Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Well-Known URIs

Last Updated
Available Formats



Plain text

Registry included below

Well-Known URIs

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Mark Nottingham
New link relations, along with changes to existing relations, can be requested 
using the [registry interface] or the mailing list defined in [RFC8615].
Available Formats

URI Suffix Change Controller Reference Status Related Information Date Registered Date Modified
acme-challenge IETF [RFC8555, Section 8.3] permanent 2016-08-18
amphtml AMP Project (OpenJS Foundation) [] provisional 2020-07-06
appspecific [Bruce_Leban] [] provisional 2021-06-01
ashrae [ASHRAE] [] permanent 2016-01-22
assetlinks.json [Google_Inc.] [] permanent [] 2015-09-28
brski IETF [RFC8995] permanent BRSKI has a registry at [] 2020-10-09
caldav IETF [RFC6764] permanent see also [RFC4791]
carddav IETF [RFC6764] permanent see also [RFC6352]
change-password W3C [] provisional 2023-03-13
cmp IETF [RFC9480][RFC9482] permanent CMP has a registry at [] 2021-05-20 2023-05-31
coap IETF [RFC8323] permanent 2017-12-22
core IETF [RFC6690] permanent
csaf [OASIS_Open] [Common Security Advisory Framework Version 2.0, OASIS Standard] provisional 2023-02-10
csaf-aggregator [OASIS_Open] [Common Security Advisory Framework Version 2.0, OASIS Standard] provisional 2023-02-10
csvm W3C [] permanent 2015-09-28
did.json [Credentials_Community_Group] [] provisional 2023-01-31
did-configuration.json [Claims_and_Credentials_WG] [] provisional 2023-01-31
dnt [W3C_Tracking_Protection_WG] [] permanent 2015-08-19
dnt-policy.txt Electronic Frontier Foundation [] permanent 2015-08-19
dots IETF [RFC9132] permanent 2020-01-16 2021-06-11
ecips [Wei_Tang] [] provisional 2019-04-10
edhoc IETF [RFC9528] permanent 2023-08-29
enterprise-network-security [ETSI_TC_CYBER] [ETSI TS 103 523-5 clause] permanent 2022-02-07
enterprise-transport-security [ETSI_TC_CYBER] [ETSI TS 103 523-3 clause] permanent 2019-05-14
est IETF [RFC7030][RFC9148] permanent 2013-08-16 2020-04-29
genid W3C [RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax] permanent 2012-11-15
gpc.json [Global_Privacy_Control_project] [] provisional 2022-01-28
gs1resolver [GS1] [GS1 Digital Link, Section 7.11] permanent 2020-05-18
hoba IETF [RFC7486, Section 6] permanent 2015-01-20
host-meta IETF [RFC6415] permanent The "host-meta" documents obtained from the same host using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols (using default ports) MUST be identical.
host-meta.json IETF [RFC6415] permanent The "host-meta.json" documents obtained from the same host using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols (using default ports) MUST be identical.
hosting-provider [Automattic_Inc.] [] provisional 2020-07-21
http-opportunistic IETF [RFC8164, Section 2.3][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] obsoleted 2017-03-20 2021-12-28
idp-proxy IETF [RFC8827] permanent 2019-07-25
jmap IETF [RFC8620, Section 2.2] permanent 2019-03-28
keybase.txt [The_Keybase_Project] [] permanent Related information: Documentation for the Keybase [command line] and [API]. 2014-04-08
knx [KNX_Association] [] provisional 2023-08-15
looking-glass [M._Stubbig] [RFC8522, Section 2] permanent 2018-12-07
masque IETF [RFC9298][RFC9484] permanent For sub-suffix allocations, see the registry at []. 2022-06-23 2023-05-16
matrix [The_Matrix.org_Foundation_C.I.C.] [][] permanent 2019-04-16 2023-06-20
mercure [] [] provisional 2023-03-20
mta-sts.txt IETF [RFC8461] permanent 2018-06-21
mud obsoleted 2016-11-23 2021-12-28
nfv-oauth-server-configuration [ETSI] [ETSI GS NFV-SEC 022 V2.7.1] permanent 2019-06-26 2020-01-22
ni IETF [RFC6920] permanent
nostr.json [Nostr_Developer_Community] [] provisional 2024-03-18
oauth-authorization-server IESG [RFC8414, Section 3] permanent 2018-03-27
ohttp-gateway IETF [RFC9540] permanent 2023-10-25
openid-federation [OpenID_Foundation_Artifact_Binding_Working_Group] [Section 9 of OpenID Federation 1.0] provisional 2024-07-26
open-resource-discovery [SAP_SE] [] provisional 2023-11-27
openid-configuration [OpenID_Foundation_Artifact_Binding_Working_Group] [] permanent 2013-08-27
openorg [] [] permanent 2015-05-29
oslc [OASIS] [] permanent 2020-12-29
pki-validation [CA_Browser_Forum] [Section of version 1.3.8 of the CA/Browser Forum’s Baseline Requirements Certificate Policy for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates (“Baseline Requirements”)] permanent See also [] 2017-02-06
posh IETF [RFC7711] permanent The suffix "posh" is expected to be followed by an additional path component consisting of a service name (say, "spice") and a file extension of ".json", resulting in a full path of, for instance, "/.well-known/posh/spice.json". Registration of service names shall be requested by developers of the relevant application protocols. 2015-09-20
private-token-issuer-directory IETF [RFC9578] permanent 2023-10-09
probing.txt IETF [RFC9511] permanent 2023-09-01
pvd IETF [RFC8801] permanent 2020-02-18
rd IETF [RFC9176] permanent 2021-05-04
related-website-set.json [Google_Inc.] [] provisional 2023-12-01
reload-config IETF [RFC6940] permanent
repute-template IETF [RFC7072] permanent 2013-09-30
resourcesync [NISO] [] permanent 2017-05-26
sbom IETF [RFC9472] permanent See ISO/IEC 5962:2021 and 2023-05-12
security.txt IETF [RFC9116] permanent 2021-07-13
ssf-configuration [OpenID_Shared_Signals_Working_Group] [] provisional 2024-04-18
sshfp [Cynthia_Revström] [] provisional 2020-07-21
stun-key IETF [RFC7635] permanent 2015-06-12
terraform.json [HashiCorp_Terraform_Team] [] provisional 2024-07-01
thread [Thread_Group_Inc.] [] permanent 2018-11-29
time [Poul-Henning_Kamp] [] permanent 2015-12-09
timezone IESG [RFC7808] permanent 2015-08-03
tdmrep.json W3C [] provisional 2024-02-15
tor-relay [Tor_Project_Development_Mailing_List] [The "tor-relay" Well-Known Resource Identifier] provisional 2020-10-06
tpcd [Google_LLC] [The "tpcd/grace-period.json" Well-Known Resource Identifier] provisional [] 2024-05-08
traffic-advice [Jeremy_Roman] [] provisional 2022-03-29
trust.txt [] provisional 2022-02-04
uma2-configuration [Kantara_UMA_WG] [UMA 2.0 Grant for OAuth 2.0, Section 2] permanent 2017-06-20
void W3C [] permanent 2011-05-11
webfinger IETF [RFC7033] permanent The query to the WebFinger resource will include one or more parameters in the query string; see Section 4.1 of [RFC7033]. Resources at this location are able to return a JSON Resource Descriptor (JRD) as described in Section 4.4 of [RFC7033]. 2013-03-15 2013-09-06
webweaver.json [DigiOnline_GmbH] [] provisional 2022-08-11
wot [W3C_WoT_WG] [] permanent 2023-01-24

Contact Information

ID Name Contact URI Last Updated
[ASHRAE] American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2016-01-22
[Automattic_Inc.] Automattic Inc. 2020-07-21
[Bruce_Leban] Bruce Leban mailto:bruce& 2021-06-01
[CA_Browser_Forum] CA/Browser Forum mailto:questions&
[] Christopher Gutteridge mailto:cjg& 2015-05-29
[Claims_and_Credentials_WG] Claims and Credentials WG mailto:cc-wg& 2023-01-31
[Credentials_Community_Group] Credentials Community Group mailto:public-credentials& 2023-01-31
[Cynthia_Revström] Cynthia Revström mailto:d6035904-6d06-4ef2-861b-81090738b440& 2020-07-21
[DigiOnline_GmbH] DigiOnline GmbH 2022-08-11
[ETSI] ETSI mailto:pnns& 2019-06-26
[ETSI_TC_CYBER] ETSI (TC CYBER) mailto:cybersupport& 2022-02-07
[Global_Privacy_Control_project] Global Privacy Control project 2022-01-28
[Google_Inc.] Google Inc. mailto:well-known-statements& 2015-09-28
[Google_LLC] Google LLC mailto:tpcd-mitigations-team& 2024-05-08
[GS1] GS1 mailto:phil.archer& 2020-05-18
[HashiCorp_Terraform_Team] HashiCorp Terraform Team 2024-07-01
[Jeremy_Roman] Jeremy Roman mailto:jbroman& 2022-03-29
[Kantara_UMA_WG] Kantara Initiative User-Managed Access Work Group mailto:staff& 2017-06-29
[KNX_Association] KNX Association mailto:joost.demarest& 2023-08-15
[] 2023-03-20
[M._Stubbig] Markus Stubbig mailto:stubbig.ietf& 2018-12-07
[NISO] National Information Standardization Organization (NISO) mailto:nisohq& 2017-05-26
[Nostr_Developer_Community] Nostr Developer Community 2024-03-18
[OASIS] OASIS 2020-12-29
[OASIS_Open] OASIS Open mailto:project-admin& 2023-02-10
[OpenID_Foundation_Artifact_Binding_Working_Group] OpenID Foundation Artifact Binding Working Group mailto:openid-specs-ab& 2013-08-27
[OpenID_Shared_Signals_Working_Group] OpenID Foundation Shared Signals Working Group mailto:openid-specs-risc& 2024-04-18
[Poul-Henning_Kamp] Poul-Henning Kamp mailto:phk& 2019-05-24
[SAP_SE] SAP SE mailto:ospo& 2023-11-27
[The_Keybase_Project] The Keybase Project 2014-04-08
[The_Matrix.org_Foundation_C.I.C.] The Foundation C.I.C. 2019-04-16
[Thread_Group_Inc.] Thread Group, Inc. mailto:help& 2018-11-29
[Tor_Project_Development_Mailing_List] Tor Project Development Mailing List mailto:tor-dev& 2020-10-20
[W3C_Tracking_Protection_WG] W3C Tracking Protection WG 2015-08-19
[W3C_WoT_WG] W3C WoT WG mailto:team-wot& 2023-01-24
[Wei_Tang] Wei Tang mailto:hi& 2019-04-10