RFC3920] 6 id-on-SIM [RFC4683] 7 id-on-dnsSRV [RFC4985] 8 id-on-naiRealm [RFC7585] 9 id-on-SmtpUTF8Mailbox [RFC9598] 10 id-on-AcpNodeName [RFC8994] 11 id-on-bundleEID [RFC9174] SMI Security for PKIX Personal Data Attributes Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-pda-dateOfBirth [RFC3039] 2 id-pda-placeOfBirth [RFC3039] 3 id-pda-gender [RFC3039] 4 id-pda-countryOfCitizenship [RFC3039] 5 id-pda-countryOfResidence [RFC3039] SMI Security for PKIX Attribute Certificate Attributes Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-aca-authenticationInfo [RFC3281] 2 id-aca-accessIdentity [RFC3281] 3 id-aca-chargingIdentity [RFC3281] 4 id-aca-group [RFC3281] 5 id-aca-role [Reserved and Obsolete] 6 id-aca-encAttrs [RFC3281] 7 id-aca-wlanSSID [RFC4334] SMI Security for PKIX Qualified Certificate Statements Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-qcs-pkixQCSyntax-v1 [RFC3039] 2 id-qcs-pkixQCSyntax-v2 [RFC3739] SMI Security for PKIX CMC Content Types Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-cct-crs [Reserved and Obsolete] 2 id-cct-PKIData [RFC2797] 3 id-cct-PKIResponse [RFC2797] SMI Security for PKIX OIDs Used Only for Testing Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Note The object identifiers in this table should not appear on the public Internet. These object identifiers are ONLY for TESTING. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-TEST-certPolicyOne [RFC7229] 2 id-TEST-certPolicyTwo [RFC7229] 3 id-TEST-certPolicyThree [RFC7229] 4 id-TEST-certPolicyFour [RFC7229] 5 id-TEST-certPolicyFive [RFC7229] 6 id-TEST-certPolicySix [RFC7229] 7 id-TEST-certPolicySeven [RFC7229] 8 id-TEST-certPolicyEight [RFC7229] SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Policies Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-cp-sbgpCertificatePolicy [Reserved and Obsolete] 2 id-cp-ipAddr-asNumber [RFC6484] 3 id-cp-ipAddr-asNumber-v2 [RFC8360] SMI Security for PKIX CMC Error Types Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-cet-skdFailInfo [RFC5275] SMI Security for PKIX Revocation Information Types Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-ri-crl [RFC5940] 2 id-ri-ocsp-response [RFC5940] 3 id-ri-delta-crl [RFC5940] 4 id-ri-scvp [RFC5940] SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Check Types Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-stc-build-pkc-path [RFC5055] 2 id-stc-build-valid-pkc-path [RFC5055] 3 id-stc-build-status-checked-pkc-path [RFC5055] 4 id-stc-build-aa-path [RFC5055] 5 id-stc-build-valid-aa-path [RFC5055] 6 id-stc-build-status-checked-aa-path [RFC5055] 7 id-stc-status-check-ac-and-build-status-checked-aa-path [RFC5055] SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Want Back Types Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-swb-pkc-best-cert-path [RFC5055] 2 id-swb-pkc-revocation-info [RFC5055] 3 id-swb-pkc-cert-status [Reserved and Obsolete] 4 id-swb-pkc-public-key-info [RFC5055] 5 id-swb-aa-cert-path [RFC5055] 6 id-swb-aa-revocation-info [RFC5055] 7 id-swb-ac-revocation-info [RFC5055] 8 id-swb-ac-cert-status [Reserved and Obsolete] 9 id-swb-relayed-responses [RFC5055] 10 id-swb-pkc-cert [RFC5055] 11 id-swb-ac-cert [RFC5055] 12 id-swb-pkc-all-cert-paths [RFC5055] 13 id-swb-pkc-ee-revocation-info [RFC5055] 14 id-swb-pkc-CAs-revocation-info [RFC5055] 15 id-swb-partial-cert-path [RFC5055] 16 id-swb-ers-pkc-cert [RFC5055] 17 id-swb-ers-best-cert-path [RFC5055] 18 id-swb-ers-partial-cert-path [RFC5055] 19 id-swb-ers-revocation-info [RFC5055] 20 id-swb-ers-all [RFC5055] SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Validation Policies and Algorithms Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Note id-svp-nameValAlg is also known as id-nvae. Note id-svp-basicValAlg is also known as id-bvae. Note id-svp-dnValAlg is also known as id-dnvae and id-nva-dnCompAlg. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-svp-defaultValPolicy [RFC5055] 2 id-svp-nameValAlg [RFC5055] 3 id-svp-basicValAlg [RFC5055] 4 id-svp-dnValAlg [RFC5055] SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Name Validation Policy Errors Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-nvae-name-mismatch [RFC5055] 2 id-nvae-no-name [RFC5055] 3 id-nvae-unknown-alg [RFC5055] 4 id-nvae-bad-name [RFC5055] 5 id-nvae-bad-name-type [RFC5055] 6 id-nvae-mixed-names [RFC5055] SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Basic Validation Policy Errors Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-bvae-expired [RFC5055] 2 id-bvae-not-yet-valid [RFC5055] 3 id-bvae-wrongTrustAnchor [RFC5055] 4 id-bvae-noValidCertPath [RFC5055] 5 id-bvae-revoked [RFC5055] 9 id-bvae-invalidKeyPurpose [RFC5055] 10 id-bvae-invalidKeyUsage [RFC5055] 11 id-bvae-invalidCertPolicy [RFC5055] 12 id-bvae-invalidName [Reserved and Obsolete] 13 id-bvae-invalidEntity [Reserved and Obsolete] 14 id-bvae-invalidPathDepth [Reserved and Obsolete] SMI Security for PKIX SCVP Distinguished Name Validation Policy Errors Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Registry is empty. SMI Security for PKIX Other Logotype Identifiers Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-logo-loyalty [RFC9399] 2 id-logo-background [RFC9399] 3 id-logo-certImage [RFC9399] SMI Security for PKIX Proxy Certificate Policy Languages Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 0 id-ppl-anyLanguage [RFC3820] 1 id-ppl-inheritAll [RFC3820] 2 id-ppl-independent [RFC3820] SMI Security for PKIX Proxy Matching Rules Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-mr-pkix-alphanum-ids [Reserved and Obsolete] SMI Security for PKIX Subject Key Identifier Semantics Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-skis-keyHash [Reserved and Obsolete] 2 id-skis-4BitKeyHash [Reserved and Obsolete] 3 id-skis-keyInfoHash [Reserved and Obsolete] SMI Security for SCEP Attribute Identifiers Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Peter Gutmann Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC8894] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-scep-failInfoText [RFC8894] SMI Security for PKIX Access Descriptor Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Note id-ad-ocsp is also known as id-pkix-ocsp. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-ad-ocsp [RFC2459] 2 id-ad-caIssuers [RFC2459] 3 id-ad-timestamping [RFC3161] 4 id-ad-dvcs [RFC3029] 5 id-ad-caRepository [RFC3280] 6 id-ad-http-certs [RFC4387] 7 id-ad-http-crls [RFC4387] 8 id-ad-xkms [Reserved and Obsolete] 9 id-ad-signedObjectRepository [Reserved and Obsolete] 10 id-ad-rpkiManifest [RFC6487] 11 id-ad-signedObject [RFC6487] 12 id-ad-cmc [RFC6402] 13 id-ad-rpkiNotify [RFC8182] 14 id-ad-stirTNList [RFC8226] SMI Security for PKIX Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description PKIX ( Reference [RFC7299] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-pkix-ocsp-basic [RFC2560] 2 id-pkix-ocsp-nonce [RFC2560] 3 id-pkix-ocsp-crl [RFC2560] 4 id-pkix-ocsp-response [RFC2560] 5 id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck [RFC2560] 6 id-pkix-ocsp-archive-cutoff [RFC2560] 7 id-pkix-ocsp-service-locator [RFC2560] 8 id-pkix-ocsp-pref-sig-algs [RFC6277] 9 id-pkix-ocsp-extended-revoke [RFC6960] 10 id-pkix-ocsp-stir-tn [draft-ietf-stir-certificates-ocsp-03] SMI Security for Mechanism IPsec Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 isakmpOakley Signed Hash [Rodney_Thayer] 2 certificate 3 asn1-modules ASN.1 Modules [RFC4301] SMI Security for Mechanism isakmpOakley Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 HMAC-MD5 HMAC-MD5 [Rodney_Thayer] 2 HMAC-SHA HMAC-SHA [Rodney_Thayer] 3 HMAC-TIGER HMAC-TIGER [Rodney_Thayer] 4 HMAC-RIPEMD160 HMAC-RIPEMD160 [Angelos_Keromytis] SMI Security for Mechanism IPSec Certificate Usage Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 iKEEnd IPSec End System Usage [Rodney_Thayer] 2 iKEIntermediate IPSec Intermediate System Usage [Rodney_Thayer] SMI Security for Mechanism ASN.1 Modules Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Unassigned Description ( Reference [RFC4301] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 RESERVED [IANA] 1 spd-module SPD Module [RFC4301] SMI Security for IAKERB GSS-API Mechanism Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 iakerb proxy protocol [Jonathan_Trostle] 2 iakerb minimum messages protocol [Jonathan_Trostle] SMI Security for LTANS Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Carl Wallace, Tobias Gondrom Description ( Reference [RFC7036] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 0 module-identifiers [RFC7036] 1 cms-content-types [RFC7036] 2 ers-encryption-methods [RFC7036] SMI Security for LTANS Module Identifier Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Carl Wallace, Tobias Gondrom Description ( Reference [RFC7036] Available Formats [IMG] CSV OID Value Description References id-mod-ers [RFC4998] id-mod-ers-v1 [RFC4998] id-mod-ers-v2 [RFC9169] id-mod-ers88 [RFC4998] id-mod-ers88-v1 [RFC4998] id-mod-ltap88 [Reserved] id-mod-ltap88-v0 [Reserved] id-mod-ltap88-v1 [Reserved] id-mod-ltap [Reserved] id-mod-ltap-v0 [Reserved] id-mod-ltap-v1 [Reserved] id-mod-ers-scvp [RFC5276] id-mod-ers-scvp-v1 [RFC5276] id-mod-ers-scvp-v2 [RFC9169] id-mod-dssc88 [RFC5698] id-mod-dssc88-v1 [RFC5698] id-mod-dssc [RFC5698] id-mod-dssc-v1 [RFC5698] SMI Security for LTANS CMS Content Type Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Carl Wallace, Tobias Gondrom Description ( Reference [RFC7036] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-ct-evidence-record [Reserved] 2 id-ct-dssc-asn1 [RFC5698] 3 id-ct-dssc-xml [RFC5698] 4 id-ct-LTAPRequest [Reserved] 5 id-ct-LTAPResponse [Reserved] 6 id-ct-dssc-tbsPolicy [RFC5698] SMI Security for LTANS ERS Encryption Method Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Carl Wallace, Tobias Gondrom Description ( Reference [RFC7036] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-em-enveloped-data [Reserved and Obsolete] SMI Security for Mechanism msec Codes Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC4534] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 0 module-identifiers [RFC4534] 1 content-types [RFC4534] 2 security-suites [RFC4534] 3 protocol-identifiers [RFC4534] 4 rekey-methods [RFC4534] 5 rekey-reliability-methods [RFC4534] 6 distributed-operations-methods [RFC4534] 7 data-policies [RFC4534] SMI Security for Mechanism msec module-identifers Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC4534] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 PolicyToken [RFC4534] 2 GSAKMPv1RegistrationSA [RFC4534] 3 GSAKMPv1DeRegistrationSA [RFC4534] 4 GSAKMPv1RekeySA [RFC4534] 5 GenericDataSA [RFC4534] SMI Security for Mechanism msec content-types Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC4534] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-ct-msec-token [RFC4534] SMI Security for Mechanism msec security-suites Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC4534] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-securitySuiteOne [RFC4534] SMI Security for Mechanism msec protocol-identifiers Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC4534] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-GSAKMPv1RegistrationProtocol [RFC4534] 2 id-GSAKMPv1DeRegistrationProtocol [RFC4534] 3 id-GSAKMPv1Rekey [RFC4534] SMI Security for Mechanism msec rekey-methods Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC4534] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-rekeyNone [RFC4534] 2 id-rekeyMethodGSAKMPLKH [RFC4534] SMI Security for Mechanism msec rekey-reliability-methods Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC4534] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-reliabilityNone [RFC4534] 2 id-reliabilityResend [RFC4534] 3 id-reliabilityPost [RFC4534] SMI Security for Mechanism msec distributed-operations-methods Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC4534] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-subGCKSSchemeNone [RFC4534] 2 id-subGCKSSchemeAutonomous [RFC4534] SMI Security for Mechanism msec data-policies Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC4534] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 1 id-genericDataSA [RFC4534] SMI Security for Mechanism gsscma Codes Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC5587] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 0 Reserved [RFC5587] 1 concrete-mech [RFC5587] 2 pseudo-mech [RFC5587] 3 composite-mech [RFC5587] 4 mech-negotiation-mech [RFC5587] 5 mech-glue [RFC5587] 6 not-mech [RFC5587] 7 mech-deprecated [RFC5587] 8 mech-not-default [RFC5587] 9 initial-is-framed [RFC5587] 10 auth-init-princ [RFC5587] 11 auth-targ-princ [RFC5587] 12 auth-init-princ-initial [RFC5587] 13 auth-targ-princ-initial [RFC5587] 14 auth-init-princ-anon [RFC5587] 15 auth-targ-princ-anon [RFC5587] 16 deleg-cred [RFC5587] 17 integ-prot [RFC5587] 18 conf-prot [RFC5587] 19 mic [RFC5587] 20 wrap [RFC5587] 21 prot-ready [RFC5587] 22 replay-detection [RFC5587] 23 oos-detection [RFC5587] 24 channel-bindings [RFC5587] 25 pfs [RFC5587] 26 compress [RFC5587] 27 context-transfer [RFC5587] 28-2147483647 Unassigned 2147483648-4294967295 Reserved Object Identifiers for Application Bridging for Federated Access Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review or IESG Approval Description ( Reference [RFC7055] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved Reserved [RFC7055] 1 mechanisms A sub-arc containing ABFAB mechanisms [RFC7055] 2 nametypes A sub-arc containing ABFAB GSS-API Name Types [RFC7055] Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review or IESG Approval Description ( Reference [RFC7055] Note the following mechanisms registry is the root of the OID for the mechanism in question. As discussed in Section 5.1 of [RFC7055], a Kerberos encryption type number [RFC3961] is appended to the mechanism version OID below to form the OID of a specific mechanism. Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved Reserved [RFC7055] 1 gss-eap-v1 The GSS-EAP mechanism [RFC7055] Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review or IESG Approval Description ( Reference [RFC7055] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved Reserved [RFC7055] 1 GSS_EAP_NT_EAP_NAME [RFC7055 sect 3.1] SMI Security for Name System Designators Codes (nametypes) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 Domain Name System names [IANA] 2 gss-host-based-services [RFC2743] 3 gss-anonymous-name [RFC2743] 4 gss-api-exported-name [RFC2743] 5 gss-domain-based-services [RFC5178] 6 gss-composite-export [RFC6680] SMI Security Services Codes Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 conf confidentiality services [Carlisle_Adams] 2 integrity data integrity services [Carlisle_Adams] 3 doa data origin authen. services [Carlisle_Adams] 4 non-rep non-repudiation services [Carlisle_Adams] 5 acc access control services [Carlisle_Adams] 6 dflow data flow services [Carlisle_Adams] 7 time time services [Carlisle_Adams] SMI Security Services Codes (conf) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 per-conf perform conf. (encrypt) [Carlisle_Adams] 2 rec-conf receive conf. (decrypt) [Carlisle_Adams] 3 per-conf-full perform full confidentiality [RFC2479] 4 rec-conf-full receive full confidentiality [RFC2479] SMI Security Services Codes (integrity) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 per-int perform integrity (e.g. MAC) [Carlisle_Adams] 2 rec-int receive integrity (verify MAC) [Carlisle_Adams] SMI Security Services Codes (doa) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 per-doa perform DOA (e.g., sign) [Carlisle_Adams] 2 rec-doa receive DOA (verify sig) [Carlisle_Adams] 3 per-doa-ciph perform DOA with DI over ciphertext [RFC2479] 4 rec-doa-ciph verify DOA with DI over ciphertext [RFC2479] SMI Security Services Codes (non-rep) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 per-poo create proof-of-origin [Carlisle_Adams] 2 rec-poo verify proof-of-origin [Carlisle_Adams] 3 per-pod create proof-of-delivery [Carlisle_Adams] 4 rec-pod verify proof-of-delivery [Carlisle_Adams] SMI Security Services Codes (acc) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 per-acc apply access control [Carlisle_Adams] 2 rec-acc verify access control [Carlisle_Adams] SMI Security Services Codes (dflow) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 per-dflow perform data flow [Carlisle_Adams] 2 rec-dflow receive data flow [Carlisle_Adams] SMI Security Services Codes (time) Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 0 Reserved [IANA] 1 ttime use trusted time [Carlisle_Adams] 2 utime use untrusted time [Carlisle_Adams] SMI SNMPv2 Codes Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( Reference [RFC2578][RFC1902] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name References 1 smmpDomains [RFC1902] 2 smnpProxys [RFC1902] 3 smnpModules [RFC1902] SNMPv2 snmpDomains Codes Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Unassigned Description ( Reference [RFC4789] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 snmpUDPDomain SNMP over UDP [RFC3417] 2 snmpCLNSDomain SNMP over CLNS [RFC3417] 3 snmpCONSDomain SNMP over CONS [RFC3417] 4 snmpDDPDomain SNMP over DDP [RFC3417] 5 snmpIPXDomain SNMP over IPX [RFC3417] 6 snmpIeee802Domain SNMP over IEEE 802 [RFC4789] 7 snmpSSHDomain SNMP over SSH Transport Model [RFC5592] 8 snmpTLSTCPDomain SNMP over TLS via TCP [RFC6353] 9 snmpDTLSUDPDomain SNMP over DTLS via UDP [RFC6353] SMI SNMPv2 snmpModules Codes Registration Procedure(s) IETF Review Description ( - No more registrations accepted Reference [No more registrations accepted ] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 snmpMIB MIB for SNMPv2 [RFC3418] 2 snmpM2M SNMPv2 M2M MIB [RFC1451] 2 snmpFrameworkMIB SNMP Management Architecture [obsolete] 3 partyMIB SNMPv2 Party MIB [RFC1447] 3 snmpMPDMIB SNMP Message Processing [obsolete] 4 bcmMIB SNMPv2 Basic Configuration Model [obsolete] 4 snmpUsmMIB User-based Security for SNMPv3 [obsolete] 5 scmMIB Simplified Configuration Model [obsolete] 5 snmpVacmMIB View-Based Access Control [obsolete] 6 usecMIB User-based Security for SNMPv2 [RFC1910] 7 snmpTargetMIB SNMP Target [obsolete] 8 snmpNotificationMIB SNMP Notification [obsolete] 9 snmpProxyMIB SNMP Proxy [obsolete] 10 snmpFrameworkMIB SNMP Management Architecture [RFC3411] 11 snmpMPDMIB SNMP Message Processing [RFC3412] 12 snmpTargetMIB SNMP Target [RFC3413] 13 snmpNotificationMIB SNMP Notification [RFC3413] 14 snmpProxyMIB SNMP Proxy [RFC3413] 15 snmpUsmMIB User-based Security for SNMPv3 [RFC3414] 16 snmpVacmMIB View-Based Access Control [RFC3415] 17 marsMIB Multicast Address Resolution [obsolete] 18 communityMIB SNMP Community MIB [Rob_Frye] 19 snmpv2tmMIB SNMPv2-TM MIB [RFC3417] 20 snmpUsmAesMIB SNMP-USM-AES-MIB [RFC3826] 21 snmpIEEE802TmMIB IEEE 802 Transport Mapping [RFC4789] 1133 communityMIB SNMPv2 Community MIB [obsolete] 1134 v2AdminMIB SNMPv2 Administrative MIB [obsolete] 1135 usecMIB MIB for User-based Security [obsolete] SNMP Management Architecture - Security Subsystem (SnmpSecurityModel) Note Please see: [IANA registry snmp-number-spaces] SNMP Management Architecture - Message Processing Subsystem (SnmpMessageProcessingModel) Note Please see: [IANA registry snmp-number-spaces] SMI mail Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [Not Defined ?] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 mime-mhs MIME MHS Mappings [RFC1495] SMI mail MIME MHS Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC1495] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 mixer-headings [RFC2157] 2 mixer-bodies [RFC2157] 3 mixer-core MIXER core [RFC2156] SMI mail MIME MHS headings Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC2157] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 id-hex-partial-message [RFC2157] 2 id-hex-multipart-message (OBSOLETE) [RFC2157] 3 id-hex-multipart-message-v2 [RFC2157] SMI mail MIME MHS bodies Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC2157] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 mixer-bp-data [RFC2157] 2 mixer-bp-parameter [RFC2157] SMI mail MIME MHS bodies data Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC2157] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 1 id-mime-bp-data [RFC2157] 2 id-mime-postscript-body [RFC2157] 3 id-mime-jpeg-body [RFC2157] 4 id-mime-gif-body [RFC2157] 5 id-mime-ftbp-data FTAM application reference [RFC2157] SMI mail MIME MHS bodies parameter Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC2157] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 2 id-rfc-822-field-list [RFC2156] 3 id-dsn-header-list [RFC2156] 4 id-dsn-field-list [RFC2156] 5 eit-mixer The MIXER pseudo-EIT [RFC2156] SMI mail MIME-MHS core Codes Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC2156] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Name Description References 2 id-rfc-822-field-list [RFC2156] 3 id-dsn-header-list [RFC2156] 4 id-dsn-field-list [RFC2156] 5 eit-mixer The MIXER pseudo-EIT [RFC2156] SMI Features Registration Procedure(s) Not Defined ? Description ( Reference [RFC2506] Note See [IANA registry media-feature-tags] SMI Security for Cryptographic Algorithms Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Russ Housley (primary), Sean Turner (secondary) Description (1.3.101) Reference [RFC8411] Available Formats [IMG] CSV Decimal Description References 0-99 Retained by DigiCert [RFC8411] 100 Reserved for child reg [RFC8411] 101-109 Unassigned 110 id-X25519 [RFC8410] 111 id-X448 [RFC8410] 112 id-EdDSA25519 [RFC8410] 113 id-EdDSA448 [RFC8410] 114 Reserved for id-EdDSA25519-ph [draft-ietf-curdle-pkix-03] 115 Reserved for id-EdDSA448-ph [draft-ietf-curdle-pkix-03] 116-127 Unassigned 128 and up Retained by DigiCert [RFC8411] SNMP-TLSTM HashAlgorithms Registration Procedure(s) Expert Review Expert(s) Russ Housley, Sean Turner Description ( Reference [RFC9456] Note Requests for assignments should be sent to the mailing list described in [RFC9456, Section 6]. If approved, designated experts should notify IANA within three weeks. For assistance, please contact Available Formats [IMG] CSV Value Description Recommended References 0 none N [RFC5246] 1 md5 N [RFC5246] 2 sha1 N [RFC5246] 3 sha224 Y [RFC5246] 4 sha256 Y [RFC5246] 5 sha384 Y [RFC5246] 6 sha512 Y [RFC5246] 7 Reserved [RFC8447] 8 Intrinsic N [RFC8422] 9-223 Unassigned 224-255 Reserved for Private Use [RFC5246] Contact Information ID Name Contact URI Last Updated [Andrew_Lunn] Andrew Lunn mailto:Andrew.Lunn& 2000-08 [Andrew_Valentine] Andrew Valentine mailto:A.Valentine& 2001-01 [Angelos_Keromytis] Angelos Keromytis mailto:angelos& 1999-04 [Anil_Rijhsinghani] Anil Rijhsinghani mailto:anil.rijhsinghani& 2003-08 [Azlina_Palmer] Azlina Palmer mailto:apalmer& 1998-01 [B_Clifford_Neuman] B. Clifford Neuman mailto:bcn& [Bejamin_Dolnik] Bejamin Dolnik mailto:Benjamin_Dolnik& 1999-12 [Ben_Harris] Ben Harris mailto:bjh21& 2001-11 [Bernard_Aboba] Bernard Aboba mailto:aboba& 1997-07 [Bill_Kwan] Bill Kwan mailto:bkwan& 2000-08 [Bill_Shetti] Bill Shetti mailto:bshetti& 1999-04 [Bill_Strahm] Bill Strahm mailto:bill& 2001-10 [Bob_Clouston] Bob Clouston mailto:rclousto& [Bob_Felderman] Bob Felderman mailto:feldy& [Bob_Hinden] Bob Hinden mailto:bob.hinden& 2013-02-17 [Bob_Ray] Bob Ray mailto:bray& 2000-04 [Bob_Stewart] Bob Stewart mailto:bstewart& 1997-01 [Bob_Stewart_2] Bob Stewart mailto:STEWART& [Brandon_Jiang] Brandon Jiang mailto:jiangyueµ 2016-05-03 [Brian_Hedstrom] Brian Hedstrom mailto:brian.hedstrom& 2016-11-23 [Broadband_Forum] Broadband Forum mailto:help& 2019-12-13 [Caralyn_Brown] Caralyn Brown [Carlisle_Adams] Carlisle Adams mailto:carlisle.adams& 1997-10 [Cheenu_Srinivasan] Cheenu Srinivasan mailto:cheenu& 2001-03 [Chris_Gunner] Chris Gunner mailto:gunner& [Chris_Martin] Chris Martin mailto:Chris_Martin& 1997-01 [Chris_White] Chris White mailto:cjwhite& 2000-03 [Chuck_Davin] Chuck Davin mailto:jrd& [Dawkoon_Paul_Lee] Dawkoon Paul Lee mailto:Paul_Lee& 1995-12 [Dan_Joyal] Dan Joyal mailto:djoyal& 1999-08 [Daniele_Behar] Daniele Behar mailto:iana.interface& 2000-10 [Dave_Thaler] Dave Thaler mailto:thalerd& 1998-07 [David_Chen] David Chen mailto:dchen& 1995-10 [David_Harrington] David Harrington mailto:dbh& 2000-07 [David_Perkins] David Perkins mailto:dperkins& [Denis_Pinkas] Denis Pinkas mailto:Denis.Pinkas& 1996-03 [Dean_Throop] Dean_Throop [Deirdre_Kostick] Deirdre Kostick [Dimitry_Haskin] Dimitry Haskin mailto:dhaskin& [Dinh_Nguyen] Dinh Nguyen mailto:dinhn& [Donna_McMaster] Donna McMaster mailto:mcmaster& [Du_Feng] Du Feng mailto:dufeng& 2010-07-21 [Ed_Alcoff] Ed Alcoff mailto:eda& [Eduardo_Cardona] Eduardo Cardona mailto:e.cardona@cablelabs 2005-09 [Edward_Beili] Edward Beili mailto:edward.beili& 2003-08 [Eric_Decker] Eric Decker mailto:cire& [Eugene_Nechamkin] Eugene Nechamkin mailto:enechamkin& 2001-09 [Ewart_Tempest] Ewart Tempest mailto:ewart& 2000-08 [Fred_Baker] Fred Baker mailto:fbaker& [Fred_Baker_2] Fred Baker mailto:fred& 1996-02 [Fred_L_Templin] Fred L. Templin mailto:fltemplin& 2021-02-18 [Gabriel_Montenegro] Gabriel Montenegro mailto:gabriel.montenegroµ 2007-09-13 [Gary_Hanson] Gary Hanson mailto:gary& 1997-01 [Gaurav_Aggarwal] Gaurav Aggarwal mailto:gaurav& 2002-06 [Glenn_Parsons] Glenn Parsons mailto:gparsons& 2008-07-22 [Gopinath_Durairaj] Gopinath Durairaj mailto:gopinath.durairaj& 1998-09 [Gordon_Jones] Gordon Jones mailto:gbjones& [Graham_Higgins] Graham Higgins mailto:GHiggins& 2001-11 [Greg_Hudson] Greg Hudson mailto:ghudson& 2019-03-07 [Greg_Nakanishi] Greg Nakanishi mailto:GNakanishi& 2001-11 [Greg_Satz] Greg Satz mailto:satz& [Gregory_Bathrick] Gregory Bathrick mailto:bathricg& 1998-10 [Guy_Fedorkow] Guy Fedorkow mailto:fedorkow& 1995-01 [Hans_Scholtes] Hans Scholtes mailto:H.C.Scholtes& 1998-05 [Hartmut_Wittig] Hartmut Wittig [Herb_Jensen] Herb Jensen mailto:HWJensen& 1996-03 [Hezi_Oved] Hezi Oved mailto:hezio& 2000-08 [Hing_Kam_Lam] Hing-Kam Lam mailto:hklam& 2002-10 [Hongchi_Shih] Hongchi Shih mailto:hshih& 1998-06 [Hyeri_Koh] Hyeri Koh mailto:hkoh& 2008-10-09 [Iain_Learmonth] Iain Learmonth mailto:irl& 2019-10-16 [IANA] Internet Assigned Numbers Authority mailto:iana& 1995-06 [IESG] Internet Engineering Steering Group 2011-02-08 [Italo_Busi] Italo Busi mailto:Italo.Busi& 2003-03 [Jakob_Ellerstedt] Jakob Ellerstedt mailto:jakob& 1998-06 [James_Card] James Card mailto:james.card& 1998-07 [Jamshid_Khun_Jush] Jamshid Khun-Jush mailto:Jamshid.Khun-Jush& 2000-08 [Janes_Solomon] Janes Solomon mailto:solomon& 1995-12 [Jay_Koehler] Jay Koehler mailto:jkoehler& 2001-11 [Jean_Michel_Pittet] Jean-Michel Pittet mailto:jmp& 1998-11 [Jeffery_T_Johnson] Jeffery T. Johnson mailto:jjohnson& 1995-05 [Jeffrey_Case] Jeffrey Case mailto:case& [Jeff_Hilgeman] Jeff Hilgeman [Jeyachitra_Alagar] Jeyachitra Alagar mailto:jalagar& 2004-06 [Jim_Greuel] Jim Greuel [Jim_Halpin] Jim Halpin mailto:jhalpin& [Jim_Vance] Jim Vance mailto:jim.vance& 2011-09-07 [Johannsen] Johannsen [Joe_Wei] Joe Wei mailto:jwei& [Joel_Gyllenskog] Joel Gyllenskog mailto:jgyllens& [John_Chu] John Chu mailto:jychu& [John_Cook] John Cook mailto:cook& [John_Messenger] John Messenger mailto:jmessenger& 2019-07-16 [John_Naylon] John Naylon mailto:jbpn& 2005-05 [John_Pechacek] John Pechacek mailto:jmp& 1997-07 [John_Renwick] John Renwick mailto:jkr& 1995-08 [John_Shriver] John Shriver mailto:jas& 1999-07 [Jon_Saperia] Jon Saperia mailto:saperia& [Jonathan_Trostle] Jonathan Trostle mailto:jtrostle& 2001-06 [Joseph_Dube] Joseph Dube mailto:jdube& 1999-06 [Joseph_Raja] Joseph Raja mailto:jraja& 2000-08 [Juergen_Schoenwaelde] Juergen Schoenwaelder mailto:j.schoenwaelder& 2011-07-22 [K_Ashoka] K. Ashoka mailto:kashoka& 2000-10 [Kamal_Dhaliwal] Kamal Dhaliwal mailto:kdhaliwal& [Karel_Meijfroidt] Karel Meijfroidt mailto:karel.meijfroidt& 2012-01-11 [Karmous_Edwards] Karmous Edwards [Keith_McCloghrie] Keith McCloghrie mailto:kzm& 1998-04 [Ken_Rehbehn] Ken Rehbehn mailto:krehbehn& 2000-10 [Ken_White] Ken White mailto:kennethw& 2000-08 [Kenji_Fujisawa] Kenji Fujisawa mailto:fujisawa& 1998-09 [Kevin_Baughman] Kevin Baughman mailto:klb& 2000-12 [Kevin_Lingle] Kevin Lingle mailto:klingle& 1997-06 [Koteswara_Boyapati] Koteswara Boyapati mailto:koteswara.boyapati& 2018-06-11 [Ladd_Wardani] Ladd Wardani mailto:lwardani& 2006-07-25 [Les_Bell] Les Bell mailto:Les_Bell& 1999-10 [Lizzie_Cheung] Lizzie Cheung mailto:lcheungb& 2006-06-14 [Louis_Steinberg] Louis Steinberg mailto:lou& [Luna_Petrova] Luna Petrova mailto:luna& 2001-03 [MIB_Brian_Haberman] MIB Brian Haberman mailto:haberman& 1999-04 [MIB_Steven_Blumenau] MIB Steven Blumenau mailto:sblumenau& 1999-05 [Maarten_Oelering] Maarten Oelering mailto:maarteno& 1999-03 [Manas_Pati] Manas Pati mailto:mpati& 2011-10-26 [Mark_Stewart] Mark Stewart mailto:markstewart& 2001-01 [Markus_Freudenberger] Markus Freudenberger mailto:markus.freudenberger& 2009-05-06 [Markus_Rentschler] Markus Rentschler mailto:Markus.Rentschler& 2014-09-24 [Marshall_Rose] Marshall Rose mailto:mrose& [Martin_Dubuc] Martin Dubuc 2001-10 [Masuma_Ahmed] Masuma Ahmed mailto:mxa& [Michael_Kornegay] Michael Kornegay mailto:mlk& 1995-12 [Michael_MacFaden] Michael MacFaden mailto:mrm& 2012-05-17 [Michael_Patrick] Michael Patrick mailto:michael.patrick& 2010-09-21 [Miguel_O_Alvarez] Miguel O Alvarez mailto:m.alvarez& 2014-07-03 [Mike_MacFaden] Mike MacFaden mailto:mrm& 1998-04 [Mike_Sneed] Mike Sneed mailto:Mike.Sneed& 2001-01 [Mike_St_Johns] Mike St. Johns mailto:stjohns& 1998-05 [Ned_Freed] Ned Freed [ODSI_Coalition_K_Arv] ODSI Coalition-K.Arvind mailto:arvind& 2000-09 [Orly_Nicklass] Orly Nicklass mailto:orly_n& 2007-03-08 [Pate_Prayson] Pate Prayson mailto:pate& 2000-03 [Patrick_Gili] Patrick Gili mailto:pgili& 1999-06 [Paul_Congdon] Paul Congdon mailto:paul.congdon& 2005-12-22 [Philip_Cameron] Philip Cameron mailto:pcameron& 1994-10 [Rajesh_M_L] Rajesh M.L. mailto:rajeshml& 2002-07 [Renwang_Liu] Renwang Liu mailto:renwang.liu& 2021-04-22 [Richard_Fox] Richard Fox mailto:rfox& [Rob_Austein] Rob Austein [Rob_Frye] Rob Frye mailto:Rob.Frye& 1998-09 [Robert_A_Woodburn] Robert A. Woodburn mailto:WOODY& [Robert_Moore] Robert Moore mailto:remoore& 1997-12 [Robert_Neill] Robert Neill mailto:robert_neill& [Robert_Purvey] Robert Purvey mailto:bpurvy& [Robert_Steinberger] Robert Steinberger mailto:Robert.Steinberger& 2000-12 [Rodney_Thayer] Rodney Thayer mailto:rodnety& 1998-10 [Ron_Bergman] Ron Bergman mailto:Ron.Bergman& 2001-06 [Ron_Carmona] Ron Carmona mailto:RCarmona& 1998-04 [Ross_Harvey] Ross Harvey mailto:ross& 1998-02 [Sandeep_Raghavendra] Sandeep Raghavendra Rao mailto:rsandeep& 2003-08 [Satish_Popat] Satish Popat mailto:satish& 1995-03 [Sean_Siler] Sean Siler mailto:sean.silerµ 2009-02-09 [Sebastien_Rosset] Sebastien Rosset mailto:sebastien.rosset& 1997-09 [Shu_Dong] Shu Dong mailto:sdong¶ 2002-07 [Sidney_Antommarchi] Sidney Antommarchi mailto:sid& 2000-12 [Sidney_Antommarchi_2] Sidney Antommarchi mailto:sidney.antommarchi& 2001-10 [Somen_Bhattacharya] Somen Bhattacharya mailto:somen& 2006-03-30 [Stephen_Palm] Stephen Palm mailto:palm& 2003-01 [Stephen_F_Bush] Stephen F Bush mailto:bushsf& 2020-01-10 [Steve_Bush] Steve Bush mailto:sbush& 1975-01 [Steve_Waldbusser] Steve Waldbusser mailto:sw01+& [Steven_Schwell] Steven Schwell mailto:steve& 1995-12 [Steven_Willis] Steven Willis mailto:swillis& [Subrahmanya_Hegde] Subrahmanya Hegde mailto:subrah& 2001-05 [Taher_Shaikh] Taher Shaikh mailto:moshaikh& 2002-01 [Teemu_Kurki] Teemu Kurki mailto:grus& [Thomas_D_Nadeau] Thomas D. Nadeau mailto:tnadeau& 2002-12 [Tim_Jenkins] Tim Jenkins mailto:tjenkins× 2000-02 [Tom_Chou] Tom Chou mailto:tchou& 2008-05-29 [Tracy_Brown] Tracy Brown mailto:tacox& [Tracy_Cox] Tracy Cox [Trevor_Warwick] Trevor Warwick mailto:twarwick& 1996-02 [Vinod_B_C] Vinod B.C. mailto:vinodbc& 2000-03 [Xiaohua_Ma] Xiaohua Ma 2008-08-12 [Yuzo_Watanabe] Yuzo Watanabe mailto:ywatanabe& 2001-12 [Zvika_Zilberman] Zvika Zilberman mailto:Zvika& 2000-09 Footnote [1] obsoleted Licensing Terms