Root KSK Ceremony 23

This ceremony has been completed.

Location Root Zone Key Management Facility East
Culpeper, Virginia, USA
Ceremony Start 2015-11-12 18:00:00 UTC
Thursday 12 November 2015, 1 p.m. (local time at facility)
Objectives Sign the ZSK for 2016Q1


This timeline is a rough guide only. We endeavour to adhere to the advertised start time, but the length of ceremonies varies. Note that the following day is held as a backup date in case the ceremony can not be conducted as scheduled.

Time (UTC) Time (Ceremony) Agenda
17:15 12:15 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. Check-in
18:00 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Ceremony
22:15 5:15 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Post-Ceremony Discussion with attendees

Ceremony Materials

File Description
KC-20110927-r600.iso (563.0 MB) Signing Computer Operating System Image
KC23_Annotated_Script.pdf (8.6 MB) Annotated Script from Key Signing Ceremony
KC23_Script.pdf (1.2 MB) Proposed Key Signing Key Ceremony Script
KC23_files.sha256 (769 bytes)
KSK23_CAM01.mp4 (487.8 MB) Audit Camera #1 Footage
KSK23_CAM02.mp4 (487.4 MB) Audit Camera #2 Footage
KSK23_CAM03.mp4 (486.8 MB) Audit Camera #3 Footage
ksrsigner-20151112-193232.log (5.4 KB) Key Signing Log
script-20151112.log (7.1 KB) Signing Computer Audit Log
ttyaudit-ttyUSB0-20151112-191111.log (11.9 KB) HSM Audit Log