Namespace ID: urn-1 Registration Information: Registration version number: 1 Registration date: TBD Declared registrant of the namespace: Required: Michael Mealling Declaration of syntactic structure: The namespace is a flat space of digits (0-9), lowercase letters (a-z) and a hyphen (-) character that may occur in any order. There is no structure to the namespace and any attempt to infer one is in error. Relevant ancillary documentation: None Identifier uniqueness considerations: The namespace owner will maintain a list of all assigned names will consult this list during the assignment process of any new names. The namespace structure does allow the use of a timestamp which is a uniqueness method that may be used in the future. Identifier persistence considerations: The namespace owner will endeavor to ensure a quality of service that provides that the namespace is usable for the lifetime of the namespace owner. In the case of the namespace owners death or any change in the owners ability to ensure this level of service, the list of assigned names will be made publicly available so that archive services may continue to provide some level of service. Process of identifier assignment: The assignment process is a completely closed process. Process for identifier resolution: The names assigned in this space will be resolvable via the URI Resolution via DDDS system or any new systems for URN resolution that may appear in the future. Rules for Lexical Equivalence: The rules for lexical equivalence are that two names are lexically equivalent if they match character for character in a case sensitive manner with every character being significant. Conformance with URN Syntax: Since this is a novel namespace, there are no URN syntax conformance issues associated with this space. Validation mechanism: Beyond the specified resolution mechanism there is no specific validation mechanism. Scope: The scope of the names in this namespace is global. The names in the namespace will be globally resolvable. Access to the resource named may not be but the resolution of the name to some authentication mechanism is at least globally available. While the assignment process is closed, the use of the names and their resources are specifically meant to be open and globally available. The reason the namespace owner is registering a public URN namespace is to ensure the long term use of the public resources that are maintained by the namespace owner for the Internet at large. (02/23/01) []