The IANA WHOIS Service is provided using the WHOIS protocol on port 43. This web gateway will query this server and return the results. Accepted query arguments are domain names, IP addresses and AS numbers. By submitting any personal data, you acknowledge and agree that the personal data submitted will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, and you agree to abide by the website Terms of Service.


% IANA WHOIS server
% for more information on IANA, visit http://www.iana.org
% This query returned 1 object

domain:       RWE

organisation: RWE AG
address:      Opernplatz 1
address:      Essen 45128
address:      Germany

contact:      administrative
name:         Head of Group Brand Communications
organisation: RWE AG
address:      Opernplatz 1
address:      Essen 45128
address:      Germany
phone:        +49 201 12 15372
fax-no:       +49 201 12 15143
e-mail:       ngtld-rwe@cscinfo.com

contact:      technical
name:         Registry Customer Service
organisation: Verisign, inc.
address:      12061 Bluemont Way
address:      Reston VA 20190
address:      United States of America (the)
phone:        +1-703-925-6999
fax-no:       +1-703-948-3978
e-mail:       info@verisign-grs.com

nserver:      AC1.NSTLD.COM 2001:500:120:0:0:0:0:30
nserver:      AC2.NSTLD.COM 2001:500:121:0:0:0:0:30
nserver:      AC3.NSTLD.COM 2001:500:122:0:0:0:0:30
nserver:      AC4.NSTLD.COM 2001:500:123:0:0:0:0:30
ds-rdata:     3075 8 2 542f19df30f2c69f686e697cfbafd7da2afa039cb9d6620169895888188ac174

whois:        whois.nic.rwe

status:       ACTIVE
remarks:      Registration information: 

created:      2015-10-01
changed:      2020-10-01
source:       IANA