(last updated 2023-06-23) Designated expert note: The 'at' URI scheme has been provisionally registered under the “first come first served” policy set out in RFC 7595. This means that the scheme has not been formally reviewed in the IETF, and is not recommended by the IETF for general use on the open Internet. There has been some discussion of this scheme on the IETF URI-review list [R1,R2], and there is a considerable degree of concern that the scheme name 'at' could be a cause of confusion, or conflict with other common uses of the term 'at'. For these reasons, it has been suggested that the name 'atproto' or 'atp' might be more suitable. This could turn out to be an impediment to a subsequent request for permanent registration of this scheme name. This note is intended to draw attention to potential problems that might arise if this scheme were to be used widely on the open Internet, and does not of itself constitute a position by the IETF or IANA on the considerations raised. [R1]https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/uri-review/x3LbUP7_DOlEFCH84QvZdRU74Js/ (refers to all messages in thread) [R2]https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/uri-review/uGgzryN-wG9PzrQU06bd4_zlW3s/ (refers to all messages in thread)