(registered 2018-02-23, last updated 2018-02-23) Scheme Name: spiffe Status: Provisional Applications/protocols that use this scheme name: A SPIFFE URI (or SPIFFE ID) is used as an identity handle, primarily for datacenter workloads. It is best described as a username for compute processes. Modeling this identity handle as a URI serves two benefits: it allows operators to encode human meaning in compute identity, and it helps distinguish the handle from locators and resources on which an action can be performed. This scheme is in active use by the Istio and SPIRE open source software projects, and is defined as a specification under the SPIFFE specification set. Security Considerations: SPIFFE IDs themselves pose no security threat. They act purely as an identifier, and no direct action can be taken on them. As a result, the current specification does not include a Security Considerations section as it relates to a SPIFFE ID, though one may be added if deemed necessary. Contact: Evan Gilman, evan&scytale.io Change Controller: Scytale, Inc. References: Istio: https://github.com/istio/istio/tree/master/security SPIRE: https://github.com/spiffe/spire SPIFFE URI Specification: https://github.com/spiffe/spiffe/blob/master/standards/SPIFFE-ID.md#2-spiffe-identity